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Dr David Tuller: Cochrane withdraws fllawed exercise review? Oct 19th


Senior Member

Trial By Error: Cochrane Withdraws Flawed Exercise Review
19 OCTOBER 2018
By David Tuller, DrPH

Cochrane has decided to withdraw, at least for now, its fatally flawed review of exercise treatments for ME/CFS—or CFS, as the review calls the illness. This review, which reported that graded exercise therapy was an effective treatment, was first published in 2014 and republished last year. The more recent version included extensive exchanges between two very smart patient-advocates—Tom Kindlon and the late Robert Courtney—and Lillebeth Larun, the lead author. The Kindlon and Courtney arguments were cogent, persuasive and unassailable. Larun’s responses were not.

Powerful forces in the UK academic and medical establishment have pushed back hard against those calling for change in Cochrane’s approach to ME/CFS. At the same time, many patients have understandably expressed serious concerns about the methodological lapses that mar the exercise review. Moreover, clinicians, scientists and academics engaged with the issue, including me, have also made their strong opinions known to Cochrane as well to as other organizations with decision-making authority.