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JUST BEEN OUT 1st TIME in 7 mths - My Experience


Senior Member
Ok so the conditions were an emergency admission staying in hospital over night but hey ..a trip out is a trip out !
What struck me was all the concrete of my city ... I don't miss that .
The traffic too really crazy and the noise !
But what I choose to focus on was the trees ! OH MY goodness all the trees ! It's a green city here in the UK and I was just in awe . To top it off the hospital ward I was on I had a window bed and trees outside . I sat watching them blowing , the sunlight , the different leaves . It was magical .

The second thing that struck me was interacting with strangers and how quickly we can connect with each other and they don't feel so strange after all .
My friend came with me to the hospital and the taxi driver initially was a bit abrupt and stressed but soon thawed out . We had good chats and at the end of the journey he hugged and kissed me. It didn't feel sleezy just genuine and kind.

The hospital staff were soooo kind too , professional and caring I couldnt have asked for better .
On the wing I was on I met a women in her 30s who has had v bad geanocological ( can't spell it ) problems for a long time . Really been and going through it . The women in the opposite bed had terminal cancer spread through her I assume starting from her female parts .
We all gelled so well and supported each other . It was nice .
It's quite something to experience ourselves with others , brings our personalities out and the positives that can come from interacting through conversation .

I'm home now and need to take it v gently . I don't know how the trip and interacting with others will affect the m.e / CFS ( I'd just got stable after having a neighbour over 3 wks ago ..
But I can't control what will happen now . I'm pleased I didn't push my walking I asked for wheelchairs etc . I got lots of rest in between interacting .
Did I interact too much ,, probably ..but hey it was good to not be alone and be in the world . I'm not going to beat myself ....

Healing can happen ....
Time takes time ....
Easy does it ..

Please share your stories if u would like 😊🕊️🌺🌻


Senior Member
York, England
I'm happy for your positive experience. I often go out on my motor scooter for an hour, just a ride round my city. I see people hurrying around their daily busy lives, its makes me feel slightly contacted.

Last week I went to the countryside down A and B roads. The verges and hedgerows are full of life and the sky was blue with few buildings, the sky was so big

There is research showing if you have a green view recovery is quicker.

Hope you don't crash. 🌞🌻🌼🍄


Senior Member
I'm happy for your positive experience. I often go out on my motor scooter for an hour, just a ride round my city. I see people hurrying around their daily busy lives, its makes me feel slightly contacted.

Last week I went to the countryside down A and B roads. The verges and hedgerows are full of life and the sky was blue with few buildings, the sky was so big

There is research showing if you have a green view recovery is quicker.

Hope you don't crash. 🌞🌻🌼🍄
Fabulous @Treeman getting out into community and esp different nature .
Mobility scooters are fab ..

Yes nature is our healing hey..

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
It was magical .

how wonderful you got out, saw the vibrant green, and connected with others. Thats so lovely!

I have a really nice view of lovely trees from my various windows, so I am feeling very fortunate and grateful for that.

Sometimes, I hear the tree squirrel bark, or see the little nuthatch, working the bark crevices.

Ok so the conditions were an emergency admission staying in hospital over night but hey

meanwhile, I hope your Ok! Feel better soon, and enjoy processing your field trip.


Senior Member
Ok so the conditions were an emergency admission staying in hospital over night but hey ..a trip out is a trip out !
What struck me was all the concrete of my city ... I don't miss that .
The traffic too really crazy and the noise !
But what I choose to focus on was the trees ! OH MY goodness all the trees ! It's a green city here in the UK and I was just in awe . To top it off the hospital ward I was on I had a window bed and trees outside . I sat watching them blowing , the sunlight , the different leaves . It was magical .

The second thing that struck me was interacting with strangers and how quickly we can connect with each other and they don't feel so strange after all .
My friend came with me to the hospital and the taxi driver initially was a bit abrupt and stressed but soon thawed out . We had good chats and at the end of the journey he hugged and kissed me. It didn't feel sleezy just genuine and kind.

The hospital staff were soooo kind too , professional and caring I couldnt have asked for better .
On the wing I was on I met a women in her 30s who has had v bad geanocological ( can't spell it ) problems for a long time . Really been and going through it . The women in the opposite bed had terminal cancer spread through her I assume starting from her female parts .
We all gelled so well and supported each other . It was nice .
It's quite something to experience ourselves with others , brings our personalities out and the positives that can come from interacting through conversation .

I'm home now and need to take it v gently . I don't know how the trip and interacting with others will affect the m.e / CFS ( I'd just got stable after having a neighbour over 3 wks ago ..
But I can't control what will happen now . I'm pleased I didn't push my walking I asked for wheelchairs etc . I got lots of rest in between interacting .
Did I interact too much ,, probably ..but hey it was good to not be alone and be in the world . I'm not going to beat myself ....

Healing can happen ....
Time takes time ....
Easy does it ..

Please share your stories if u would like 😊🕊️🌺🌻
It is pleasing to hear you enjoyed your adventure and it is great that you are feeling positive from it.

The main thing I remember from these types of moments was the buildings everywhere nearby that were not there before. All the change inbetween those adventures really brought it home how isolated and disconnected I was at the same time as giving me that little lift from a tiny bit of life gained back in the process.

I do hope the payback from the adventure is kind to you.


Senior Member
@CSMLSM thanks for sharing ..
Yes I get what you mean life moves on hey ..

Not sure Id say it was an adventure ..
I didn't have free roam as such it was all in the need of medical care ..
But yep Def a trip outside the normal and actually now I think about it some adventure feelings were involved .
I've slept a lot since Saturday today felt better on the sleep side . Will see re payback nothing I can do about it . Wasn't as if I had a choice whether I went to hospital or not 😊

Thanks for your words


Senior Member
Hi Emmarose47.....What happened to your new wheelchair and wanting to go outside to parks, or even the front garden?

I'm not saying I'd even begin to know where to look here (TX) for help, but I would make some calls to Social Services, for example....and another telephone no. from them. It's possible that there are groups that will help homebound people as much as they want. Not daily, perhaps, but even 2-3 times/wk. You're a sociable person from the sound of things. I'm sure you'd love a visitor just for a cuppa' and a biscuit, wouldn't you?

On the blog, you'll notice that @sunshine44 posted about her situation. I don't know what to tell her...and she has a young daughter which makes things even worse, but she almost sounds like she's a captive in her home. Please, doesn't anyone have any ideas how both @Emmarose47 and @sunshine44 could be helped.? Nature is important for all of us....life, just seeing movement keeps us going forward. There has to be an answer somewhere....please read these stories. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
@lenora the wheelchair was for if I needed medical trips etc .
I have a big garden here and am out quite a lot . Re the park I'm not well enough to go out for trips .
I am well connected with what is on offer in the UK . I have a home help. I could pay for getting out that isn't an issue . The issue is it triggering a flare up .
I'm an ex nurse and very ontop of all the services on offer and am a big self advocate on getting all the services in volved for myself where appropriate.
I do have friends / visitors but need to boundary due to flare up .
I feel a bit uncomfortable here with the plee for help without my asking . I appreciate your concern but I think wires have got a bit crossed..
This post was about my experience of a trip out beyond my street . I'm happy to be at home right now with a garden brimming with nature
😊🌻 .
Best wishes for your day
Taking it easy here


Senior Member
Hi Emmarose47......Yes, you are well connected with the different agencies to contact. I should be more on top of things than I am....should have asked home PT when they were here.

I get out, it's these **** fractures that are keeping me partially bedridden. Of course, the heat drives everything and everyone inside. I swear that even the mosquitoes aren't around this year.

Your back garden sounds like a bit of heaven for you & I'm glad you can get out. Go for it!! I was a nurse back in the dark ages. A long, long time ago, and I left to pursue other careers. Still, there are a lot of things that I remember, surprising really. I think tea rounds in England help immensely. Rather break up the day and people are kept happy. (My husband's British & so was my mother). :) Yours Lenora


Senior Member
Blessed here with the ocean on both sides and fields everywhere. I can lean on my gate and gaze at it all, or go to the back and see ocean and mountains. ( small island,)