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Heavy Metal Detoxing question

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I recently had an Oligoscan. It measures heavy metals and minerals in your body. I came back high in cadmium and aluminum. The doctor who wanted me to have the test says that these metals could be causing me all kinds of problems. Who knows. She wants me on a super expensive zeolite. Clear Drops they are called. What are your thoughts on any of this? I bathe in Epsom salts, I do coffee enemas here and there. I've been sick since 1989. I am really not sure what to do. This MD feels that the metals could get in the way of my hormones and that is possibly why I don't tolerate hormones. I tried zeolite before. 15 drops a day. My doctor (not the one who thinks I should be on zeolite) does not know how to prescribe anything. 15 drops made me so dizzy. I felt awful. My adrenals are toast, so I don't know what to do.
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I just ordered powdered Zeolite...it arrived. 400 grams was around 60$ and might last 400 days.

(today has been cancelled, BTW)

interesting you have actual data.

do you ever taste metal? I do ...I can tell when its dumping as I can taste it.

Recently, I was SO sick with acute gastroperesis/virus/near death round 10...that I took really hot Epsom salt baths every four hours for at least 3-4 days, then maybe just two a day and then: I was metal poisoned I am pretty sure.

No baths for a week.

The following will trigger a metal release in my case-

-anything that moves lymph significantly.

- proteolytic enzymes (just one, I'll taste metal the next day, then I stopped taking the enzymes)

-acupuncture (tells stagnant stuff to move).

so- I share your pain. What metals in my case I do not know.

I tried zeolite before. 15 drops a day.

maybe you should have only taken one drop.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Recently, I was SO sick with acute gastroperesis/virus/near death round 10...that I took really hot Epsom salt baths every four hours for at least 3-4 days, then maybe just two a day and then: I was metal poisoned I am pretty sure.

Were you metal poisoned from the baths?

I should have done just a few drops, I agree. The doctor I consulted with said that sometimes doing it slowly makes it worse.

Today has been cancelled. I too am in bed. I am so sorry you are also so sick.


Senior Member
South east England
It measures heavy metals and minerals in your body. I came back high in cadmium and aluminum. The doctor who wanted me to have the test says that these metals could be causing me all kinds of problems
Did they say anything about your test showing you might be a bit low in Zinc and Chromium and that correcting that might help?

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Did they say anything about your test showing you might be a bit low in Zinc and Chromium and that correcting that might help?

Yes, I am on zinc now, but nothing about chromium. This doctor does not respond and honestly, I am at a loss on what to do because without her responding, I really don't know.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
but nothing about chromium. This doctor does not respond and honestly, I am at a loss on what to do because without her responding, I really don't know.

These comments got me wondering about chromium and then I read some more and now I'm really wondering if I"m low on Chromium.

My blood sugar- isn't very good hear lately, I really have a big drop around 3 pm.

gonna think about chromium...(my diet is often really limited...)



Senior Member
Orange County, CA
Did they say anything about your test showing you might be a bit low in Zinc and Chromium and that correcting that might help?

Yes, if you increase your zinc status, that will help. The zinc will help to displace some of the heavy metals. Also, your silicon is low, which I know can help kick out Aluminum.
I did chelation for my heavy metals, so I don't know too much about the zeolite. But you can always start will less than 15 drops. And make sure you shore up on all your vitamins and minerals to help your body get rid of this stuff.
Pretty sure glutathione will detox those and many other things. Have you had your glutathione tested? A deficiency may be what is driving the elevated metals. It's also cheaper to raise that then take an expensive zeolite (which may also interfere with absorption of other nutrients).


Senior Member
Vic, AU
Curious about your zeolite product, have you looked into TRS? I wonder if it is similar, TRS is suppose to be highly absorbable unlike most zeolite products. Have you also eaten much chocolate over the years? It can be the reason behind the cadmium and lead levels. A friend and I, who also has similar health issues, we travelled a bit over the years and were really into cacao products, only to realise at some point cacao can be a real problem for cadmium and lead contamination. She has also used the Oligoscan, gone through probably a dozen bottles of TRS and all her numbers are right down, along with other stuff like mercury. I have gone through probably 9 bottles of TRS myself, I am definitely improved the last 12 months or so but there are a few factors at play so I could not put it down to the TRS specifically, do have 3 more bottles on the way though.

But yes the big point here is you have to take it slowly with this stuff, you are probably looking at 12 months minimum to start really clearing some of this stuff out and you will get usual cognitive changes and responses but it seems really worth chipping away at it over time.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Pretty sure glutathione will detox those and many other things. Have you had your glutathione tested? A deficiency may be what is driving the elevated metals. It's also cheaper to raise that then take an expensive zeolite (which may also interfere with absorption of other nutrients).

I don't do well on glutathione at all. Horrible actually and it has something to do with my mutations. Or 23 and Me test.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Curious about your zeolite product, have you looked into TRS? I wonder if it is similar, TRS is suppose to be highly absorbable unlike most zeolite products. Have you also eaten much chocolate over the years? It can be the reason behind the cadmium and lead levels. A friend and I, who also has similar health issues, we travelled a bit over the years and were really into cacao products, only to realise at some point cacao can be a real problem for cadmium and lead contamination. She has also used the Oligoscan, gone through probably a dozen bottles of TRS and all her numbers are right down, along with other stuff like mercury. I have gone through probably 9 bottles of TRS myself, I am definitely improved the last 12 months or so but there are a few factors at play so I could not put it down to the TRS specifically, do have 3 more bottles on the way though.

But yes the big point here is you have to take it slowly with this stuff, you are probably looking at 12 months minimum to start really clearing some of this stuff out and you will get usual cognitive changes and responses but it seems really worth chipping away at it over time.

The stuff I am on is like $80 per bottle. Crazy expensive. It's just zeolite and something else but the MD I talked to said it's really high quality. Not sure anymore. I need to get back on it and YES, I have chocolate every....single...day.