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Has anyone had a Covid vaccine yet?


Senior Member
I'm 4 weeks post second jab and returning closer to baseline.
The first 3 weeks were quite bad, the vaccine triggered my asthma and IBD (or the underlying MCAS, probably an immune reaction macrophages going wild, a bit like the IRIS-reaction i got from GcMAF which caused my pro-inflammatory cytokines to fly off the charts). I felt really out of it, more brain fogged and tired than usual, joint and muscle pain.
Nobody in my direct surrounding reacted this bad to the vaccine so it's not without risk for our group!


Senior Member
I posted this in my story line yesterday:

Am 2 days feeling better after 4 preceding days of symptoms from Pfizer covid-19 shot #2 (worsened my pre-existing PEM: muscle soreness, body aches, neuropathy and sore throat; plus later on, low grade fever, chills, sweats). Not sure if my feeling pretty decent is due to drinking cumin ginger tea every 1-2 days or if it was due to the 2nd covid-19 dose. I did get the arm soreness 1 day post-jab for both #1 and #2 shots.

While the 4 days post #2 dose were pretty rough, I had prolonged mild to moderate symptoms just from the first dose. Then prolonged symptoms were the reason I started taking cumin, as a potential PEM blocker. Either way, I am hoping I might have a noticeable improvement in the next few weeks.

At this time, I am focusing on doing only slightly more but still be on a frequent rest (and hydrate) schedule.

It is a relief to have little to no body aches and pain. Fatigue/greatly reduced stamina, neuropathy and unrefreshing sleep is still there. But, hey, I appreciate the improvement.


suffering ceases when craving is removed
I just had my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine (in-home) this past Friday. I was unwell for approximately 24 hours, but upon waking Sunday, returned back to my normal baseline.

Burning muscle sensations and muscle aches were my primary discomfort. I also took several naps throughout the day.

My reaction to the first dose was much the same.



Senior Member
I just had my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine (in-home) this past Friday. I was unwell for approximately 24 hours, but upon waking Sunday, returned back to my normal baseline.

Burning muscle sensations and muscle aches were my primary discomfort. I also took several naps throughout the day.

My reaction to the first dose was much the same.


Congratulations on protecting yourself with a second dose Howard.

Really good news!



Senior Member
Does anyone know what the IgG-level range is to be "protected"?
My wife has been double jabbed with moderna, IgG is at 4850.
update on my health/vaccine etc.
my husband tested positive for covid yesterday 19th sept. he tested positive with the latral flow so went for appointment for drive in testing to confirm the results. He's already had his 2 vaccinces of AZ
l did the lateral flow test on the 18th..and it was negative. lv had 1 vaccine so far, the phizer
We both have some similar symptoms.., but some different.
his symptoms starting 3 days before me ..we had ,,,,, high temperature, he's on day 7 of symptoms ,im on day 5. my temperature rose to 101 on day 3 and daily it is going down.
today its 98f.. but his is maintaining a temp of 99.8F. We both have cough but he has lost his sense of smell on wednesday 15th. l have not lost any of my taste or smell senses. We both have to self isolate for 10 days. The NHS has asked me to do at least 2 tests, so l will do another lateral flow test tomorrow.
My M.E is bad..extremely tired, so lm bedresting and l keep losing my appetite. it did come back last night and had light chicken salad but both of us mostly drinking herb teas,ginger and honey and sipping thyme tea to protect any possible lung infection and hight vit C daily ( 3xl000) till out temp is normal.
He has not lost his appetite . and he sleeps ok.
so im expecting my lateral flow test tomorrow to be positive :(
will keep you updated on my M.E experience with my possible covid.
stay safe everyone.