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Justin Bieber is suffering from ME type illness

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Just read on the news that Justin Bieber has been very sick for 2 years with chronic Epstein Barr and Lyme disease. Maybe this will bring some attention to these type of illnesses.

Thats very unfortunate....AND....a chance for us to FIND a CELEBRITY to SPONSOR ME. :thumbsup:

And we need one from this younger brigade in my opinion....so: stars- please Deliver Justin to us. And may he ALSO feel better really soon.:angel:

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
So- Pretending I have a 100,000 person concert hall, and desire to Hire Justin Bieber to perform there...

How would I find Justin Bieber?

How do find his Agent?

Gotta be a way.


I hope his docu-series discusses the nature of his diagnoses. I believe Cher also reported some form of chronic mono years ago. Even if Bieber's situation is transient, based on so many of our own experiences, this illness may resurface in time after a subsequent infection/illness. I cannot imagine the rigorous nature of his work when he is on tour.

Juanita Vee

Senior Member
Edmonton, AB
Avril Lavigne and Shania Twaine have also had Lyme disease. Hopefully Beiber brings more awareness to invisible illnesses than the aforementioned singers. Always kind of neat to hear, though, someone famous is part of our kindred, lol! I guess misery loves company.... ;)
the frequency of young people with chronic illnesses is becoming so apparent. Could the chronic mono diagnosis just be cross reacting antibodies to the active Lyme disease? I’m interested to know how specific the EBV serology is because I tested positive on both monospot and EBV igm - at the same time I also had a positive parvovirus igm and CMV and we only worked out it was a new EBV infection due to increasing EBNA1 antibody.


Senior Member
Could the chronic mono diagnosis just be cross reacting antibodies to the active Lyme disease?

I've read on PR (and other boards) that once your immune system is no longer normal (from Lyme or Mono/EBV, etc) than past viruses or bacterias can re-activate.

This is pure guessing re: Justin Bieber (and I know nothing re: his case beyond that CNN article) but if he truly had undiagnosed / untreated Lyme, and if he'd also had Mono/EBV in the past, than I would think the immune system chaos could cause the Mono/EBV and other pathogens to re-activate.

My understanding is that chronic mold/mycotoxin exposure can do the same thing (re-active Mono/EBV and other pathogens) or it can push the immune system toward allergic reactions & MCAS like what happened in my case (except that I do not have Lyme).

@duncan do you have any thoughts? And no worries about replying if you are busy or not feeling well :hug:


Senior Member
@duncan do you have any thoughts? And no worries about replying if you are busy or not feeling well :hug:
Thank you for thinking of me, @Gingergrrl . :)

There is a school of thinking in parts of the Lyme community that Lyme causes immune system suppression, and, by extension, may activate latent viruses, and also weaken our ability to fend off things like mold or allergies etc which we may have easily dealt with prior to Bb infection.

So, the implication would appear to be that it isn't Lyme per se that is making someone sick, any more than it's HIV that sickens its victims. Lyme simply cripples immune systems, and latent infections kick back into gear.

That doesn't even take into account what fighting an ongoing active Lyme infection would do to a once healthy immune system, in an of itself.

Who knows?
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Senior Member
Just wondering though, Lyme and ME aren't the same thing, right? Or do they both start with a Bb infection?
Technically, they are different. But it gets complicated very quickly. Did you know, for instance, there is something called Lyme Encephalomyelitis?

But Lyme is a disease whose etiology we - on paper - should always know. It is caused by a spirochete. End of story.

The cause of ME is still hotly debated.

There are symptom differences, too, although not nearly as many as some imagine. For instance, swollen knees are common in Lyme, not so common in ME. PEM is a hallmark of ME; it seems most people with Lyme never heard of the term.

Perhaps Lyme is a trigger, like an enterovirus or HHV. Or perhaps it creates at times a symptom cluster that approaches ME. For some, Lyme and ME can occur as co-morbid diseases.