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Dr Patterson on Long Haul Covid vs ME/CFS


Senior Member

Curcumin and a Morus alba extract reduce pro-inflammatory effects of resistin in human endothelial cells

Resistin is a cytokine which plays an important role in cardiovascular disease by influencing systemic inflammation and endothelial activation. In human endothelial cells (HEC) it increases the expression of P-selectin and fractalkine, and enhances monocyte adhesion by antioxidant mechanisms. This study investigated whether the natural antioxidants curcumin (CC) and an extract of Morus alba leaves (MA) have protective effects in resistin-activated HEC. HEC were exposed to 100 ng/mL resistin for 6 and 18 h in the absence or presence of MA or CC and the expression of fractalkine and P-selectin was determined by RT-PCR and western blot. Intracellular accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was monitored by fluorimetry and NADPH oxidase activity by a lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence assay. In addition, adhesion assays using the monocytic U937 cells were performed. The results showed that treatment of HEC exposed to resistin with MA and CC: (1) inhibited significantly P-selectin and fractalkine expression, (2) inhibited the increase in the intracellular ROS level, (3) reduced NADPH activation and (4) reduced monocytes adhesion to HEC. The results indicate that MA and curcumin target resistin-induced human endothelial activation partly via antioxidant mechanisms and suggest that they may represent therapeutic agents in vascular disease mediated by resistin.


Senior Member
I am afraid the treatment regime pushed by Patterson is utter bs, I hope I am wrong obviously.

Apart from that, I believe endothelitis, capillary leakage and straight up destruction (petechiae) of blood vessels is a key driver of this disease, so he is looking in the right direction, downstrean pathology of this is very obvious: tissue hypoxia, mitochondrial dysfunction, etc.

It would also make sense from the high eds phenotype prevalance perspective, as people with these phenotypes "start the game with an already taxed system", especially when it comes to bloodvessels ...


Senior Member
I am afraid the treatment regime pushed by Patterson is utter bs, I hope I am wrong obviously.

Apart from that, I believe endothelitis, capillary leakage and straight up destruction (petechiae) of blood vessels is a key driver of this disease, so he is looking in the right direction, downstrean pathology of this is very obvious: tissue hypoxia, mitochondrial dysfunction, etc.

It would also make sense from the high eds phenotype prevalance perspective, as people with these phenotypes "start the game with an already taxed system", especially when it comes to bloodvessels ...

Probably. But the sweet thing is he gives clear medical instructions. So you know kinda fast if it is a scam or a real possibility for a treatment. More then OMF offered me in the last 7 years 🤷

Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
I'm wondering why Dr. Patterson isn't staff at OMF?
He has his own lab and I think - if you look at his approach - he is not convinced by OMF's work.
More then OMF offered me in the last 7 years 🤷
Maybe bc they don't want to throw out bs?!
Would be so great if Patterson's statins and maraviroc and perhaps IVM work for ME... But I have my doubts...
But you're right: the good news is that we know it shortly bc many pwME will try it


Senior Member
Maybe bc they don't want to throw out bs?!

I would be very careful with these statements how they handled the nano needle and the reporting about it.

Also have my doubts about the therapy/meds. But its something new, something that hasnt been tried before. Or anyone here that knows someone who tried horse dewormer and HIV meds for Cfs ?
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Senior Member
I remember a while back somebody had a stroke and was then given statins, he recovered from ME soon after and attributed it to the statin he was taking.

This sounds a bit too easy ? With so many Cfsler out there, wouldnt we know by now if really statins, one of the most given meds ever, would be the drug.

Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
I would be very careful with these statements how they handled the nano needle and the reporting about it.

Also have my doubts about the therapy/meds. But its something new, something that hasnt been tried before. Or anyone here that knows someone who tried horse dewormer and HIV meds for Cfs ?
I think there is a misunderstanding. I don't say it is bs. I say I'm personally not convinced that it will work for everyone. But I might also be wrong.

And I'm careful when I say sth in an open board about OMF. I'm convinced they told us sth if they were convinced that it works.

The nano-needle. First here was a shitstorm by some members I don't want to name here bc the drugs that worked with the needle didn't work out (I think you are one of those who tested SS-31?! I myself tested Copaxone... Both did not work). And now there was criticism bc they now used the money for sth else (the metabolic trap theory and the yeast testing). For me personally I see testing drugs in a living organism more promising.


Senior Member
I think there is a misunderstanding. I don't say it is bs. I say I'm personally not convinced that it will work for everyone. But I might also be wrong.

And I'm careful when I say sth in an open board about OMF. I'm convinced they told us sth if they were convinced that it works.

The nano-needle. First here was a shitstorm by some members I don't want to name here bc the drugs that worked with the needle didn't work out (I think you are one of those who tested SS-31?! I myself tested Copaxone... Both did not work). And now there was criticism bc they now used the money for sth else (the metabolic trap theory and the yeast testing). For me personally I see testing drugs in a living organism more promising.

Its more about telling us that they need to produce a fast paced one and that it is only halted because their producers in China and Canada where closed because of Covid only to say months later they never even had the intention to build them because funding. Like why lie ? Thats so dishonest and disheartening that OMF lost all believability for me. Thats why even a possible scam like Patterson seems way more enticing to me nowadays. Is it a possible scam ? Maybe. Do i get the answer in a timely manner ? Yes. OMF to me is flowery words every 3 months combined with a donation request.

I've been taking antiretrovirals successfully..

i know ppl tried antivirals a lot, but special HIV meds seems a step up from that
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