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Isoprinosine/immunovir source


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I have been searching the internet for a cheap source of immunovir for years and years lol. Usually when i find a cheap source its too good to be true and or shipping is dam expensive.

Anyway i have found a source that is the cheapest i have seen although i dont have a shipping price yet, waiting to hear back from them on that. The price on their web page is $43.44 for 50 x 500mg tabs. Comparing that price to equivalent 200 tabs from another common site selling immunovir is $100 cheaper.

I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has used this company.

Also hope that others who have been looking for isoprinosine/immunovir find this link helpful.




West Australia
Hi, heaps! Are there any antivirals that can be had on the PBS (pharmecuetical benefits scheme) in Australia?
..Or do they just laugh at you??

I see valtrex can be bought at http://www.magicpharma.com/. $76 for 24 tablets 500mg.
I dont really want to go down the antiviral route just yet. Wiki says immunovir doesnt act on the virus itself,
but is a powerful immunostimulant.

Have you had any luck with immunovir?


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Hi, heaps! Are there any antivirals that can be had on the PBS (pharmecuetical benefits scheme) in Australia?
..Or do they just laugh at you??

I see valtrex can be bought at http://www.magicpharma.com/. $76 for 24 tablets 500mg.
I dont really want to go down the antiviral route just yet. Wiki says immunovir doesnt act on the virus itself,
but is a powerful immunostimulant.

Have you had any luck with immunovir?

they would laugh at us if we ask if they covered under PBS system in australia. antivirals only covered under PBS for genital herpes and only for short lengths of periods unless you have HIV or some other immune defiency, cfs and nk dysfunction dont count as exercise is suppose to cure us(just a hint of sarcasm).

as for antivirals from magicpharma, famvir works out better priced then valtrex and probably a broader range of action then valtrex.

immunovir supposedly works by stimulating the immune system and specifically nk function which is one of the closest thing we have as a biomarker for cfs/me.

I dont have any personal experience yet of immunovir, something i want to try as my nk function is low and something i want to improve before i finish the valcyte i am on now.

When i here from this company on the cost of postage i will let everyone know.



I am on imunovir and equillibrant, they give me imunovir to raise the NK and t cell function. I have not gotten my results back but I know another patients that the NK has gotten risen by it. When NK cell are normal the drug is stopped (to avoid autoinmunity?!? another patient told me so not sure). I had reactivation but instead of Antiviral drug she is trying equillibrant supplement first to treat cosakie., HH6v and Parvo. I had very good results in the combo on the fluishness like symptoms, I still have cfs but I do not feel mono like sick (that makes sense?). I still have to manage my energy but I don't have as many new symptoms and the old ones have subside a lot.

This is where I get mine from:
Bill chick
1800-784-0975 X242


West Australia
:) Thanks, heaps. It helps to hear from someone who has already done the ground work.

You may have hit on a novel treatment protocol. I will go out and get myself some genital herpes to source
valcyte on the benefit scheme!


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
:) Thanks, heaps. It helps to hear from someone who has already done the ground work.

You may have hit on a novel treatment protocol. I will go out and get myself some genital herpes to source
valcyte on the benefit scheme!
Valcyte different again, u need to have HIV eye infections from cmv for that then it will cost u $33 versus $3000 off label or just get an organ transplant and u get the same good deal. It shits me that with viral symptoms being caused by cmv that were arent covered, the money we rack up in other tretaments and lost productivity should surely mean something as well as treating us for humanitarian reason. $3000 a month is out of reach for anyone but the rich here in australia. Im not rich just very lucky.

genital herpes can get u almost free famvir though, scratch, scatch, itch, itch.



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I am on imunovir and equillibrant, they give me imunovir to raise the NK and t cell function. I have not gotten my results back but I know another patients that the NK has gotten risen by it. When NK cell are normal the drug is stopped (to avoid autoinmunity?!? another patient told me so not sure). I had reactivation but instead of Antiviral drug she is trying equillibrant supplement first to treat cosakie., HH6v and Parvo. I had very good results in the combo on the fluishness like symptoms, I still have cfs but I do not feel mono like sick (that makes sense?). I still have to manage my energy but I don't have as many new symptoms and the old ones have subside a lot.

This is where I get mine from:
Bill chick
1800-784-0975 X242
inester please post your nk results when u get them, i would be greatly interested.



West Australia
'Several studies in humans and mice provide evidence that early treatment with Famciclovir soon after the first infection with herpes can significantly lower the chance of future outbreaks of herpes. Use of Famciclovir in this manner, known as post-exposure prophylaxis, has been shown to reduce the amount of latent virus in the neural ganglia.[7][8][9] A review of human subjects treated for five days with Famciclovir 250 mg three times daily during their first herpes episode found that only 4.2 percent experienced a recurrence within six months after the first outbreak, a fivefold decrease compared to the 19 percent recurrence in acyclovir-treated patients.[10] Despite these promising results, early Famciclovir treatment for herpes in this or similar dosage regimes has yet to find mainstream adoption.'


Hm. You wouldnt want to take any of these antivirals for too long, would you? I guess the problem with me/cfs is
the viruses can keep coming back. I sure hope the Lipkin study casts some clear light on my confused brain.:thumbdown:


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
'Several studies in humans and mice provide evidence that early treatment with Famciclovir soon after the first infection with herpes can significantly lower the chance of future outbreaks of herpes. Use of Famciclovir in this manner, known as post-exposure prophylaxis, has been shown to reduce the amount of latent virus in the neural ganglia.[7][8][9] A review of human subjects treated for five days with Famciclovir 250 mg three times daily during their first herpes episode found that only 4.2 percent experienced a recurrence within six months after the first outbreak, a fivefold decrease compared to the 19 percent recurrence in acyclovir-treated patients.[10] Despite these promising results, early Famciclovir treatment for herpes in this or similar dosage regimes has yet to find mainstream adoption.'


Hm. You wouldnt want to take any of these antivirals for too long, would you? I guess the problem with me/cfs is
the viruses can keep coming back. I sure hope the Lipkin study casts some clear light on my confused brain.:thumbdown:

Antivirals need to be taken long term until viruses die out as antivirals dont kill viruses but block their ability to replicate into other cells. Infections can still reactivate when on antivirals and make one feel sick and probably the reason for 'crashes' but are unable to replicate and infect other cells, hopefully.
generally herpes 1 and 2, chickenpox/shingles replicate quickly and need to be dosed several times a day. other viruses like ebv/cmv/hhv6 replicate slowly. Also famvir has an intracellular half life of 18hrs so i think dosing once or twice a day with famvir can be adequate.
Antivirals have proven to be safe longterm, as in years and if on valcyte which is alot more toxic, then docs should be monitoring liver and kidney function alot more often then other antivirals. Valcyte seems to be used in lengths of 6-12months then some swap over to valtrex or famvir to help keep viruses latent.

Wow, how did we get onto this, i just checked the heading of the thread. well immunovir, i want to try this to get my nk cells functioning before i stop valcyte, about 4 months left on valcyte.



West Australia
" It shits me that with viral symptoms being caused by cmv that were arent covered, the money we rack up in other tretaments and lost productivity should surely mean something as well as treating us for humanitarian reason. $3000 a month is out of reach for anyone but the rich here in australia. Im not rich just very lucky."

Ya, it shits me that everything goes so freakin slow! Im over playing doctor already.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
" It shits me that with viral symptoms being caused by cmv that were arent covered, the money we rack up in other tretaments and lost productivity should surely mean something as well as treating us for humanitarian reason. $3000 a month is out of reach for anyone but the rich here in australia. Im not rich just very lucky."

Ya, it shits me that everything goes so freakin slow! Im over playing doctor already.
you probably play doctor better then most doctors. thank you come again, swipe the medicare card, lol
only $200 a month for famvir in australia, still not a friggin wealthy enough person for that. but as long as they leave my cheap online pharmacy's some things are affordable.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
recieved an email from this company and they stated shipping is free, so $173 for approx 10weeks isoprinosine. dosing 6 tabs mon-fri week1, 2tabs mon-fri week2 and repeat. The week using 6 tabs the dose is divided into 2 tabs 3 times a day.
