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LED red intranasal light therapy


Senior Member
southeast US

Sorry, I've forgotten, which red LED are you using? The one that was mentioned at about $300, or something else?

Thanks. So glad you are getting these results.


Excuse me for butting in, but who knows, Asklipia may be partying with friends again (I'm jealous, of all the good times). But yes, she told us she was also using the Vielight, $299.


Senior Member
But yes, she told us she was also using the Vielight, $299.

No partying yesterday!!!!

LED 633 nm trial - Day 16

Last night 7 pm I used the LED in my left nostril. I woke up with no rash, pimples from yesterday on the way out, new pimples along the left thigh and a pain inside of the left ankle (lymph). The sides of the nail on the right medium finger are burning.
The nodule is very flat. Vision is very blurry.
Plenty of energy. It is now 10 am and I already packed up my exercise, a nice swim (900 m), an hour in the sun and lunch is ready.

I cannot believe that all these pimples are only the fruit (?) of my exercise, or did the exercise only unblock this lymph after so many days/because of the LED?
My dowagers hump has completely gone I think. The last 3 or 4 vertebrae under the skull are still in an abnormal position. The neck is too curved forward there still, but I now can feel that there is a kind of lump on the right side of the nape just under the line of the hair. It must have been there all along but I could not feel it because the rest was swollen and hard.

Lou does the LED and does not do my exercise. He does not get pimples.
My student does the exercise with no LED. She does not get pimples.

If the girls are not happy the boys can never be happy! I am not sure the reverse is true.
Good luck to all! :):)


Senior Member
southeast US
I just noticed this thread. Lou are you still getting benefits re sleep?

Hi madietodd, good to see you here. Yes, I have slept better since getting this light, can't attribute it to anything else. And on the nights I don't sleep a full night I still seem to function better the following day. I have no way to say this will hold true for you, or anyone else, but there's at least one study with this light that documented reduced insomnia for great majority of participants.

Asklipia Hope this won't ruin my credibility with you, but I'm no girl (or woman either), though I do like them very much!


Senior Member
I looked around the website, and I don't see anything about using the device with/without exercise. I also saw nothing about even having to hold the unit. Asklipia, why are you keeping track of these things?

I'm going to try it. It's nice that I can try it for 90 days and still send it back if it doesn't help.

EDIT I just found your reference to the lymphatic exercises. Are your personal notes very different? Did you expand on these exercises? And do you really do the 1st 2 steps for 3 and 30 minutes? Thanks


Senior Member
@madie, thanks for the reminder about the 90-day guarantee. I had forgotten that, and was fence-sitting due to sticker price. One step closer to purchasing now...

E.T.A. I started Asklipia's exercises several days ago and woah nellie. Really effective.
Also doing some Lymph homeopathic but I've done it before without these kind of dramatic results.

This is some powerful yoga for me, and I'm only doing it a few minutes so far.
Much gratitude, Asklipia!


Senior Member
southeast US
[quote="leela, post: 376320, member:

E.T.A. I started Asklipia's exercises several days ago and woah nellie. Really effective.
Also doing some Lymph homeopathic but I've done it before without these kind of dramatic results.

This is some powerful yoga for me, and I'm only doing it a few minutes so far.
Much gratitude, Asklipia![/quote]

Lyme has made lymph problems come back anew. Sounds like Asklipia's method works. Are you trying all six exercises or concentrating on only one or two of them? Do you have one that seems more helpful than the others?



Senior Member
Lou I've been doing them all, but can so far only manage about 1 min or less for most of them. I can do the neck rolls for longer.
I think they work really well together, especially with the vocalizations. I have been quite sore and congested feeling all around the upper back/neck since starting, and have had quite the flow of expectorate. It is definitely breaking stuff up, but expect to feel worse at first. I feel rather fluey.


Senior Member
southeast US
Lou I've been doing them all, but can so far only manage about 1 min or less for most of them. I can do the neck rolls for longer.
I think they work really well together, especially with the vocalizations. I have been quite sore and congested feeling all around the upper back/neck since starting, and have had quite the flow of expectorate. It is definitely breaking stuff up, but expect to feel worse at first. I feel rather fluey.

leela Thanks. I was kinda hoping the vocalizations didn't count for much as I'm already a bit confused. For instance, on first exercise there's 4 mantras but only 3 positions. Then again, it doesn't take much to confuse me.


Senior Member
Don't feel bad Lou, I had to email Asklipia for number three after reading it wrong three times.
Once she set me straight I couldn't imagine how I had misunderstood it! Brain fog in action!

So if I read correctly, for number 1 (which is the same as number 3) it's like this:
you start with the hands in front
then SA at the sides,
TA at the back
NA at the sides again
and MA at the front.

Asklipia will surely correct me if I'm wrong :confused:

fwiw this translates something like "the true name of absolute being." :balanced:


Senior Member
Lou Sorry I brought you to blow your cover!!!! Lots of love to boys!!!!!:):):)
The exercise is a series, and the numbers should not be skipped. If for a particular number you cannot do the prescribed timing, do what you can but do not skip it. The sequence also should be respected. This is NOT gymnastics, It is not a question of getting muscles able to do the job even though this does happen eventually of course. This is a sequence with several goals, at different levels, and one of those is about escorting lymph which is stagnating where it should not stay towards the outside. There is an itinerary for this lymph, and the different numbers take it at one point and bring it further along, where the next number picks it up etc.

Careful : this exercise is designed to change something in your body and at a deep level, the body is cautious and afraid of change. So it is customary for the student to find it difficult/skip a number by mistake/mix up the sequence/refuse to say the mantra/forget to do it/understand it wrong etc... It is not only a matter of brain fog
It is a good idea to reread the instructions from time to time, in the light of experience to make sure that the exercise is done properly.
After some time, the body understands that it only brings good effects and embraces it heartily. For this to happen, it takes time. It is not a good idea to force the body. Just do it gently at first, for very reduced timings, but every day, until you feel happy to do it.

Don't feel bad Lou,
So if I read correctly, for number 1 (which is the same as number 3) it's like this:
you start with the hands in front
then SA at the sides,
TA at the back
NA at the sides again
and MA at the front.

Asklipia will surely correct me if I'm wrong

I am so happy that you are starting to feel the benefits!!!!!!!!
Actually it is :
1- you start with the hands in front : SA
2- then TA at the sides,
3- NA at the back
4- MA at the sides again
and SA at the front again to start another round.

Lots of good wishes to ALL!!!!!!


Senior Member
I looked around the website, and I don't see anything about using the device with/without exercise. I also saw nothing about even having to hold the unit. Asklipia, why are you keeping track of these things?
I just found your reference to the lymphatic exercises. Are your personal notes very different? Did you expand on these exercises? And do you really do the 1st 2 steps for 3 and 30 minutes? Thanks
Hi madietodd,
I had been doing this exercise for more than 2 months before starting the LED. One has nothing to do with the other, except that I think that both are a way to get rid of our problem and they very well may be complementary.
I did not change the exercise, but my notes are very detailed. You are welcome to them if you intend to do it.

Since I had no sleep problems at the moment, but I did have the start of Dupuytren's contracture in the right hand, and that this is treated by some doctors with red light, I decided to try the LED in my right hand at first.

I am documenting precisely what is happening to me so that this information may be useful someday to somebody.
I suspect that the effects of the red LED might depend on its location and on the time of the day it is used.
To find out more about this, I try to document day by day what is happening.

LED 633 nm trial - Day 17

Last night 7 pm I used the LED in my right nostril. After using it I felt a kind of healing feeling behind my face. I slept well. This morning previous pimples are nearly gone. The nodule is very flat but hasn't changed. I have a sore right knee though. And a sharp burning pain at times inside my throat on the right side, as if this were an internal pimple. My right ear is vaguely sore.
Plenty of energy and in a good mood.
Lots of good wishes to all!


Senior Member
madietodd, so far i can only do 30 or so seconds of bell-pull!
and still, i am getting such obvious results from doing the sequence, even in these small timings.

i actually look forward to it each day. so grateful to asklipia for providing the sequence and for her patient support
as i slowly get it right o_O


Senior Member
I'm finding I can do 8-10 of each. I haven't noticed anything, but the neck rolls feel fabulous.


Senior Member
You know, I first learnt this exercise about 7 years ago. I could not do more than half a minute of each number and it was hurting like hell. I even fainted once. I tried it again a couple of times 5 years ago and it was just as bad. Then I set my intent on it and last June I decided that if it was impossible, it meant some things were badly wrong and had to be fixed. I had seen a very old lady looking very frail doing it no problem at all.
I am glad to tell you that I can do the full timings now, without a horrible detox afterwards. And I am still getting new insights from it.
In fact I am adding more to my notes today. Next month I shall send a new revised version of these to those who have asked for it.

LED 633 nm trial - Day 18

Last night 7 pm I used the LED in my left nostril. I slept well but woke up once in the middle of the night (could be because it is very hot and dry and I had forgotten to switch on the mist-maker before falling asleep). This morning previous pimples are nearly gone. The nodule is very flat but hasn't changed. Vision is a little less blurry.
My left jaw was swollen and my left eye was puffy when I woke up and I have a new pimple of the left thigh.
Plenty of energy.

I am starting to suspect that the side of the nose where I apply the LED determines the side of the body where I get these pimples.
Certainly since using the LED I have more energy in general and more stamina for my exercise (this is easy to check!!).

Lots of good wishes!
May the gurus hold your arms up as you do the exercise! It is less tiring that way!


Senior Member
LED 633 nm trial - Day 20

The day before yesterday 7 pm I used the LED in my right hand to try to improve the nodule. After a few minutes I put my hand open under my right jaw for about 10 minutes, then under the left jaw. I thought these were problematic spots for me, and that if I left my hand open I could treat both the hand and the jaw.
I did not sleep well at all.
In the morning there was a big pimple at the right of my chin, a red rash under my left jaw. I was tired all day long.
I think I may have overdone it. The nodule is flat and has not changed.

So yesterday I did not use the LED. I went to bed with new insights though. i can now feel that my neck is not properly aligned, and that it is not a matter of the dowagers hump. Something prior to that was wrong. And it could very well be one of the causes of the problem.
Now when I do my exercise I can feel a wild desire to free my neck. I move it and stretch it my sleep and I hear it crack! This morning extra pimples under my right ear, under my left cheekbone. Gurgling deep in both ears.
Doing number 6 of the exercise I know understand is very important : the chin must be IN, even though the head is going back. This is a stretching of the SCM in fact. Mine is quite short now (this started just before I started getting sick = maybe Perrin is right!!!!!).

Lots of love to all!:)