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microsilica--powerful chelator


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi everyone,

I just started taking microsilica (Klinghardt is having good success with it) to chelate mercury and other heavy metals.

So far I am impressed, though I find I need to take lower than the usual recommended dose and to take a few binders as well to carry the stuff out. I noticed the effect after the first dose--the symptoms of releasing heavy metals--headache, weird digestion, body ache etc.--then the next day (after using binders to mop things up) I felt better and more clear headed than I had for a long time.

Now I am lowering the dose to minimize the detox symptoms, but I am encouraged. This product has only been available a short time and I am wondering if anyone else is taking it and if so, what their experience has been.


Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast

Hi everyone,

I just started taking microsilica (Klinghardt is having good success with it) to chelate mercury and other heavy metals.

So far I am impressed, though I find I need to take lower than the usual recommended dose and to take a few binders as well to carry the stuff out. I noticed the effect after the first dose--the symptoms of releasing heavy metals--headache, weird digestion, body ache etc.--then the next day (after using binders to mop things up) I felt better and more clear headed than I had for a long time.

Now I am lowering the dose to minimize the detox symptoms, but I am encouraged. This product has only been available a short time and I am wondering if anyone else is taking it and if so, what their experience has been.


Very exciting, Sushi, thanks for posting. Can you tell us what binders you are using?




Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Very exciting, Sushi, thanks for posting. Can you tell us what binders you are using?



Hi Maxine,

So far I am using Chlorella (well before taking the microsilica), charcoal, and psyllium. I may add more later.



work in progress
N. California
Hi Sushi--

I'd been waiting for someone to try this.

I'm glad it's helping, w/o much disruption, it seems. Keep us posted on further results.

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast

Hi Maxine,

So far I am using Chlorella (well before taking the microsilica), charcoal, and psyllium. I may add more later.


Hi Sushi,

Thanks for the info. Please keep us updated as to how you are doing. I am also interested if there is anyone else out there trying this?

Take care,



Senior Member
I'm also interested to know how this goes for you; do you already have a post on what you're chelating to get rid of?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi Sunday,

I am working at chelating mercury. The microsilica went well for about a month, but when I saw my doctor yesterday, he found that the "detox pathway" for microsilica was no longer open (he finds it is necessary to rotate chelators, as they work for a while, then no longer do). He tested me with all the other known ones, and is switching me to a low dose of DMSA plus chlorella twice a week for the next few weeks. This tested very well. He will also do a laser detox for mercury today to help move it out faster. The laser treatment also needs to be timed according to the body's response, or it doesn't work well. I had one a month ago and it helped enormously. But getting rid of mercury is a bear and takes patience.

I updated more on this at: http://forums.aboutmecfs.org/showth...ury-and-other-Heavy-Metal-Chelation#post34834

You might want to have a look there. A very interesting relationship between XMRV, Lyme, and heavy metal toxicity is emerging for me. I didn't start to excrete mercury until after the first round of treatment for XMRV.

Looks like we are wokring on the same things sushi. I'm doing the fredd methylation protocol and trying to detox metals while using some laurcidin for XMRV, also trying a bit of saccramyces soon for dealing with the Hydorsulfide that can cause nerve pain.

Anyways... A lady I met yesterday who owns the local water store, claimed she was "left for dead" in 1998. She mentioned her husband is a "DAN" pediatirican. She mentioned microsilica, and something about how "horsetail" may be used as a source of microsilica. Looks like another thing to put on my next vitamin order....



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
She mentioned microsilica, and something about how "horsetail" may be used as a source of microsilica. Looks like another thing to put on my next vitamin order....


The microsilica I am using is from BioPure--this is the product Klinghardt uses, and it may be a better choice for knowing what you are getting and how much of it you are getting. My doc passes on his discount to me as it is a bit pricey and he likes to lower our financial burden as much as he can.



Sushi..a few questions if you don't mind. And isn't sushi high in mercury? :worried:

Did your MicroSilica come in a glass or plastic vial..black cap on it...and if so, how full was it?

I can't seem to find much information other than what's on the sites that sell the product. Have there been any studies or anything? Klinghardt must have done some before/after tests himself?

Any opinion on these "micro plant powder"/silica products? The information on each is about the same..must be the same source:


I thought maybe they'd be ok later on down the road, if MicroSilica is used first. Or if one just can't afford the MicroSilica.



Ok..read the other thread you linked to here. I guess most of question #2 has been answered over there.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Sushi..a few questions if you don't mind. And isn't sushi high in mercury? :worried:

Did your MicroSilica come in a glass or plastic vial..black cap on it...and if so, how full was it?


Hey O.N. My Sushi name has nothing to do with raw fish--it is even stranger!:D

I haven't seen independent research on microsilica. But Klinghardt and other doctors have found it very effective. I took it simply because, through direct resonance testing, my doctor thought it would work for me and it did--but it was very potent and I took a much lower dose than most. My doctor passed on his professional discount, so the cost was less.

But it only worked well for me for about a month and then I needed to switch to another chelator--a combo of chlorella and DMSA. This is working well for me know and my doctor will test me again next week. His experience is that it is usually necessary to rotate chelators to get a continuous good effect. So I will probably go back to microsilica later.

And, the microsilica I have came in a glass bottle with a black plastic cap. I think it was about 2/3rds full when it came.

I don't know about other forms of silica--sorry can't help you there.



Senior Member
Sushi, Could I ask if you still have any amalgam fillings? I am very interested in what you are doing ,but Klinghardt says Mercury chealators must not be used by people with silver fillings. That's why I have not tried Mercury detox yet.


Thanks for the response, Sushi. Do I dare ask what your name is all about then? Or would it require a major detox(even shower) after reading it...

That sounds about like how mine came..I just wanted to make sure I wasn't getting ripped off or something.

On the other silica products..it'd be cool if some of these docs could do a comparison somehow.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Thanks for the response, Sushi. Do I dare ask what your name is all about then? Or would it require a major detox(even shower) after reading it...

On the other silica products..it'd be cool if some of these docs could do a comparison somehow.

The name, well, this forum is "googled," so I'll keep that secret--but it is absolutely not toxic!;)

Yes, it would be cool if some comparison studies could be done. Someday...meanwhile I'm a willing guinea pig. :ashamed:

And Sara, no I got rid of all my amalgams years ago, but of course there was already mercury in me. But hopefully that is changing. My doc says mercury detox is a lifelong project since the environment is so polluted with the stuff.



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Mercury Release from Addressing Infections

A very interesting relationship between XMRV, Lyme, and heavy metal toxicity is emerging for me. I didn't start to excrete mercury until after the first round of treatment for XMRV.

Hi Sushi, Hi All,

Thanks Sushi for reporting on your experiences. I've been quite preoccupied with some family matters and have missed way too many good threads (including this one) these past few weeks.

Regarding your above comment, I thought you might be interested in this link (in case you've not already read the article):

Dissolve Biofilms With Fibrinolytic Enzymes

This article describes how bugs create biofilms to protect themselves and their colonies inside the body and what happens when these biofilms are broken down. One short part of the article:

Focus: Why were the kids dumping toxic metals when you began to degrade the biofilms?

Cohen: Well, think about it. These are all positively charged cations, thats why EDTA is able to chelate them well. Mercury, and copper, and other heavy metals are also positively charged. Why would the bug preferentially insert calcium or magnesium? It could use any positively charged metal.

This has been the most fascinating part of my year-long work on biofilms. As we degraded this biofilm matrix and liberated these bugs, not only did the organic acid levels get higherone child bounced into the 400sbut the kids started to dump metals into the bowel. I felt like Id exposed these little terrorists in a cell.

I'm going to go back over this thread and your other recent one entitled, "KPU & Mercury and other Heavy Metal Chelation" and try to join the conversation here a bit (hopefully in an intelligent manner). :worried::Retro smile:



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Regarding your above comment, I thought you might be interested in this link (in case you've not already read the article):

Dissolve Biofilms With Fibrinolytic Enzymes

This article describes how bugs create biofilms to protect themselves and their colonies inside the body and what happens when these biofilms are broken down. One short part of the article:

This has been the most fascinating part of my year-long work on biofilms. As we degraded this biofilm matrix and liberated these bugs, not only did the organic acid levels get higherone child bounced into the 400sbut the kids started to dump metals into the bowel. I felt like Id exposed these little terrorists in a cell.

I'm going to go back over this thread and your other recent one entitled, "KPU & Mercury and other Heavy Metal Chelation" and try to join the conversation here a bit (hopefully in an intelligent manner). :worried::Retro smile:


Hi Wayne,

Thanks for the link! This all does seem to tie-in together. I have been using Nattokinase for years and before that was on a 6 month course of low-dose heparin injections because I had hypercoag and high fibrin/fibrinogen in the Hemex test. This therapy has definitely helped me.

This does fit in with the HPU protocol too. If you get a chance, read the article on this which I attached somewhere near the beginning of the KPU/HPU thread. I am also taking fairly high doses of other enzymes. Interestingly, there was a period in my life when I had repeated strep infections. I have tried treating that homeopathically and so far, they haven't recurred. I also had about 20 EDTA IV's years ago, and they did help though they were hard to get through. If I take EDTA again, I'll take it in a milder form.

I see my doctor again next week and hopefully it will be time for another LED for mercury--they have helped me a great deal, but the body has to be ready to release mercury before he will do a LED for it.

I'll keep you posted. I am doing the HPU protocol now.

Best wishes,


Sushi, Could I ask if you still have any amalgam fillings? I am very interested in what you are doing ,but Klinghardt says Mercury chealators must not be used by people with silver fillings. That's why I have not tried Mercury detox yet.

I've read others say they've done mercury chelating with their fillings intact. I'd be curious to know why Klinghardt says that(I'll look for the answer in the meantime). For those who can't afford to have the fillings removed and replaced(or other reasons)..I would think you'd still want to encourage the removal of mercury from the rest of the body. I can see recommending that you do have them removed though.

And to Sushi(I won't ask about the name anymore lol..) and anyone else who may try the other "micro" product..especially if you're being monitored/tested..I'd love to know how it goes. Guess I'll have to keep reading here :cool:

And maybe this has been covered somewhere here..but is anyone using a sauna..dry sauna- to help with detox'n? Edit..I see some posts on that..so nevermind.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I've read others say they've done mercury chelating with their fillings intact. I'd be curious to know why Klinghardt says that(I'll look for the answer in the meantime). For those who can't afford to have the fillings removed and replaced(or other reasons)..I would think you'd still want to encourage the removal of mercury from the rest of the body. I can see recommending that you do have them removed though.

And maybe this has been covered somewhere here..but is anyone using a sauna..dry sauna- to help with detox'n? Edit..I see some posts on that..so nevermind.


Hi O.N.

The reason that I have heard for not doing heavy-duty mercury chelating while you have amalgam fillings is because it will pull mercury from your fillings and your teeth are very close to the brain. I don't know if this is scientifically correct, but I have read this.

And I just posted on a Rife thread that I used my far infrared sauna after one minute of mercury detox with a Rife machine. :eek: One minute was enough for me to feel the effects and using my FIR helped clean up the terrain. I use mine every other day and it helps me a great deal with detox.



Well I hope there is some evidence for that if it's being said(not talking about the posters here) What a way to deter people from getting mercury out of their system if there's no evidence for it.

Maybe it's not as easy as I think..but you'd think they'd be able to tell by measuring the amounts prior to chelating/detox'n and then after.. if there's no change or one can't seem to get below a certain level.. then one could assume the mercury is being pulled from your fillings.

On MicroSilica again...is there a best time to take it? I was thinking right before bed.

Thanks :cool: