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famvir vs. valcyte vs LDN


Three or four years ago I tried valcyte (I think, can't remember, brain fog is bad). I have recently crashed and my doctor wants to try famvir. I had to stop the valcyte after 6 or 8 weeks because I crashed, called in sick weekly and my boss made me sign some things to the effect that after a certain number of days it would be considered a leave (unpaid of course). I stopped so that I could work, as we only had my income. My health picked up though after I stopped and I was really functioning well, but now I have crashed.

Anyway, is it effective, what dose should I start with, should I pulse (on and off), do I have to worry about my liver? Should I try LDN instead? I would really appreciate any guidance here. Please refer me to previous threads so that you are not repeating yourself. I tried a search but it didn't work (probably my brain fogged mistake). I take all kinds of supplements for methylation, detox, gut health, yadda yadda yadda so I know I need something else to boost me back to where I was.


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hi, my cfs started with ebv and chickenpox, a couple a great herpees viruses that can cause cfs, anyway 7 years after this onset i started famvir 250mg morn and 250mg at night. I noticed no die off affect and recovery isnt like a bolt of lightening either, recovery is very suttle, 2-3 months down the track i just wasnt 'crashing' as much or as severe, brain fog was easing etc, was still up and down though but improving, lymphocyte blood tests showed improvement inline with my symptom improvement. After 12 months of continuous use i would say i have gone from 60% to 90% range, am back working fulltime, exercising etc, still a few sleep issues, cfs is still lingering in the back ground but just have to pull back when feeling it rearing its ugly head. I have taken short breaks from antivirals but after 1 week symptoms start to return so i go back on av's. I did notice though that after 12 months continuous use and having a break for a week or 2 then going back on av's i did get further improvement, so maybe periodic breaks may help improve affectiveness of av's?? I have had a recent blood test to check my liver and kidney function as i take other meds for an ongoing back problem and all was fine, but i have always taken n-acetyl cysteine which is a supplement that helps protect the liver by producing a liver antioxidant, glutathione.. The last couple of months i have changed to valtrex for economic reasons, I have found a good reliable, cheap internet source and this also seems to be working, they also sell famvir quite cheap but not as cheap as valtrex (www.4rx.com). Another aussie mate with cfs i met online with similar onset history, that I have steered down the famvir line, has no been on it for a couple of months is also slowly improving. Im sure Andrew will chime in with his experience too. The only other thing i can recommend is get could quality sleep, dont be scared to make good use of sleep meds and rotate them with sedating antidepressants etc so you can get a good 8 hrs quality sleep, recovery is almost impossible without good sleep, which is something I still struggle with.

I hope this info helps, and gives you some hope.


Hi Heapsreal,

I take 30mg doxepin at night for sleep, but now that you mention it, my sleep has not been all that good. My husband has insomnia and wakes me up all the time, even though I go back to sleep it has been interrupted. I will really concentrate on good sleep the next few nights. I usually get 10 hour, last night I slept 12, but it was not continuous. I will try the famvir, sounds like it could help, no side effects etc. I do take glutathione and milk thistle for liver but doctor says it is enlarged (maybe iron overload?). Thanks again
