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Is this a methylation issue?


Senior Member
This chest tightness is so uncomfortable it's reducing my quality of life severely.

Before I started to supplement comprehensively 10 years ago always got tightness and stabbing pain in my chest with any type of stress (mental or physical). Then with comprehensive supplementation to my complete surprise found that at least 160 mg of Ubiqunone (half of that with Ubiqunol) would cease these severe chest pains. Still holds true now, with the only difference that now I only have to drop with the dose - and without apparent stress - the pains are back. But haven't found even 1 person with that same experience till now, though.
First of all, don't give too much value to one single test. In my experience testing it for the last 10 years (14 times) often it fluctuated widely (between 6.4-14.1), and averaged at 10. Also has to be centrifugated right after the blood draw (my GP didn't know), otherwise it increases in the tube every hour by about 10%. Has to be fasted for 12 hrs too. There aren't immediate symptoms from not optimal homocysteine, just increases with many conditions and increase with all-cause mortality.

By the way, I do take about 3 g/d of taurine, have sky high B6, B9 and B12 serum levels. Which all didn't permanently made a dent in my homocysteine levels yet. However, I still have upward space for my intakes, since I till now only took 1.6mg of B12, 2mg of B9 and 160 mg of B6. And saw many here at PhoenixRising take multiples of that.
May I ask why you supplement with 3g taurine daily? So you're not suffering from any symptoms like I've mentioned? Maybe it's due to something else for me. Thanks for taking the time to help me out.


Senior Member
May I ask why you supplement with 3g taurine daily?
Maybe it's due to something else for me

Mainly for liver health. Taurine may also be deficient if one doesn't eat enough meat and seafood. But there are too many possible benefits to mention: https://www.selfhacked.com/blog/taurine-benefits/

We all suffer from ME/CFS, and it may well be each from a different set of causes. All we can do when not more is known is to experiment. What one helped a bid, might help an other, or not at all, or even with adverse effects.
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Have you considered a steroid, e.g. prednisone or a Medrol pack. They can work wonders.

Steroid for my symptoms? I'd rather try to find the reason before going on steroids, but thanks for the suggestion.

Mainly for liver health. Taurine may also be deficient if one doesn't eat enough meat and seafood.

We all suffer from ME/CFS, and it may well be each from a different set of causes. All we can do when not more is known is to experiment. What one helped a bid, might help an other, or not at all, or even with adverse effects.

I see, it's just scary to potentially make it way worse. I was unaware that taurine is beneficial for the liver, I'll try it for that then at least.