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Home Urine test for protein, albumin, globulin


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
Does anyone use these for albumin and globulin? I have had slightly elevated levels of albumin, and low levels of globulin for years now. Dr's always dismissed it as inconsequential because one is just over the high and the other is simply low.

But the ratio is way out of balance.
And it's chronic, I used to use urine strips and it always had a tinge of off color for the "protein"
And that goes back 15 years.
The blood work I have had this problem going back maybe 7. Before that I wasn't seeing any physicians for a stretch cause I didn't have insurance.

albumin 4.9 g/dl (3.6-4.8) H (high)
Globulin total 1.8 g/dl (1.5-4.5) (none)
a/g ratio 2.7 (1.2-2.2) H (high)


Senior Member
My personal experience is that it's often worth following these anomalies, similar little things (also dismissed by my doctors) gave me clues how to fix my diet and improve my symptoms.

Could be a kidney or liver issue, or metabolic disease/diabetes. (I'm no doctor though.) Let's see if we can rule out a few things. What are your triglycerides, HLD-C and HbA1C? Did you have an ultrasound of liver or kidneys recently? Do you follow a special diet? What's your blood pressure?

Even moderate lead exposure can affect kidney capacity. Did you do a heavy metal provocation test? Any mercury or lead issues (like amalgam fillings)?


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
I actually want the test strips so I can see if I can find a pattern to severity of symptoms and readings. Hoping someone might have some experience purchasing using them and have some advice.

Reading I have done, albumin and globulin are directly related to liver and kidney. And it could be if I did my reading right a complication from celiac. Don't quote me. There was some association mentioned in the literature. That's all I remember.

HLD-C and HbA1C? Not sure what this is?
Attached are triglycerides.

Was on gluten free for 7 years. Year ago I decided to do a challenge. Still eating gluten. Wanted test but dr snidely told me that people with celiac have diarrhea which I responded I have. But he still refused to do the antibody test.

Did have one a year ago. wanted to follow up with another. While a lot of the symptoms that I had before I quit gluten didn't seem to come back immediately upon starting the challenge. I am starting to think that some of them are coming back. I really want to quit again as hard as it is I want the antibody test before I do.

I test regularly with test strips for diabetis cause it runs in the family. My sugar is always around 90 when I fast for 18 hours.

Did have the standard tests for heavy metal from a main stream lab along with some other test's like lyme which came back negative. Always strongly believed my symptoms are related to past toxic exposures as well as maybe some more current ones.

I often wonder about amalgams cause my tongue get's soars like abrasion soars from rubbing on my mullers but can't help wondering if there isn't some type of allergic reaction driving this as opposed to mechanical.

28 years ago my dentist decided it would help pay for a new set of golf clubs if he were to drill out all my fillings and replace them with amalgams and that is exactly what he did. I got sick about 5 years later. Weather this has any relation to my CFS and symptoms I really don't know. I try to tell myself no.

No ultrasounds but I will throw it past my new doc when I see him or her. Hopefully not as bad as current one.


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Senior Member
HLD-C and HbA1C? Not sure what this is?
Attached are triglycerides.
I test regularly with test strips for diabetis cause it runs in the family.
HDL-Cholesterol. HbA1C is a blood glucose test. HDL and Triglycerides are OK.

Diabetes is caused by eating too much carbs over the years. Blood glucose is not a very sensitive test for diabetes, but your triglycerides look OK. (Diabetics and prediabetics usually have high triglycerides.)
HDL-C is a bit on the low side though.

Did have the standard tests for heavy metal from a main stream lab along with some other test's like lyme which came back negative. Always strongly believed my symptoms are related to past toxic exposures as well as maybe some more current ones.

I often wonder about amalgams cause my tongue get's soars like abrasion soars from rubbing on my mullers but can't help wondering if there isn't some type of allergic reaction driving this as opposed to mechanical.

28 years ago my dentist decided it would help pay for a new set of golf clubs if he were to drill out all my fillings and replace them with amalgams and that is exactly what he did. I got sick about 5 years later.

It's possible that your amalgam fillings and ME are connected. I know a few people that got better after a long detox process. We have a lot of variation in our detox abilities, most people are OK with some amalgam but some people get very sick. Even worse, you can't do a mercury detox as long as you have amalgam fillings.

Mercury chelation is tricky, but you can do it on your own. But it's imperative that you don't detox before you have replaced the fillings, as the detox would just move mercury from the fillings into your body. I suggest reading about the Cutler protocol for mercury detox, there is a wealth of information in a facebook group (acfanatics I think). I'm not a big fan of facebook, but it's the best resource I know. (There might also be websites describing it.) They will also tell you how to do the diagnosis whether you are likely to have mercury poisoning or not. Don't rush anything. The best way to detox is slow and safe, it takes years for some of us. (I do the Cutler protocol too, but I have lead exposure and not mercury.)


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
Frunobulax@ Good to know about the triglycerides and diabetes. Runs in the family but I suspect the biggist driver is lifesyle choices. I've gotten my weight down to 135 from an all time high of 176 maybe. I also hate vegtibles but try to include them in every meal. Cut out virtually all the refined carbs like bread, flower, sugar and the likes.

I often wonder if my toxic expousures have sensitized me maybe to my mercury fillings. I'm just not willing to go after them without a lot of evidence pointing at this.

Often wonder also about epoxy? People who work in industries that use epoxy in manufacturing get sensitivities to it. It's a recognized occupational hazard. And I built boats 5 years on and off during the early 80's. So I'm not sure I would be doing anything other than jumping from the pot into the fire. Which means gold? Not sure I want to spend that type of money. I have a couple of I forget what they were called. Nickle caps maybe? It was totally covered under ins. where gold was not. So I went with it.


Senior Member
Frunobulax@ Good to know about the triglycerides and diabetes. Runs in the family but I suspect the biggist driver is lifesyle choices. I've gotten my weight down to 135 from an all time high of 176 maybe. I also hate vegtibles but try to include them in every meal. Cut out virtually all the refined carbs like bread, flower, sugar and the likes.

If you want to learn about metabolic syndrome and diabetes, Sten Ekberg does some pretty good introductory videos on youtube on a number of subjects. Very calm and very solid scientifically. Weight is actually not the biggest issue, about 40% of slim people are metabolically sick and in risk of becoming diabetic. But losing weight is good nevertheless.

Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with a carnivore diet if you don't like veggies. Very good videos on youtube from a lot of different people for carnivore. I'm mostly carnivore with only some limited amount of veggies and salad, and it has helped me. I plan to go full carnivore for a couple of months soon, as a way to detox from plant chemical warfare (lectins, oxalates and whatnot).

I often wonder if my toxic expousures have sensitized me maybe to my mercury fillings. I'm just not willing to go after them without a lot of evidence pointing at this.

There is a reason for your ME/CFS, and you'll have to find it to treat yourself efficiently. It can be any environmental toxin like mould, chemicals in paint and varnish, insecticides, pesticides, heavy metals, virtually anything. But amalgam does cause serious symptoms for a lot of people, so my personal recommendation would be to get rid of it asap. You do have an ME, and most people with ME have some issue with their natural ability to detoxify, so avoiding all toxins (even in small amounts) is a very good idea if you ask me.

I'd go for ceramic fillings as any metals can cause problems. Not sure what the cost is in the US, here in Europe they are fairly cheap (you can get decent ones covered by insurance or really good ones where you pay about a hundred bucks per filling). Many people become allergic to nickel, and nickel is part of pretty much any metal that is used inside your body, including gold fillings and titanium joints/crews that are usually used in surgery. Some people react to titanium too. I did have serious foot surgery and had to get rid of the screes after just 4 months because they hurt like hell -- I know today that my immune system reacts moderately to titanium, which was probably the reason. I also had my 2 gold fillings removed because of that.

And as you are exposed to mercury I'd absolutely recommend getting yourself tested. (I wouldn't start detoxing/chelating without the diagnosis.) That's one of the reasons why I suggested to join that FB group: Mercury will often not show up in tests, as it's hidden in bones and lipid tissue so the blood content can be very low even for severely poisoned people. There are basically two ways to test for mercury (and other heavy metals):

(a, recommended) Do a hair test and have it evaluated in the Cutler group. If you have hidden mercury, then some other values will be out of whack (for example very low lithium). But I'm not an expert on that, there are some rules about identifying mercury (like 3 or 4 rules, and typically either all or none apply to a test) and the cutler group has some people that know these rules in and out, and they will have a look at your test. The good thing about this test is that it's risk free, just cut off some hair and mail it in to have it evaluated.

(b) Do a provocation test. Have yourself injected with a chelating agent (DMSA or DMPS), collect urine for some hours and if you have mercury or other HM then it will show up in your urine after that. The problem with that test is that it's risky: If you have serious exposition to HM then you can get permanently ill from this if the dose of the chelating agent is too high, I've personally experienced people go from some ME to becoming bedridden permanently. That of course only happens if you do have HM poisoning, and it's essential to get it out, but it's better to use very low doses for that. Therefore I'd always do the hair test first, and then a provocation test only if the hair test comes back negative.

I did it myself (both tests, I had amalgam fillings until 10 years ago) and I do not have hidden mercury, so the connection between amalgam und ME patients is not automatic. But then, other ME patients get better after chelating. And I do have some lead exposure (which showed up in the provocation test) which can cause kidney issues and high uric acid (which I have) so I'm chelating anyway.

Often wonder also about epoxy? People who work in industries that use epoxy in manufacturing get sensitivities to it. It's a recognized occupational hazard. And I built boats 5 years on and off during the early 80's.

I'm not a toxin specialist :) I know that a lot of bad stuff gets stored in lipid cells, and losing weight can help for some people. The less fat cells, the less environmental toxins in your body. I think there are some doctors that will test fat samples (that have to be surgically removed) for a variety of toxins, but then, getting rid of that fat is a good idea anyway (one more reason for me going ketogenic diet) so I'm not bothering about the tests.

In the end it's best to rule out things one by one. Do the heavy metal tests, if they come up positive you know you'll need to work on that. If they come up negative, well, do the next test.


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
ot a toxin specialist :) I know that a lot of bad stuff gets stored in lipid cells, and losing weight can help for some people. The less fat cells, the less environmental toxins in your body. I think there are some doctors that will test fat samples (that have to be surgically removed) for a variety of toxins, but then, getting rid of that fat is a good idea anyway (one more reason for me going ketogenic diet) so I'm not bothering about the tests.

In the end it's best to rule out things one by one. Do the heavy metal tests, if they come up positive you know you'll need to work on that. If they come up negative, well, do the next test.

Lots to digest, appreciate all the things you gave me to look into.


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
Thanks Frunobulax,
I have long suspected not just my original symptoms resulting from toxic exposures of all kinds and shapes, from my being exposed occupationally to pesticides, to my hobby of collecting and working on cars, to my welding and using torches, to my 5 years on and off working in the fiberglass industry, to my using solvent's like gasoline and acetone without gloves, to my spraying my own home for fleas and dipping dogs, to my crawling under my home and exposing myself to anything that might have been used for termite prevention, to spraying my attic with insulation treated in fire retardant. To cooking things in the microwave in plastic containers. There are so many things I have been exposed to prior to my illness.

But in 2011 I rode out a pretty long term downward trend in my illness where I was barely able to do more than take care of myself. I suspected that this was from some type of exposure or exposures after my initial illness in 1997. Maybe sometime around 2010. Because the onset was so sudden and severe.

Of course you can't say anything to most conventional drs about this or risk their thinking you are a hypochondriac and loosing all respect for you. Along with any sense of responsibility to get to the root of your problem.

I did recover slowly but quit eating gluten in 2011. And that seemed to help quite a bit. If you go back in my post's a year you will see I started a gluten challenge. I am worried the symptoms are coming back and I am going to regress to my 2010 state.

I need to get tested for antibodies again but current PCP has no respect for me and my gastroenterologist want's to milk me for an office visit every time I ask for a simple blood test. Last test was a year ago. Really need to do the followup before I quit with my gluten challenge. Which I think I am going to have to do just to play it safe.

I am 60 years old now. I don't think I will be able to handle going back to my 2010 state.


Senior Member
I did recover slowly but quit eating gluten in 2011. And that seemed to help quite a bit.

You might suffer from leaky gut, as wheat is one of the main contributing factors. Gluten is just one of 3 major lectins in wheat, in fact WGA may be even worse. We can handle a moderate amount of lectins, but not what we eat with a western diet. All kinds of toxins increase the permeability of the gut btw.
LG can cause a lot of serious symptoms on it's own. Just trying to show you another option :)

Steven Gundrys "paradox" books are the best source on LG that I know, even though I disagree with a few things he says (especially that we should limit our meat consumption). There is a lot you can do to repair LG, personally I think a switch to a ketogenic lectin-free diet is the best option, along with plenty of bone broth, probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D (which is what Gundry says too, he just uses more words :) ).