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From sleep to full awakening in a second - wake-up problems, help!


Senior Member
Hi all, I did some small, but great improvement in last months, Im so happy. Unfortunately everything is not perfect - here is a new big problem what really limited me on my way of healing - sleep/awakening disorder...something like "cortisol or adrenaline shock".

It looks like I'm sleeping quite well, but every day something wake me early in the morning to a 100% conscious state in a second - it's almost like a shock...from full sleep to full awakening.
Then I can't fall asleep again even with some drug, because the body is extremely "energized" and no calm.

It almost always happens exactly after sleeping 7 hours. But I need to sleep 9/10 hours- less = PEM. Now I'm in consistent PEM due this! :-/

Any advice what to do please? It limits me extremely! According to tests, my cortisol is usually rather low in the morning...
I read here something about "Seriphos" @Mary ? I'm only on Mirtazapine + Quetiapin for long time - this makes my sleep better.

Paradox thing - early this month I started DNRS - this program makes me really calm and cool, in a great mood. It comes to me as the best support for calming and relieving the nervous system and brain. But then I don't understand these morning shocks !!! it doesn't make sense at all together...

All recommendations and tips welcome, thanks Martin
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Your relate is perfect. Feel like It was a description of me now.

Im passing through this at this exact moment with Ozone therapy. First, I would wake up super energized and concious that I should wake up, then (4 days later so far) I cant sleep anymore. 3-4 hours sleep a day. In abstract, Im energized and extremely exhausted due to sleep deprivation ALL day.


Senior Member
Hi @glazevedx ...any new success? My sleep is little bit better with more DNRS training. Looks like a effect on my nervous system.

I hope more answers come also from others.
Hi, @MartinK
Yeah, Um doing very well. I can have a normal life when I do Ozone. If It didnt, I'd be out of the bed just 4 hours a day. The unique problem is that I cant return studying coz my fatigue is mental the most. Please, tell me How you are doing with dnrs in If possible.

I returned sleeping after a week without Ozone. Im doing Just 2-3 times a week now.
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Senior Member
Hi all, sleep problems continue, I need some help, any advice if you have solved the same problem as me.

I've found that I've slept much better in the last 2 months when I have PEM - probably due to higher fatigue during day. Once the first day my PEM disappears, I can't sleep and wake up soon - it causes another PEM, literally a cascade. So it is impossible for me to leave PEM :-(

Im now on 30 mg mirtazapine and 25 mg quetiapin. Doing DNRS. As an emergency solution I have ready half of zolpidem. When I wake up early I'll take it for some chance of more sleeping, but it works only sporadic.

I don't know how to get out of PEM, I'm really exhausted. Sleep works against me! :-(


Senior Member
That's the first symptom I ever had. I described it like being deep underwater and something pushing me rapidly towards the surface. Wide awake. No delicious drowsy feeling to put me back to sleep as long as I wanted. That was in 1992, so I don't know how to help you other than search the forum for possible sleep meds or various techniques that work for you. At certain times, I have 'budgeted' 12 hours for sleep, hoping to get some restorative sleep within that 12 hours without too much medication, but the refreshing sleep is ever elusive. I wish you the best of luck at finding something that works for you. I basically have an array of meds I choose from and rotate them, so they don't stop working. When I was healthy, I always needed 9 hours of sleep to cope with working long hours. But that was actual, normal sleep. With medication, I don't feel alert until later in the day, when the meds have worn off, if that makes sense. People say it's a dysregulation of the cortisol hormone. The old HPA axis - hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal. If you get out of PEM and find what works for you, then you can probably count yourself recovered from whatever this array of symptoms are - and it's a huge array. People do recover. Others relapse/remit. Sleep is my holy grail to this day.