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Has anyone had a Covid vaccine yet?


Senior Member
Berlin, Germany
Little update from me. Had my second AZ vaccine on the 3rd June. Was fine for about a week, but then I managed to catch some sort of virus/infection and went completely down hill after that. It seems now like I have a quite bad ebv flare, which is causing me all sorts of symptoms but is primarily draining me so I am incredibly tired. But the physical fatigue is still being buffered by the protocol I'm on. So even though I can wake up feeling crashed or crashy, I recover super quick, like in a few hours. This is 100% different to before where I would just end up sick as a dog for 4 days (usually 1 week).

So long story short and not to go off topic, the 2nd jab appears to have caused my ebv to re-activate AGAIN. I was on the road to remission before the jab, I felt better than I had in 5 years. So I therefore blame the vaccine.

Currently taking high doses of the protocol to try and clear the flare and get my immune system back to normal.

But what I still hope scientists figure out is, why does ebv reactivate when you hit a stress trigger after a vaccine (potentially any vaccine) but especially covid...what's going on. And why does it take months to recover back to baseline?
What is your protocol if i can ask?


Senior Member


Senior Member
Still very nervous here also and yet to be vaccinated even though I was called up nearly six months ago.

Have an appointment with my usual GP (finally, as they have been completely incommunicado since recently) in three weeks time to seek her advice.

I recently received a letter from the NHS in the mail saying I was considered high risk but I am not sure why. I do have positive autoimmune markers on blood tests (high positive RF, weak positive ANA, weak positive Anti Sm Ab and intermittent high ESR) and have had these on and off for 15 years but I did not think this was a reason to be considered high risk so I am going to ask her about this at the appointment also.

I really want to be vaccinated and don't want to live forever fearful of catching the virus but I am just so scared of making my illness symptoms permanently worse, particularly the exhaustion and neuropathic pain, both of which have only this past two months lessened slightly after a very bad three year long relapse.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
5 weeks after I got my second dose something's definitely not right. The primary thing that got worse after the second vaccine was a) my ability to recover from exertion which was pretty great and b) I had totally eradicated any symptoms in my neck whereas as the days went by post jab I had this slow ache that crept in that had not gone away.

I thought the protocol I'm currently on would clear this if I was patient (protocol is in my signature). But every time I take beta glucans it seems to make everything worse and I didn't experience this the first time. So the covid vaccine seemed to change the way my immune system responds to stimulation of itself. I have a fairly strong feeling ill recover from it but it will probably take 12 to 24 months. I guess it might only take 6 but I'm not going to hold my breath. I'm debating whether to get a booster - it's much more likely to be an mrna vaccine but do I go there again? Inc flu it will be four vaccines in one year.

I'm not really sure what happened. Part of me wants to stop everything and see how my body responds and then start up again.

Edit: after reading the study where covid reactivates ebv. I think the second vaccine definitely did this to me. Whereas the first maybe did as well but it wasn't nearly as bad as the second time. I think this is why I had so many issues with my throat.
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Got first Pfizer 2,5 weeks ago (I have long covid for 15 months). Since vaccine my lung+ hypoxia problems went much worse. Some fibrinolytic supplements helps a bit, but not much. Ebv also started to replicate, but it don’t disturb me at all, a main problem it’s Covid. Seems I belongs a small group who is doing worse with LC after vaccine. Wish I know how to protect me from this vaccine effect..(


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Sorry your both having bad reactions. I'm 4 weeks out from az no 2 and have yet to fully recover. I felt terrific I mean really really good the day before the vaccine. I think I'd do it again though not exactly much choice. But the reset on my immune health is really depressing.
Sorry your both having bad reactions. I'm 4 weeks out from az no 2 and have yet to fully recover. I felt terrific I mean really really good the day before the vaccine. I think I'd do it again though not exactly much choice. But the reset on my immune health is really depressing.
Thank you! In my case, I definitely not going to do a second shot. Bc I survived from active infection for 15 months even I immune compromised (I learnt how to manage an infection with some medicine), but at this point I am not sure I will survive bc everything has been changed after that shot, and not in my control more. Will see. In any case it certainly doesn’t mean I don’t recommend it, bc of own experience. It just some abnormal special case(


Senior Member
... I am just so scared of making my illness symptoms permanently worse, particularly the exhaustion and neuropathic pain, both of which have only this past two months lessened slightly after a very bad three year long relapse.

Eric Clapton gave a pretty good interview about what happened with his neuropathy after getting the vaccine. He rambles on a bit, but gets into some detail.
Got my 2nd shot of Pfizer vaccine 5 days ago, and no reaction, not even a sore arm! The first shot I had a 20 minute reaction, and then a month of extremely quick to tire along with lightheadedness which latter has not featured for years... but who knows if the first vaccine caused that? I waited an extra week for the 2nd shot cos I felt I couldnt cope if I got a bad reaction. phew. I am so thankful Im fully vaccinated!!!
I'm also full vaccinated.
First with Astra, yesterday with Biontech.

After the first vaccination I had slight symptoms...for maybe three to four days.
Like a mild flu.

The second vac had as of now no symptoms.
hi, l just want to give feedback on my experience of my vaccine ( pfizer) this morning at 9.30. im in Uk Nottinghamshire.
l have severe M.E... for now 45 years... and iv held back all these weeks from having the vaccine till l had done my research. l was worried it would make my M.E symptoms worse. l decided a few days ago to go ahead and accept the vaccine as the info coming out is that the delta virus is spreading fast. l made the decision that the side effects from vaccine are still low compared to catching the virus being high. l felt my body would not be able to cope with an overload of the virus that appears to be everywhere now no matter where we live. l feel at peace that lv made my own decision based on my own informed research, and not from family or friends telling what l should do. The injection took less than 10 seconds ( l counted) it was at a walk in hospital unit and we were out in less that 10 min plus the 15 wait after injection. l read a tip to have the injection in the morning and to keep moving the arm on the injection side and it helps stop the acky arm,..so thats what lv been doing and so far, no acky arm or soreness. l will keep my mind occupied for rest of day and forget lv had it if possible unless l get any side effects..l have to go back in 6 weeks for 2nd jab and not 8 weeks as they are now recommending that., , l will post on here to keep up my feedback, if it will help to others.
* as we were waiting in the 15 min recover room a nurse chatted to us and said he had been on the covid wards for the last 18 months and its again now filling up with patients,..he looked very sad and said he asked to work this morning on the injection unit so that he could have a break from the covid wards.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
l decided a few days ago to go ahead and accept the vaccine as the info coming out is that the delta virus is spreading fast.

same here.....now waiting for a phone call for a nurse to come here...wonder how long is the wait?

I suspect these recent shifts in the terrain- will push another cohort towards vaccinating who had delayed.


Senior Member
@Seabreeze it feels a gamble, and weighing the odds of a flare from the vaccine vs the consequences of covid isn't easy. I have just had my 2nd Pfizer shot. Last time I did have a flare, so I'm ready for it, but hoping this time will be different. I hope if you do get any side effect they are very mild and very short lasting.

I'm running on adrenalin at the moment - I haven't been out the house in such a long time. I'm trying to keep my activity low until the adrenalin subsides (it causes me to over-do and that brings on a crash).
morning everyone. just a further feedback of my experience of my pfzer yesterday at 9.30am. All still really good. My arm muscle where the injection site l noted was starting to ache about 6.30pm teatime..l found if l kept moving the arm and hand it really eased off plus l noticed that when l was relaxing ie when watching tv, l found that l was tensing my arm up , which then made the arm muscle achy and tense,..so l made myself relax the whole arm and it worked. But l had to keep checking l was relaxing the arm..l settled down in bed and watched lots of my boxset dvd's to relax my mind, and hubby brought me lots of cups of tea and biscuits. He wanted to keep checking l was ok bless him. At about 8pm l started to get a mild sinus like headache pain over my eyes ( lv suffered for years with sinus problems) and l was expecting the vaccine to trigger sinus pain as one of the side effects. So when l noticed it starting last night l did what l always do when l get sinus headache..l gently massaged and stoked the area while watching tv and it stopped the mild headache. l didnt even need to take any paracetamol that l had ready.So rest of evening went ok, nothing different from my usual severe M.E fatigue. l slept ok, no raised temperature/fever in the night, and l slept right through the night ,which is very unusual for me as l usually wake up 3 or 4 times. .Woke up with my usual M.E symptoms ie neuro leg pains and fatigue that l have had for years,. This early morning, No headache ,no achy arm ( just a slight soreness at injection site) and my brain fog that l have is also so far so good :)
edit; just wanted to mention that after hospital visit l had to go straight back to bed. That's not unusual for me as any trip out totally wears me out (son -in- law took us to hospital by car to minimise fatigue)
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Morning everyone. just a last little feedback (day3) of my experience of my 1st pfzer vaccine.(Background= M.E 45 yrs and severe last 20 years) Yesterday not much different from my usual M.E symptoms. Only difference l had was arm muscle ache in jabbed side which was mild most of day, but came back about 6pm, so l just kept moving the arm/clenching hand&fingers and it went. Happy to say there is absolutely no ache or soreness in that jabbed arm muscle this morning :) l started to get palpitations about 8pm but l put that down to delayed anxiety over having the jab & it soon went. Felt mildly 'warm' about 9pm, had paracetamol ready but didnt need them, so l just had a herb tea & rubbed on 'vick' on my feet which l usually do if l feel a chill coming on and within an hour l felt ok. Woke this morning and its as if nothing is different than before l had the vaccine, just all my usual daily M.E symptoms. If l get any delayed vaccine symptoms in the nk 2 weeks l will give feedback.