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Has anyone had any experience with Seka Nikolic?


Senior Member
SE coast, Brazil
Seka Nikolic is a bioenergy healer and, according to some reports, has been treating some patients with ME/CFS , some of them referred to her by Dr Sarah Myhill.
I´m asking about her because one patient that I know from a support group here in Brazil ( not personally) went to London a few years ago to solve some Family issues and, during his stay in London, had many treatment sessions with her.
He said that he was impressed not only by the reports he heard at the clinic from other patients from all over the world but also by the strange sensations he felt during the treatment.
He said that he improved a lot , that he was at that time walking many miles a day and he didn´t feel sick at all.
Once he returned to Brazil, his ME symptoms returned to his previous level and he hasn´t improved since then.
Any personal experiences anyone here?


Senior Member
Funnily enough I have. Years ago the person who brought Seka to London approached a local London ME group to see if they could try to heal some patients here.

About 3 or 4 of us were offered free sessions with Seka and asked to comment at the end on how our symptoms were. It's so long ago that I can't remember how many sessions I had with her - maybe 6?

Both Seka and I agreed at the end that I was not improved.

I don't think anyone from my group was helped.


Senior Member
I came across Seka Nikolic about 10 yers ago, when I first developed ME/CFS, through Dr Myhill's website I believe. When I was healthy, I used to be very interested in exploring all sorts of mind-body-spirit practices like meditation, yoga, chi gong, etc, and would have been interested in seeing Seka when I was healthy, perhaps just to see if I could further optimize body and mind.

But once I developed ME/CFS, I just had the intuitive feeling that these more subtle areas of the mind and spirit that I'd aways tried to cultivate when healthy would not help combat whatever body or brain dysfunction is causing ME/CFS.

If I could regain a bit more health and mental clarity, I'd like to return to practices like meditation; but at present I am not able to tune into these states of meditative consciousness through the cloud of brain fog.
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Yes just over 10 years ago I had some sessions with Seka in London. I think I had one a day for about an hour for 5 consecutive days. Just getting there and back each day for 5 days on the bounce was demanding for me. She seemed very nice, very personable. I can't remember much about it now. I don't remember feeling much particularly and it didn't make any difference to my condition. I remember it being fairly pricey I thought. May be wrong but I think it was around £120 per session. So £600 for the week.


Senior Member
I know it's hard to wait so long for research to come through and for biomedical treatment to become available.
But chasing quacks while waiting is not going to help.

By passing her hands over the body, Seka can identify physical and emotional energy blockages. She then works to rebalance the body’s own natural energy frequencies, in order to bring back health and relieve negative symptoms.

Come on... Save your money.
I am a fan of this lady,
I bought her best selling book called you can heal yourself.
When I read Deepak Chopra he talked about ever6thing in the universe at the quantum level is energy and it is.

So I did a couple of distant healing sessions with her , I might of raised my vibration too high or too low as we missed our frequency and didn’t entrain.Still it was worth the effort, nothing ventured nothing gained.

Yes I understand the last thread your mindset , you got a gut feel that bio energy wasn’t authentic, it happens,
What I do is buy books on subjects cause it gives a deeper understanding and ins8ght for that topic so I can learn more. I always did have a growth mindset.
Seka talks of using her energy to unblock your energy,and she does a lot of healing with ME patients.

I was fascinated with one of Paul McKenna programmes when he and Seka teamed up together to help a MS sufferer recover enough to go to her daughters wedding.
Seka could of been born with a special power.

This is where I differ from her because I’m an energy absorber.I absorb the sky chee, i absorb the earth chee , and the environmental chee. the Chinese art of energy healing called Qigong.
First time I absorbed, was one of the most brilliant experience I had for years!
I stood in the garden I raised my hands up to the sky and imagined I was a satilite dish absorbing all the energy from the sun , behind the sunthe sky,behind the sky the cosmos, behind the cosmos the universe, all this chee flowing into me through my head ( woosh, how powerful is that! ),slowly moving down my body ,cleansing all the stagnant, diseased impure energy that was inside my body moving downward this putrid energy leaving through my feet deep into the ground into the earth never to returnThis basic Qigong, ( spelled as Chi gong) cleansing exercise was a beginning for my recovery using the ancient Chinese way to health.

I live in England, last week I was in Spain absorbing-earth energy ,sky energy and powerful environmental energy at 7-30am standing a foot deep in the sea for 30 minutes. I was reciting the words “ I am in the universe, the universe is in my body , the universe and I combine”
I was doing this standing meditation/exercise combined with deep breathing where if you do it for an hour you can increase your red blood cells by 1.5 million , white blood cells by 1600, and hemoglobin by 3.2 grams in every cubic centermetre of blood .Hemoglobin of course is the oxygen carrier within the body bringing in it to tissues and organs , thereby causing improvement in the functioning of the entire body.

In addition to that I started my super charging routine, I started using my certainty, I was chanting affirmations allowed, one of my favourites I was using was “ I feel terrific ! every cell in my body is now filled, is now bursting with health energy vitality stamina and power.Yes!!
The Chinese call it Chee, the Japanese called it Ki, and in India they call it Prana.
Whatever it’s called look for and search for it , investigate it, its a helpful healing energy and its free to use.
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Senior Member
I saw her in 2006 for a series of five consecutive appointments during which ( roughly speaking) she removed “bad“ energy and put in good energy.

There was an immediate improvement in energy and functioning, I would say at least two points on the disability scale. The first day of treatment caused a headache and increased ache and pains but I remember noticing that the blood seem to be circulating to my head properly my eyes were brighter even my hair looked thicker.

The improvement lasted for about three weeks whereupon there was a classic crash and my body seemed to revert to pre-healing levels.

I have no doubt that she is able to do something very unusual with energy. But my own experience left me with the sense that she was unable to fix the fundamental problem.


Senior Member
I saw her in 2006 for a series of five consecutive appointments during which ( roughly speaking) she removed “bad“ energy and put in good energy.

There was an immediate improvement in energy and functioning, I would say at least two points on the disability scale. The first day of treatment caused a headache and increased ache and pains but I remember noticing that the blood seem to be circulating to my head properly my eyes were brighter even my hair looked thicker.

The improvement lasted for about three weeks whereupon there was a classic crash and my body seemed to revert to pre-healing levels.

I have no doubt that she is able to do something very unusual with energy. But my own experience left me with the sense that she was unable to fix the fundamental problem.

That's along the lines of what she said to me. She said she was putting in the energy but my body wasn't able to take the "spark" or whatever the right term is. It was a long time ago.

If she was healing PWME in London we'd know about it through the local support groups .


Senior Member
I was reciting the words “ I am in the universe, the universe is in my body , the universe and I combine”

Coxsackievirus B is part of the universe, and coxsackievirus B is in my body; indeed, unfortunately coxsackievirus B and I have combined. That's the cause of my ME/CFS, according to researchers like Dr John Chia.

What I found is that the brain fog of ME/CFS destroys much of the spiritual sense, so you can no longer get any meaningful response from techniques such as mindfulness meditation and so forth. I started a thread on this subject here: Does brain fog reduce the spiritual sense?

Sorry to here you got Coxsackieviris B in your body I use meditation for 10 to 30 minutes so that my mind and body go into a state of deep deep rest , I don’t for anything else.
I like to gather chee , it is simple and easy to do, it makes me feel good .
I saw her last week (for chronic hunger, I don't suffer from ME). It was remarkable, on the third day after seeing her I put my hand over my stomach and the tension and hunger dissipated like that. I felt as if I had been cured and as if I had reached enlightenment (I understood a lot of things by feeling which before I had only understood theoretically). I am not sure I would recommend it because now I have gone home and the tension and hunger is coming back. The disappointment is hard. I have had more steady improvement from Ambrish Vijayakar (homeopathy) and Stephan Hausner (family constellations). I will in my thorough way find out more about "energy" as it is clearly where the power is. Anyone have any insights here? Bliss junkie?
Forget the negativity in the last post. I am back on a remarkable upswing. Actually my experience with homeopathy involved downswings at the beginning as well