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Guide to the Potential Dangers of Aerotoxic Syndrome


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I used to get burning sensations on my skin for several weeks after flying on a jet plane. I had thought it was from being exposed to high levels of EMFs while on the plane, but I'm not so sure now after just finding out about Aerotoxic Syndrome as it pertain to jet planes. The following is a 2-min. video describing what it is:

Guide to the Potential Dangers of Aerotoxic Syndrome

Here's an interesting story that's been in the news lately:

BA pilot 'killed by toxic fumes on flightdeck after being constantly exposed to fuel leaks on-board passenger jets'

Here's the introduction to the above article:
A British Airways pilot who died at 43 after complaining he was being poisoned by toxic fumes on passenger planes may have been right, according to new research.

Richard Westgate, from Edinburgh, suffered years of ill health including severe headaches, mental confusion, sight problems and insomnia before he died in December 2012 at the age of 43.

Just before he died, he instructed lawyers to sue BA for health and safety breaches, convinced his problems were related to his being exposed to toxic chemicals on board the planes he flew.

Now, new scientific research has provided compelling evidence that exposure to cockpit air contaminated with hazardous organophosphates caused his death.
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Moderation Resource Albuquerque

I think we have discussed this before here. Might be worth doing a search with google site search.



Senior Member
Sth Australia
It has been known for quite a time now that pilots get ME/CFS a lot due to this. One of the ME specialists once said that at one of his talks MANY years ago now. He was talking about the cockpit air contaminated with organophosphates.


Senior Member
Another reason to love flying. Keeping the cockpit air uncontaminated so the pilots can work at their best should be a given.

Whilst no-one wants pilots who are ill with vision probs and mental confusion.... I think the plane air for the passengers should be equally as important.

I was going to fly in my plans for the future, I dont think i will now.

sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK
The coroner's report on Mr Westgate's very premature death would seem to be a potential landmark here:

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/aviation/11427509/Warning-over-toxic-fumes-in-plane-cabins.html (not sure if readers outside the UK can see that one, but basically the coroner is going to conclude that aerotoxic syndrome is all too real and does cause serious health problems in some).

I've long been interested in links between atmospheric pollutants and CFS/ME because of my own history. About 6 months before a virus triggered my illness, I completed a year living in an "oil city" in the middle east. (for those who have never seen one, an oil city is basically a vast array of refineries covering thousands of acres, with housing crammed into the spaces in between) I experienced some cognitive issues while living there — memory problems, difficulty concentrating, intractable headaches. Several years later I got talking online to someone who had worked in the environmental lab of the relevant local government office in that same town. He told me he had left the job because he and all the staff regularly recorded dangerous levels of hydrogen sulfide and other nasty compounds in the air, but their results were then routinely altered by bureaucrats to indicate 'safe' levels before publication. It's hardly conclusive evidence of anything, but it has to make you wonder.


Senior Member
Another article about Aerotoxic Syndrome is in the news - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ptain-lifts-lid-aviations-darkest-secret.html and http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...rgent-action-death-British-Airways-pilot.html

An independent British Film about this topic is coming out next week. The name of the film is "A Dark Refection". The film was developed by Tristan Loraine, who also wrote a book about aerotoxicity called "Toxic Airlines". See, http://www.toxicairlines.com/

Another article that you might like to read about this topic - http://www.laleva.org/eng/2010/03/aerotoxicity_toxic_air_for_passengers_and_airplane_crews.html
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