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Everything aches


Senior Member
Today I feel like I have flu without the flu ....everything aches so much ...
It's been the lymph nodes for a long time but that seems to be taking a back seat .
What causes this pain ?
Is CFS In the brain ?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Today I feel like I have flu without the flu ....everything aches so much ...
It's been the lymph nodes for a long time but that seems to be taking a back seat .
What causes this pain ?
Is CFS In the brain ?

Me too! inflaming more! WHY WHY WHY?

Today I awoke to the left jaw swollen, aching, unhappy, next to the aching ear canal. Attempts to stretch a bit more yesterday- almost pulled a rib.

So is this because i laid on a new yoga ball for 2 minutes? Or cleaned 18 inches X 22 inches of kitchen counter?

this left jaw has given me trouble in the past- I may need to get needled. But I don t' feel well enough to leave.
that trap. I don't feel like chatting with my herbalist. Of course, I'd love to chat.

I just feel so drained.

Flu without flu..aches, muscular? Fibro? Neurological? Yes the brain contains some of the neurology.

I might actually just take an ibuprofin, what the heck. I don't take them often. Putting my CBD on the jaw ache now.

A dull ache seems to just exist in most places here, most of the time. I don't know how I ignore it as much as I do. Of course its depreciating. I think I'm just so used to generally having a dull ache over most of the body, its just- all the time, with special Flare ups.

The hot bath in magnesium feels good- except for my heel- it reports it does not like the warm bath. And then I have to climb out- a growing challenge. Why do I feel weaker? Then its- collapse after.

I've given myself heat rashes, using my hot water bottle, applied to particular zones of pain. Heat helps-summer will be here soon. I'll likely still ache.

Hows the breathing? that hurts too? I get the feeling of being trampled, run over, or conversely- the elephant is parked on my chest. Air hungar.



Senior Member
I think the flu aches are neurological. Glial cells are affected by body inflammation, and those cells do a lot of 'managing' of neurons, so that might be responsible.

Have you tried LDN (low dosage naltrexone) yet? It works well for some PWME's aches, but doesn't work for everyone. Do NSAIDs reduce your aches? They didn't reduce mine, but LDN blocked them really well.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Have you tried LDN (low dosage naltrexone) yet? I

I'm already on 3.5 mgs LDN. Probably it would all be much worse, without that.

I don't use NSAIDS often, but I do ocasionally and sometimes I'm surprised it helped. I just don' t want to take them often.


Senior Member
Add me to the "blah" column today.

Not sure if it's PEM from over exerting on the weekend (which I did), the storm that came in, the molds, or something else.

Clogged head, clogged sinuses, clogged nose, blah stomach, energy in the toilet.

I hate being sick without really being sick. Although on second though, I guess I rather be sick without being sick than be sick and sick.


Senior Member
My reply was actually intended for @Emmarose47 , since she was asking.

One thing about LDN: you should check once in a while whether it's still working, or whether you still need it. After a year or so of taking LDN, I did another occasional 'try going off it' and found that the aches were gone even without the LDN. More recently the neuropathic aches have returned when my other symptoms flared up, particularly with the proline.


Senior Member
I think the flu aches are neurological. Glial cells are affected by body inflammation, and those cells do a lot of 'managing' of neurons, so that might be responsible.

Have you tried LDN (low dosage naltrexone) yet? It works well for some PWME's aches, but doesn't work for everyone. Do NSAIDs reduce your aches? They didn't reduce mine, but LDN blocked them really well.
I've just taken some naproxen it usually doesn't do much but it may ...my hands are hurting so bad ....


Senior Member
Add me to the "blah" column today.

Not sure if it's PEM from over exerting on the weekend (which I did), the storm that came in, the molds, or something else.

Clogged head, clogged sinuses, clogged nose, blah stomach, energy in the toilet.

I hate being sick without really being sick. Although on second though, I guess I rather be sick without being sick than be sick and sick.
Ah yes the clogged head and sinus I know well

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
A CBD/THC creme is helping with "weirding" neurological, which seems to come out of a knuckle, then make my vein swell and the whole shebang comes with the term- Yucky. rubbing it on my skin- it seems to help this more superficial- swelling up.

Same place: has sensitive skin/ and itches, and does not like shampoo and conditoiners.

Outer right hand- numb, tingly

Matches outer right foot, same.

Left heel- aches, very senstive, and seems similar feeling to the bursa on my elbows- which blew up a year ago and sort of cleared- but that bursa tissue is extremely sensitive, and picks up on electromagentic- the phone and lap top make it hurt and ache.

Cold dense pain in certain knuckles comes and goes- thats wind.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
It helps to ask what you ate or took when things like this happen.

It isn't always something like that. As someone said on another thread it could be something external but I always like to ask myself this question. To see if something I did caused the change.


Senior Member
I've just taken some naproxen it usually doesn't do much but it may ...my hands are hurting so bad ....

Yes, the glial cells cause inflammation which in turn causes swelling of saying, the spinal cord. We're a myriad of symptoms, aren't we? Yours Lenora.


Senior Member
My reply was actually intended for @Emmarose47 , since she was asking.

One thing about LDN: you should check once in a while whether it's still working, or whether you still need it. After a year or so of taking LDN, I did another occasional 'try going off it' and found that the aches were gone even without the LDN. More recently the neuropathic aches have returned when my other symptoms flared up, particularly with the proline.

Wishful...a question for you. Would you go back on LDN? I was on Fentanyl for a number of years, due to severe nerve pain that encompassed my whole torso. I never had problems coming off it, it was handled in a slow manner, and perhaps I was just fortunate.

One thing I noticed was this: While the pain hasn't ceased to exist, the volume of it has been turned down. I can make do with a lot of substitutions of safe things like ice, ibuprofen (not on a regular basis) that type of thing. Did you find the same with LDN? Any problems in stopping it? Thanks. Yours, Lenora.