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Lyme - good and bad news.


iherb code TAK122
Just listened to a webinar, the participants included Dr Ne-il. N-athan, 2 research facts came out of this, new to me- Lyme can be transferred vertically - ie from mother to child, the way to prevent this is by keeping the mother on low dose a/biotics for the pregnancy.
New research has shown that Lyme can be transmitted sexually. The Lyme spirochetes are found in all bodily fluids.
The good news is they are finding new treatments all the time, so if one doesn't suit a patient then there are other options.


Senior Member
Is the webinar archived or perhaps downloadable? Many top LLMD's have long been saying that borrelia and co-infections are sexually and vertically transmittable.


iherb code TAK122
sorry I don't know - its the first one I've listened to - it went on for over 2hrs so I was pretty done in after that. It was on 6.30pm GMT.
I can perhaps find the link when I go back to my e-mails later on, I'll have a look.


Senior Member
Lyme can be transferred vertically - ie from mother to child, the way to prevent this is by keeping the mother on low dose a/biotics for the pregnancy.

That makes me cringe, taking abx during pregnancy will cause the newborn to have an abnormal flora for the rest of its life that will probably lead to all kinds of health problems. I don't believe that a low dose abx will keep borrelia under control during pregnancy. What about co-infections? Abx resistance etc.?
It may sound harsh but i don't think anyone with lyme disease should have children until the borrelia has been cleared completely (if that's even possible).


iherb code TAK122
Dr Nathan sounded pretty convincing about the fact that a/biotics would keep the baby safe from Lyme though. I suppose everyone has to make their own decisions about this. I wouldn't have a chld though, not that I have a choice.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Would a woman infected with Lyme possibly give birth to a child with more health issues than if abx were given during pregnancy? ?
its a tough call but also Lyme isn't something that's tested commonly or accurately prior or during pregnancy. I would think many doc's would probably diagnose many women with depression especially in Australia where Lyme supposedly doesn't exist.


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
I have 2 very close friends that have both had Lyme disease. One had it and almost died due to his incompetent family doctor, luckily he found a LLMD in the area and it took 3 years, but he is back to work and doing very well. He saw a Dr. Jemsek, but he has since moved to the Washington, DC area. The North Carolina Medical Board kept harassing him and he moved to South Carolina. About a year later his daughter became ill with some type of illness and I don't remeber, but that is when he moved to the D.C. area. He had 3 ticks about 6 -10 inches apart staggered right up his spine, but none of them were deer ticks although where he was working in an area that is pretty much infested with deer! I'm almost positive Dr. Jemsek used Igenex to test him for Lyme, but something didn't comeback as expected. They ended up doing something where he had to collect his urine for several days and it came back very positive. It wasn't an antibiotic challenge type test, but I don't remember exactly what it was

My other friend has had it twice, but his family doctor immediately put him on antibiotics when he came to the office. My friend let the doctor remove the ticks and both were identified as "deer ticks" and he actually returned a "positive" by ELISA from LabCorp both times and confirmed by Western Blot.

The CDC says Lyme does not exist in South Carolina either, but doctors do not reported as they should be anyway!


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
That's the same in Israel. Lyme is supposed not to exist in this country, though I know 2 people who were recently bitten and had the tick removed. Very difficult to make doctor's mind evoluate...:(