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Dr KDM rifaximin

digital dog

Senior Member
I'm confused. Did you have an allergic reaction to the curcumin? I ask because I have just started taking it for inflammation (I have hahsimotos) and I am reacting poorly to it. I have noitced, however, that the pain in my knee has disappeared for the first time in a year.


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec

I'm not sure but I think I remember reading or hearing that a bad gut can jeopardize stem cell treatment. And I also remember Cheney and/or KDM stating that roughly 90% of stem cells go right to the gut and have most of their effect there. I can't remember the sources for these tidbits but I believe it was videos of talks given by these two doctors some years ago. Perhaps you've heard something like this.

Do you happen to know KDM's current thoughts on stem cell therapy for chronic Lyme?

Please keep us posted on your progress.


Senior Member

I'm not sure but I think I remember reading or hearing that a bad gut can jeopardize stem cell treatment. And I also remember Cheney and/or KDM stating that roughly 90% of stem cells go right to the gut and have most of their effect there. I can't remember the sources for these tidbits but I believe it was videos of talks given by these two doctors some years ago. Perhaps you've heard something like this.

Do you happen to know KDM's current thoughts on stem cell therapy for chronic Lyme?

Please keep us posted on your progress.

Most the transplanted stem cells actually go to the lungs! Then they home into the areas of most inflammation, they are clever little buggers, so if you had a damaged gut it would make sense that they would go there, in the case of Autologous stem cells, it seems that on an immunological level they support the faulty T/B cells rather than replacing them - re-educating them until they operate properly, my last blood count showed that my lymphocites were at 1.8, which is still on the low side, but its the first time it's been within reference range in 4 years! (it used to always be under 1.2) so something is shifting on an immunological level.

I don't know KDMs thoughts on stem cells for lyme, but I know he thinks in my individual case the gut is more relevant than the lyme, which I agree on given all my brainfog/fatigue symptoms seem much much worse after eating, mornings before I've eaten are always my best time of day.

So what would you guys do if you were me? obviously i dont want to jeapordise the stem cells by constantly batteling dysbiosis, would you guys go for the two months of rifaximin?

Im also pretty sure I've got a candida issue even though its not showing on the stool test, has anyone got on top of this? whats the best approach?
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Senior Member
I also happen to know many people quote the Cheney study as reasons why stem cells cant work as many patients relapsed, but in the clinic im going to im undertaking quite a different stem cell procedure where the cell yield is far higher, also i am not using transplanted cells, just my own cells, put through a slightly different differentation process. The reason I chose the clinic I did is because the success stories were long lasting, although it may be I need to repeat the process once I've fixed my gut (which is proving bloody tough!) , time will tell, has anyone here had strep in the 40% reigon and managed to get it under control?


Senior Member
I'm confused. Did you have an allergic reaction to the curcumin? I ask because I have just started taking it for inflammation (I have hahsimotos) and I am reacting poorly to it. I have noitced, however, that the pain in my knee has disappeared for the first time in a year.

Yep allergic reaction, i think its either a no for people with sulfur or metal problems though


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I also had a bad reaction to Curcumin (oral) and also took three months of Rifaximin for my gut. I had some stomach pain in the beginning so pulsed it for three months instead - 7 days on, 7 days off and I was absolutely fine. A little candida flare up. My gut is also in a pretty bad way with severe bacterial translocation so no oral antibiotics for me.

Good luck with the stem cell - Germany? I thought you were in the US?

digital dog

Senior Member
Yes, I wonder if it was the currcumin made me a little depressed and buzzy.

Good luck Trickthefox!!! I so hope you see some improvements from this trial. Personally I would keep away from antibiotics whilst you are doing the stem cell procedure as you most definiltey do not want to jeapordise the results.


Senior Member
I also had a bad reaction to Curcumin (oral) and also took three months of Rifaximin for my gut. I had some stomach pain in the beginning so pulsed it for three months instead - 7 days on, 7 days off and I was absolutely fine. A little candida flare up. My gut is also in a pretty bad way with severe bacterial translocation so no oral antibiotics for me.

Good luck with the stem cell - Germany? I thought you were in the US?

How did you find out to have bacterial translocation? And I assume from gut to blood? Why no oral antibiotics?


Senior Member
Most the transplanted stem cells actually go to the lungs! Then they home into the areas of most inflammation, they are clever little buggers, so if you had a damaged gut it would make sense that they would go there, in the case of Autologous stem cells, it seems that on an immunological level they support the faulty T/B cells rather than replacing them - re-educating them until they operate properly, my last blood count showed that my lymphocites were at 1.8, which is still on the low side, but its the first time it's been within reference range in 4 years! (it used to always be under 1.2) so something is shifting on an immunological level.

I don't know KDMs thoughts on stem cells for lyme, but I know he thinks in my individual case the gut is more relevant than the lyme, which I agree on given all my brainfog/fatigue symptoms seem much much worse after eating, mornings before I've eaten are always my best time of day.

So what would you guys do if you were me? obviously i dont want to jeapordise the stem cells by constantly batteling dysbiosis, would you guys go for the two months of rifaximin?

Im also pretty sure I've got a candida issue even though its not showing on the stool test, has anyone got on top of this? whats the best approach?

I would and have done so myself. The only side effect was a metallic taste...which my gastroenterologist seemed to think was related to systemic absorption. Overall the least side effects compared to any AB I have ever taken.


Senior Member
@trickthefox I know I missed a huge part of your story but is the stem cell clinic in the US or Europe?

Also, how did the curcumin IV relate to the stem cell transplant? Or was this an optional separate treatment that you decided to add?

Last, did you have pre-meds in case of ANA or allergic reaction prior to starting the process? Am very curious to learn more about this clinic and where it is located.



Donate Advocate Demonstrate
How did you find out to have bacterial translocation? And I assume from gut to blood? Why no oral antibiotics?
from a blood test - I have Pseudomonas (aeruginosa and Putida), Citrobacter koseri, Hafnia alvei, Klebsiella pneumonia and Morganella morganii in my bloodstream, all IGM apart from one which si also IGA.

No more orals because my gut is messed up so badly (gut permeability causing translocation) that to put more antibitoics straight into the gut would be a bad idea. I need to do IV abx for my Lyme and co.


Senior Member
I also had a bad reaction to Curcumin (oral) and also took three months of Rifaximin for my gut. I had some stomach pain in the beginning so pulsed it for three months instead - 7 days on, 7 days off and I was absolutely fine. A little candida flare up. My gut is also in a pretty bad way with severe bacterial translocation so no oral antibiotics for me.

Good luck with the stem cell - Germany? I thought you were in the US?

Thanks!! How did you get on with the rifaximin?
They have two clinics, one in Germany, one in LA


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
Working on my gut did wonders for my brain fog. Candida seems to have been my biggest problem in that regard. I tackled it with a next-to-no carb diet for years, and I ate a lot of garlic. This was apparently a good strategy. Garlic did more for me than either nystatin or ketoconazole.

RenewLife's Paragone was my next step. And then probiotics. The gut is obviously a mysterious thing and you've to employ a lot of trial and error and see what works. I'd say fermented foods worked better for me than encapsulated probiotics. It's probably a good idea to continue with probiotics while undergoing antibiotic treatment. I mean, why not? And I would think it's safer to keep your carbs low while revamping. The poop pills looks interesting.

I took rifaximin for a couple weeks and saw some improvement at one point but after taking a break and then returning to it I didn't notice any difference. I've heard similar things from others, though I've also heard of people that tune up every so often with the stuff.

Nowadays I can eat a fair bit of sugar and complex carbs without going back to candidaville. I should probably be a bit more careful now that I'm aggressively going after Lyme and co with the antimicrobials.

Eventually I did a Metametrix panel which came back pretty good, with apparently good numbers of beneficial flora. Though I don't know how valuable this is, I go more by how I feel. I know at this point that my residual neurological troubles and brain fog are due to babesia so I judge I did fairly well by my gut. And of course as you get better your gut has a way of staying in line.


Senior Member
FYI its stem cell therapy, not a stem cell transplant, which is a dangerous and life threatening procedure done for types of cancers and recently with good results in MS patients.

Oops, sorry, and am not familiar with the terminology!

They have two clinics, one in Germany, one in LA

Do you mean in Los Angeles or Louisiana or somewhere else? What are they called? Am sorry again, I know I have missed the beginning parts of your journey.


Senior Member
South East England, UK
I truly believe they will discover those who are suffering from chronic lyme will be found to have an autoimmune/immunodeficiency component if not route which is more significant than the persistent bacterial infection itself which is why the results from long/short term antibiotics are so varied, but thats a different discussion for a different thread. Im just really trying to find out the safety of long term rifaximin, not for the lyme, but for my gut issues, and if there are issues with resistance/symptom flare/biome worsening, but seems so far not so much

Hi Ren

I did about 4 weeks of Rimfaximin at around 500 mg daily in 2 divided doses and it really helped with the SIBO I have which is very stubborn It didn't seem to make me worse, in fact I really improved once it was finished and my energy has been a lot better. That was in April this year.

However it did nothing for the very frequent migraines/headaches I get and unfortunately the bad bacteria feels like its back and is quite noticeable. but that might be the result of having taken lots of D Mandninose for a urinary problem. I also had some slumps in energy but taking a Hydroxy/ADN B12 tablets seems to have fixed that. Instead of getting more Rimfaximin I am trying mixed herbals but I run into trouble with them because so many of the herbs are vasodilators which set the migraines off. Think I will give it another week and if no improvement at all will order more of the Rimfaximin. Not sure if you have tried a herbal protocol for SIBO, it's stuff like Oregano, Grapeseed Extract, Garlic etc.

Sorry to hear that you had such a scary experience, it sounds horrendous. Don't be too worried about the steroid thing cos I am on 5mg Prednisolone plus 2.5 h/c daily because of the state of my adrenals and yet I can feel really well some days with lots of energy. I also had a diagnosis of chronic lyme via Infectolab but don't really feel its a problem anymore for me.

I also have autoimmune Hashimotos and I do believe that lots of our problems are due to this plus I also seem to have Herpes-type viruses which come to life when I overdo things but since being gluten and lactose free my immune system deals with these after a couple of days provided I rest during that time so I have definitely made good progress.

I hope you can get some good improvements soon.



Senior Member
For me, my breath tests arnt showing SIBO, and i dont have any symptoms like upper gut pain, just a constant bubbling noise in my lower right quadrant (terminal illeium) and my stool test showed 40%strep. Im wandering if I have a H2S sibo because my food reactions are pretty much about 10 minutes after I eat, my stools look like something out of a horror film lol and sulfur supplements knock me on my ass, also i considered going on an elemental diet, but i react really badly to the elemental formula, my guessing is coz of the glutamine and sulfur aminos in it


Senior Member
For me, my breath tests arnt showing SIBO, and i dont have any symptoms like upper gut pain, just a constant bubbling noise in my lower right quadrant (terminal illeium) and my stool test showed 40%strep. Im wandering if I have a H2S sibo because my food reactions are pretty much about 10 minutes after I eat, my stools look like something out of a horror film lol and sulfur supplements knock me on my ass, also i considered going on an elemental diet, but i react really badly to the elemental formula, my guessing is coz of the glutamine and sulfur aminos in it

Glutamine powder mixes with stomach acids and creates amines. EC glutamine is the only way to go.

Your symptoms sound more like lower gut dysfunction/dysbiosis, hence no positive breath test results.

I'd do the rifaximin bro if I were you, it should do well.