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Methylfolate arriving today... what should I be careful about?


Finally thought I should try Methylfolate after a long while.

What should I be aware of? Do I need to supplement potassium also?

I read @Freddd 's post and I think that's what he was saying. Will a load of bananas do?.

Any other gotchas with methylfolate? Safe to take alongside opiates?


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Texas Hill Country
Finally thought I should try Methylfolate after a long while.

What should I be aware of? Do I need to supplement potassium also?

I read @Freddd 's post and I think that's what he was saying. Will a load of bananas do?.

Any other gotchas with methylfolate? Safe to take alongside opiates?

Are you going to be taking B12 as well? In general you should always take B12 with folate, because folate alone can mask a B12 deficiency. It can hide B12 deficiency symptoms, allowing damage from B12 deficiency to occur with no warning.

I think it's very possible you may need to supplement potassium, though I can't say for sure. But you should educate yourself about low potassium symptoms - they can be quite severe and occasionally life-threatening. For me, low potassium induced by methylfolate caused severe fatigue. Other times I've gotten muscle spasms. It can cause arrhythmias and other cardiac symptoms, also muscle spasms. Read up on it.

I think in general low potassium symptoms hit within about 3 days after starting methylfolate so be on the lookout for anything unusual. That's when my severe fatigue hit.

As to how much potassium you may need, we're all different. Bananas may do it for you, they didn't for me. For one, I couldn't tolerate all the calories and sugar from bananas. Someone else on the board tried taking lots of bananas but still needed more potassium, and had to add in a supplement.

The methylfolate can cause your cells to start dividing more rapidly - it can cause your body to need more potassium, and that need can be quite a bit, and hit rather suddenly. It's also related to how much methylfolate you're taking.

For me, when the fatigue hit, I titrated up gradually, to 1000 mg of potassium over 2 or 3 days, in divided doses, and currently still need (some 6 years later) about 800 mg extra potassium a day (in divided doses), it's just part of my regimen now. I found potassium gluconate to work well and I tolerate it well. Some people take more, some less.

The really important thing is don't take a huge amount all at once - you could do 200 mg every couple of hours and just see how you react. The daily RDA for potassium is 4500 mg, so taking 1000 mg is roughly 25% of the daily requirement. I also found that low-sodium V8 is very high in potassium (and low in calories and sugar!) and drink it daily.

I don't know about taking methylfolate with opiates - I'm guessing it would be okay but don't know for sure.


Senior Member
I didn't have any issues jumping to a high 15mg dose of Deplin but a lot of people are sensitive so I suggest going slow to find your sweet spot. MTHFR sites have a lot of info on dealing with reactions if you feel sick. I believe a small dose of flush Niacin can help with reactions but don't quote me.


Wow, thanks for all the info @Mary

I think I'll just take methylfolate for 2 days and see if I get any reactions, good or bad. If it's good, I'll stop taking it whilst I accumulate knowledge and other supps to support i before resuming.

Thanks @Horizon ... what is Deplin?


Senior Member
Hi Skippa,

Deplin is the prescription name for metafolin, which is a particular crystaline form of L-5 methylfolate calcium. It comes in 7.5 an 15 mg tablets by prescription only. However, other OTC brands also use metafolin, such as Solgar.


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
I was sensititve to methylfolate. I start with 100mcg and increased by 100mcg every week or two. Now I take 1mg per day and that's enough. More and I risk terrible overstimulation.

I do not recommend taking chemical potassium or following "Freddd's protocol." I had terrible reactions from high potassium. I mean it was awful / almost "go to the emergency room" type feeling. i consider Freddd's protocol dangerous.

That being said its possible to get low potassium. If you feel a genuine craving, you can just eat some potato chips or drink a normal serving of coconut water.
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Senior Member
I second @Sherpa's post.
50-100mcg is a good starting point. If you're sensitive as some people is around here (myself included) the risks of overdoing it are not funny, at all. Methylfolate can cause lots of agitation.

Take your time with it.

Also accompanying folate with some B12 is best practice, imho. They depend on each other.

good luck


Just took ~225mcg of methylfolate (6s-5) and 1000mcg methylcobalamin.

Is it usual to feel *something* within hours? (I mean is it a supplement you need to build up over days and weeks to get any effect, or can you usually tell if it's going to work (or not work) fairly soon?)


Senior Member
It sounds a bit like taking LSD -
"Is it working yet?"
"Give it time, it takes a while to come up"
"Man I think these supplements are duds! Revolutionary treatment my arse"
"I told you we shouldn't have bought them off that dodgy bloke hanging around outside the chemist..."


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
I could feel it within a couple of hours. I was folate deficient so my body responded, and I was also extremely sensitive. It felt like taking a psychoactive drug - it made colors brighter and objects look shivery. I have heard of others taking 1000 - 2000 mcg and not feeling anything


I feel a bit jittery and tingly muscles... what I dont know is if this is good or bad?

Feels a bit uncomfortable... and a bit nausious (i suddenly cant spell nausieus)


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
@Skippa sounds like a typical reaction to methylation supplements.

It takes the body some time to get used to them or find the right dose. The "right" reaction for a person who is undermethylated is very pleasant, like an anti/depressant and I felt a sense of relief. The reaction I get from too much is muscle tension, anxiety and racing thoughts. If there is any question you are taking a little too much you can take a break for a day or two until you come down...start again with much smaller dose.