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Griffith Uni ME/CFS Centre for NeuroImmunology & Emerging Diseases opens


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
The antibiotics that have been mentioned in this post so far have all be used in cfs/me especially minocycline. The only recoveries that i have read about were people infected with chronic mycoplasma and CPN and without any viral infections?

Are we mixing biogenics research with griffith uni research, as i havent read anything about any type of gut infections, leaky gut, mucus membrane infections etc in griffith uni research.

If griffith have can someone point me in the direction of the research they have done on this?


Near Cognac, France
One of the hypotheses I have been entertaining involves translocation of LPS from the gut as the trigger that transitions from injury or infection to ME. Its not just about tolll-like receptors though. LPS triggers a wide range of things, including migration of immune cells. I have a half written blog about this that I doubt I will be finishing any time soon.

Indeed, and microglia can be activated locally or via pro-inflammatory cytokines from systemic inflammation.

Look forward to you blog.

In the meantime back to the topic - Griffith Uni.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
[qote="allyann, post: 423474, member: 4415"]Has anyone got any information about the clinic and availability of appointments?[/quote]
I emailed them end of last year and they said they would contact me when they know more. I asked about treatments and treatment trials etc. They couldnt tell me much other than they are getting gp's with an interest in cfs and will use local specialist for other issues they come across. So doesnt sound like anything out of the box yet and maybe no more than if one has a good gp currently?? I guess though that one will be kept in the loop with anything new coming out of griffith which is a good thing maybe get some testing not available to other gp's.

Hopefully someone has more insight.


Making the most of it
Has anyone got any information about the clinic and availability of appointments?
I have been in touch with the NCNED clinic again today. They told me "the clinic will be functional next month".

They also indicated that information about how to get an appointment will be available next month after they have updated their procedures.


Making the most of it
Back in April 2014, NCNED gave me the following information about the clinic:

"(It) will be run by GP's with a special interest in CFS. You would need a referral from your own GP to attend the clinic. A full medical examination is required and investigations the doctor deems necessary will be undertaken (including a full blood screening). In addition, you may be offered immune cell profiling which is only performed by our research team. In the future, the clinic may link up with treatment trials for CFS.

In regards to cost, there is a fee to attend appointments which is dependent upon the time taken for the appointment. There will be an out of pocket cost. Pathology may also incur a separate fee."