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Is Apheresis an effective treatment for Long Covid and ME?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Interesting it's doing the same thing when crashing. Honestly when I am crashing (on my short walks) I feel like I do after a vaccine and he saw the blood cell issues after crashing, so it makes sense to me that the two would be the same.

Maybe I should get one of these microscopes, then I could check my own blood regularly. Possible that my long term improvements are due to extended use of his protocol in regulating blood cells. But doesn't work for everyone? So that's odd.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Oh right, I've got the one he uses, not sure if that's any help:



This is the exact same one Joshua has.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
@SWAlexander just so you know if you click on the tweet and then copy the URL of the website and paste that into your PR message, it will auto pull the tweet and any subsequent relevant replies and display them in the right format for you in your response :)

Can't wait to see the study outcome, hopefully not another flash in the pan and it gives us and other scientists more to go on and they can get more funding for it. I really fancy one of those microscopes to check my blood now....sounds intriguing.
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Senior Member
Do you guys think its possible to have micro clots when having APS and Von Willebrand disease (bleeding disease) at the same time?
So. If I would like to look at my blood for Christmas what microscope would I need and what centrifugal speed?
Josh found sth very interesting. RBC clotting in a crash but normal when at baseline.
He has 200 patients in his study now.
Pics shared with permission:
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Martin – who is Josh? I’m trying to follow all of these researchers, but don’t think I’ve heard of him.

Are these photos of your blood, or somebody else’s?
So. If I would like to look at my blood for Christmas what microscope would I need and what centrifugal speed?
In Europe, I was looking to buy something like this. Probably you can find a similar one in Amazon Germany. It depends on your budget. I think this is the best you can get for a couple hundred. If you want a fluorescence microscope, it's going to cost you at least two thousand.

About the speed, it depends on your needs, for doing poor platelet plasma with Pretorius method, 3000rpm would be enough.

(Edited to fix the link)
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Senior Member
United Kingdom

Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
In Europe, I was looking to buy something like this. Probably you can find a similar one in Amazon Germany. It depends on your budget. I think this is the best you can get for a couple hundred. If you want a fluorescence microscope, it's going to cost you at least two thousand.

About the speed, it depends on your needs, for doing poor platelet plasma with Pretorius method, 3000rpm would be enough.
The link is dead

Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member

An overview of Joshua's disease model for ME/CFS but he does expand this to a lot of other diseases as well:

A very early overview and explanation of the blood issues seen:
Originally posted in August.

He's got extensive slides on discord and I believe those are the ones Martin has posted.
No, he just sent me these this morning


Senior Member
I was thinking, have I just been missing it on the news etc. or has everything gone very quiet on the long covid front lately. Surely they can't be abandoned like the ME/CFS people.