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Mineral absorption / absorption issues

How come I am unable to absorb nutrients ? I am so depleted in a lot of things especially magnesium and I don’t seem to absorb any from supplements even I take over 3g a day in magnesium citrate. Also my zinc and copper are very low . I have severe fatigue and can hardly move .

Do you think I have a severely damaged gut Due to antibiotic use ? Like a candida or bacterial overgrowth in small intestine causing this severe malabsorption?

I don’t want to die like this. I’m in a lot of pain and need answers. How do I increase intestinal absorption of minerals and vitamins ?

I’ve elimated gluten dairy sugar and starch and taking probiotics and switch to low carb diet but still not absorbing.
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Senior Member
Hello @Snowx997 I'm not sure I can answer your question but I wanted to ask if you've tried magnesium baths? I use foot baths more or less daily and it works better than oral supplements for me


Senior Member
Most of the nutrients are picked up in the gastro tract, so if that is damaged, then malabsorption could certainly occur. https://medlineplus.gov/malabsorptionsyndromes.html

There are a few other issues:
1/ The type of minerals, for instance, magnesium can be attached to a number of other things such as glycine which would be magnesium glycinate, or taurine which is magnesium taurinate. These different configurations can make a difference. I found that mag glycinate/lysinate is a very good formulation for me. Typically, you find very poorly absorbed minerals in less expensive supplements.

2/ Toxins can also interfere with getting nutrients into the cell. I know from magnesium research that toxins can interfere with getting the nutrients into the cell.

3/ Vitamin co-factors are necessary for mineral (and protein) absorption and utilization. For instance, Vitamin B6 is critical for protein assimilation and perhaps mineral utilization. Keep in mind that minerals, vitamins, proteins (amino acids) and fats have a dependency relationship.

I would imagine that SIBO can be a likely candidate and since the small intestine is where both absorption and bacterial overgrowth occur, then this certainly would fit together. I think there are some easy tests for SIBO.
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Senior Member
.. even I take over 3g a day in magnesium citrate.

Though not sure you made that mistake, 3 g of magnesium citrate contain only 16% elemental magnesium (if I remember right). That would only be 480 mg/d of elemental magnesium! In my case even 2.4 g/d of elemental magnesium eleviated very pain-ful muscle-cramps only somewhat, but only additional Mg-sulfate IVs ceased them totally.

. Typically, you find very poorly absorbed minerals in less expensive supplements.

Though I agree that certain types are better tolerated by individuals. In my case experimented with all types of the better absorbable forms for many years without improvement. Only the total 'elemental' amount of the different forms did alleviate cramps. Where the cheapest Mg-oxid would be even the most economical due to its high elemental Mg-content.


Senior Member
If you have SIBO, then I would reconsidered taking probiotics which will increase SIBO. Some thoughts on SIBO include a lack of digestive enzymes, I don't remember if it is the pepsin/HCl or the pancreatic enzymes.


Senior Member
How come I am unable to absorb nutrients ? I am so depleted in a lot of things especially magnesium and I don’t seem to absorb any from supplements even I take over 3g a day in magnesium citrate. Also my zinc and copper are very low . I have severe fatigue and can hardly move .

Do you think I have a severely damaged gut Due to antibiotic use ? Like a candida or bacterial overgrowth in small intestine causing this severe malabsorption?

I don’t want to die like this. I’m in a lot of pain and need answers. How do I increase intestinal absorption of minerals and vitamins ?

I’ve elimated gluten dairy sugar and starch and taking probiotics and switch to low carb diet but still not absorbing.

Hi Snowx997.

A while back you had checked out my thread on malabsorption. Did you end up testing for SIBO, Candida, EPI or any other malabsorption issues? Have you performed an OAT or urine metabolite type test? Comprehensive stool test? Eliminating possible insults is just step one, albeit a very good one, but will not be enough. Are you taking enzymes with your meals to try out whether that helps absorbing more?

Have you tried IV drips with vitamins and minerals that a functional or integrative medicine doctor can provide? This bypasses the gastrointestinal system and can give a nice boost. For many weeks this is what I had to do whilst resolving EPI, SIBO, Candida and food quality.