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Judy Mikovits and David Kirby to speak at Autism Conference


Senior Member
Thanks to Natasa778 for directing me to this information. I thought it deserved a thread of it's own. :Retro smile:

AutismOne and Generation Rescue announce the most comprehensive autism conference ever assembled. Among the many speakers during this week long conference are Judy Mikovits of the Whittemore Peterson Institute who will be speaking on Saturday and David Kirby, presenting on Metals, Myelins, Mitochondria and Mouse Virus? The Conference will be held in Chicago, Illinois on Monday, May 24 Sunday, May 30, 2010. Please see attached link for speaker line up and registration.



Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
How tiring for her, pun intended. I mean, Illinois one day and London the next. Judy, if only you could bottle up that energy into a potion for us.

Reno mushrooms everywhere.



Senior Member
Columbus, OH
David Kirby and Judy Mikovits together? Oh! Happy Happy Joy Joy! I cannot wait. I hope their talks will have an interesting paper that was actually published behind it. Frickly, you and Natasa jam! I work til 2 on Saturdays but I will be home in time to see both Dr. Mitkovits and Kirby if I can see this online. Does anybody know if we will be able to watch this on our computer?


Senior Member
I doubt that it will be put on a video as it is a seven day conference. I think I will try and contact Mikovits and Kirby asking if they will have a summary of the presentation after the conference. I was so excited when natasa pointed this out. Most of the autism community knows nothing of XMRV. Hopefully, this conference will change that and we can all start working together.

I agree Happy Happy Joy Joy!:D


Senior Member
hi Frickly and Jill, I've sent you both a personal message but nothing appearing in my 'sent' box, please check if you've got them


Senior Member
Rank speculation!

Will Dr Mikovits' presentation be based on published results?
By the way, what do you think of the significance of Judy Mikovits presenting at the May Autism conference? Given how much flak Dr Mikovits has received for reporting unpublished results, isn't it possible that we can expect a formal announcement about the connection between XMRV and Autism before May? My instinct is that shes got the goods from a scientific perspective, and these will be published very shortly. Or am I just an incurable XMRV optimist?

FYI: David Kirby's Abstract
Located at: http://conference.autismone.org/abstracts.cfm?a1year=2010#kirby1

Metals, Myelin, Mitochondria and Mouse Virus? - Possible Paths to ASD

David Kirby will discuss recent scientific and legal developments over the past year or so that support the idea of a major role for environmental factors in many cases of autism spectrum disorders - especially regressive autism. His talk will show how toxins and triggers found in the natural environment, as well as ingredients in certain vaccines, might combine with certain genetic susceptibilities to create the symptoms we know of as ASD. Specifically, Kirby will discuss how toxic metals, demyelinating disorders, mitochondrial dysfunction, and possibly XMRV virus - whether associated with vaccines or not - might contribute to the rising number of autism cases over the past decade or two. Along those lines, he will discuss new government estimates of an ASD prevalence of 1-in-100 children, 1-in-60 boys. Kirby will also discuss the potential implications of the XMRV retrovirus reportedly found in some children with ASD.

Dr Mikovits' presentation: TBD
On the other hand, Judy Mikovits' Presentation is listed: "tbd" (to be determined)
Now, that may merely reflect that she hasn't sent her conference abstract in yet. OR it may be that she CAN'T send her abstract in yet - until the forthcoming paper on which it is based is published.

As the icon of the late 80's, Arsenio Hall would say, "Things that make you go, "Hmmm"":Retro smile:


Senior Member
Exactly my thoughts Parvofighter. Is there a paper about to be published? Worst case senario: The autism community will have XMRV on their radar.

Will Dr Mikovits' presentation be based on published results?
By the way, what do you think of the significance of Judy Mikovits presenting at the May Autism conference? Given how much flak Dr Mikovits has received for reporting unpublished results, isn't it possible that we can expect a formal announcement about the connection between XMRV and Autism before May? My instinct is that she’s got the goods from a scientific perspective, and these will be published very shortly. Or am I just an incurable XMRV optimist?

FYI: David Kirby's Abstract
Located at: http://conference.autismone.org/abstracts.cfm?a1year=2010#kirby1

Metals, Myelin, Mitochondria and Mouse Virus? - Possible Paths to ASD

David Kirby will discuss recent scientific and legal developments over the past year or so that support the idea of a major role for environmental factors in many cases of autism spectrum disorders - especially regressive autism. His talk will show how toxins and triggers found in the natural environment, as well as ingredients in certain vaccines, might combine with certain genetic susceptibilities to create the symptoms we know of as ASD. Specifically, Kirby will discuss how toxic metals, demyelinating disorders, mitochondrial dysfunction, and possibly XMRV virus - whether associated with vaccines or not - might contribute to the rising number of autism cases over the past decade or two. Along those lines, he will discuss new government estimates of an ASD prevalence of 1-in-100 children, 1-in-60 boys. Kirby will also discuss the potential implications of the XMRV retrovirus reportedly found in some children with ASD.

Dr Mikovits' presentation: TBD
On the other hand, Judy Mikovits' Presentation is listed: "tbd" (to be determined)
Now, that may merely reflect that she hasn't sent her conference abstract in yet. OR it may be that she CAN'T send her abstract in yet - until the forthcoming paper on which it is based is published.

As the icon of the late 80's, Arsenio Hall would say, "Things that make you go, "Hmmm"":Retro smile:


Senior Member
Judy's abstract now online:

Saturday, May 29, 3 pm
Judy Mikovits, PhD, presents:
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) share common clinical features including immune dysregulation, increased oxidative stress, increased expression of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines, mitochondrial dysfunction and chronic active microbial infections suggesting an underlying immune deficiency may be involved in subgroups of CFS and ASD. We recently demonstrated the first direct isolation of an infectious gammaretrovirus, XMRV, from the blood of CFS patients. We have developed quantitative assays to detect XMRV replication and infection in cell culture. Moreover, we found evidence of XMRV infection in >85% of more than 200 CFS patients tested to date. These data implicate a role for XMRV infection in the pathogenesis of CFS. Because of the clinical similarities of CFS and ASD, we hypothesized that XMRV infection may also be detected in subgroups of ASD. This presentation will update the status of XMRV research, show evidence of XMRV infection in ASD and discuss the implications of XMRV infection in the pathogenesis of neuroimmune disease including ASD.


Senior Member
=natasa778;57640]Judy's abstract now online:

Saturday, May 29, 3 pm
Judy Mikovits, PhD, presents:
an underlying immune deficiency may be involved in subgroups of CFS and ASD. This is a little more reserved than her previous statement that her working hypothesis is that XMRV is to CFS what HIV is to AIDS. So is she taking a step back from her original suggestion that XMRV is causal?


We recently demonstrated the first direct isolation of an infectious gammaretrovirus, XMRV, from the blood of CFS patients. We have developed quantitative assays to detect XMRV replication and infection in cell culture. Moreover, we found evidence of XMRV infection in >85% of more than 200 CFS patients tested to date. 85% :confused: Does this include the original 101 in the Science study? If so, then she has tested at least another 100 of whom more than 71% have proved positive for XMRV.

More than 71% new positves from another hundred-plus patients.

As a complete non-scientist, that sounds quite impressive to me. :D

Parvo and other other brilliant science nerds, where are you? Comments, please.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Today there was quite a few comments amongst the autism community and it's not good. I saw a few messages on online forums which are not very nice at all.
They really are saying nasty things about dr mikovits. There really not happy about xmrv connections, to be honest a whole lot of nastiness all round!!

It's strange really.... The media and everyone always has something to say about autism infact it's a hot subject, it doesn't get anymore more heated and it gets a lot of coverage but compared to cfs which nobody ever cares about, talks about! So this is ironic !!


Patient in training
That's fine Villagelife, we'll keep her for ourselves, we'll give her plenty of work.


Senior Member
Columbus, OH
I know villagelife. I just do not understand it. I remember the first time I sent an email to a biomed group regarding XMRV and some mothers were downright hostile to me. Well, Kati, I am with you. We will keep Dr. Judy to ourselves.


Senior Member
This really frustrates me as well. I think the autism community has worked very hard for a long time to prove that vaccines are the trigger for autism. I have been discussing xmrv for some time with a friend who is very active in autism advocacy. She has not been hostile but did not seem to have much interest. My thought is that when they hear that xmrv could be the cause of autism they get defensive because if this is the case then all there hard work was for nothing. When I explained to my friend that xmrv could be the cause and vaccines and envirornmental toxins could be the trigger, she seemed to have much more interest in the subject. I just think many do not understand that this xmrv/autism connection might actually support the vaccine theory rather than destroy it.


iherb code TAK122
I just think many do not understand that this xmrv/autism connection might actually support the vaccine theory rather than destroy it.

This is my understanding too. It would be too great and instigate a big climb down by the gov't and the BMA if this link is proved. The English doc Andy_Wakefield who had to resign because of his public condemnation and proven research findings of the vaccine programme in the UK and its link to autism will become a rightful hero, he should be given a medal as recompense for his suffering at the hands of the grovelling,gov't kowtoing medical community in this country.


Phoenix Rising Founder
Today there was quite a few comments amongst the autism community and it's not good. I saw a few messages on online forums which are not very nice at all.
They really are saying nasty things about dr mikovits. There really not happy about xmrv connections, to be honest a whole lot of nastiness all round!!

It's strange really.... The media and everyone always has something to say about autism infact it's a hot subject, it doesn't get anymore more heated and it gets a lot of coverage but compared to cfs which nobody ever cares about, talks about! So this is ironic !!

Well it shows that we're not the only angry patient group...and they're healthy!


Senior Member
United Kingdom
but there are so many comments which over step the mark, personal insults about dr Mikovits. It's hard not to feel slightly cross with these people, they shouldn't be so harsh and personal about Dr M. To be honest I have found a real role model in her, she's a very intelligent, good hearted and strong woman.


Senior Member
Well it shows that we're not the only angry patient group...and they're healthy!
I don't understand you Cort. Are you angry at Dr. Mikovits?
Perhaps she made some tactical mistakes (and perhaps not - it's all a matter of view), but the research she's leading might be an enormous breakthrough in ME/CFS research and also a breakthrough to other diseases and to the scientific world; Besides that, she's really really sympathethic to ME/CFS patients and she's fighting for us.

As I said before, when it would all end, and not matter if XMRV is found to be related or not, I think I would have many very good words to say about Dr. Mikovits, Dr. Peterson, the Whittemore family and all of the staff of the WPI and other people who really tried to help us here. For me, they exibit the spirit scientists should have.


Senior Member
This really frustrates me as well. I think the autism community has worked very hard for a long time to prove that vaccines are the trigger for autism. I have been discussing xmrv for some time with a friend who is very active in autism advocacy. She has not been hostile but did not seem to have much interest. My thought is that when they hear that xmrv could be the cause of autism they get defensive because if this is the case then all there hard work was for nothing. When I explained to my friend that xmrv could be the cause and vaccines and envirornmental toxins could be the trigger, she seemed to have much more interest in the subject. I just think many do not understand that this xmrv/autism connection might actually support the vaccine theory rather than destroy it.

Right... or a subset of the vaccines (certain batches) could maybe have been contaminated with XMRV.

Just some speculation here, but I can see why the autism community might be hostile to XMRV for the same reason some in the CFS community might be - nobody wants to be told they have a life long incurable (at least given current drugs) retro-viral infection. Think about if you had a small child, would you want them to grow up with a life of stigma and health struggles like people with AIDS have dealt with over the past 20 years? Its not a foregone conclusion that this would be the case, but history leads us to believe its something to keep an eye on. Or perhaps parents don't like the idea that they could have passed a virus onto their children that ultimately caused their condition. Its the nature of the mind to deny before you accept, especially if the theoretical situation is not a desirable one. Or maybe the people in the Autism community know more than we do and in reality they just don't want XMRV to be a distraction from the other research that they have fought hard for. There could be a variety of reasons, many of them not entirely rational.

Mercury poisoning (the main part of the vaccine theory) is technically curable given the right treatments - an arguably better situation than having to take anti-retroviral drugs forever and ever. Its not a theory that should be quickly dismissed A) because there is more evidence for it than most of the other theories and B) on the surface at least its a better outcome.

Its so hard to figure out whats actually going on with autism research because its so politically charged. I mean you really can't declare something environmental (vaccines, mercury, infections, etc..) *does't* cause Autism if you haven't found out what *does* - but thats just what is going on. A lot of the "official" research seems to be going into finding a genetic cause. And yet it appears not to be a genetic thing, because genetic "disorders" don't increase in prevalence 100 fold in a single generation. It would take thousands of years of natural selection to do that.