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Dr. Nancy Klimas’s advice on Covid 19 (video)


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Really good video! Thanks Sushi.

She talks about using supplements like Coq10/ubiquinol, N-acetyl-cysteine, vitamin C and Glutathione, to increase our antioxidant capacity. She also mentions that the antiviral Isoprinosine could help.

Dr Klimas says- "We don't anticipate massive numbers of exposures or infections".

"Expect this whole thing to wind down about June or July." She says because these Corona viruses have seasonal rates of exposure that peak in March and April then fade back down over the course of the next 2 months.
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Moderation Resource Albuquerque
How do you do a nose rinse? Can you all pls give me instructions
There are various ways: a neti pot, a spray bottle or an electric pulsing machine. Since a have frequent sinus congestion I invested in a machine after trying the other methods earlier. Here is the one I use: https://www.amazon.com/SinuPulse-El...d=1584241129&sprefix=Sinupulse,aps,195&sr=8-4

Note: whenever you wash your sinuses or nasal passages you need to use a mixture of distilled or boiled water, salt, and often other ingredients like baking soda, xylitol, etc., otherwise it will REALLY irritate the tissues.


Senior Member
Melbourne Australia
Dr Klimas says- "We don't anticipate massive numbers of exposures or infections".

"Expect this whole thing to wind down about June or July." She says because these Corona viruses have seasonal rates of exposure that peak in March and April then fade back down over the course of the next 2 months.

That may be true for the northern hemisphere but in the southern we are heading into winter and our normal flu season.

We also had cases in January which is the middle of our summer.