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Is electron microscope best method for finding proof of virus presence?


Senior Member
Hi all, my friend had a chat with one of our Czech scientists / experts in immunology and infectology about difficulties in routine antibody/PCR testing of many types of viruses and infections. And also about difficulties with some tests sensitivity and type of sample...blood, saliva, urine... (this is best explained in @Hip roadmap).

Scientist / expert mentioned method with electron microscope, which is not normally used due to time-consum and the need to be physically present with microscope. He talked about centrifuged blood and checked sample with this type of microscope for 100% evidence of the presence of the pathogen.

We know that conventional PCRs is almost useless for many viruses, because (if I'm not mistaken) they live inside the cells...like chronic active Epstein-Barr virus in T-cells.

I seem to have the option to examined my centrifuged blood and possibly other samples with this microscope. It makes sense to arrange it?

I want to know your knowledge/opinions about electron microscope method. :)

cheers, Martin


Senior Member
I think it would be interesting to see what your centrifuged blood looks like under the electron microscope.

There was a recent study which used an electron microscope to show that enterovirus-like viral particles were present in the neurons of Parkinson's patients.

In this study you can see electron microscope pictures of the viruses inside neurons cells. Because the measured diameter of these viral particles was very close to the known diameter of enterovirus, this provides evidence of a chronic neuronal enterovirus infection in Parkinson's.