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Discovery of new cell type in thymus


Senior Member

Yet another discovery about a body part/function that is important to immune system function, but no one knew it existed, so no one has tested whether it might be involved in ME (or any other diseases). While this might not have anything to do with ME, what other still-undiscovered cells, organs, interactions, etc, might be important in ME? It would be nice if one of these discoveries resulted in a clear "PWME have clear abnormalities when we measure <this>".


Que sera sera
Isn’t it wild how little we know about the human body? 15 years ago I would have never known how much there still is to be discovered about it!

We are FAR from understanding the complexity of the human body yet.

Ps. My thymus area often hurts alot right before my vitals dip. Flares etc.


Senior Member

Yet another discovery about a body part/function that is important to immune system function, but no one knew it existed, so no one has tested whether it might be involved in ME (or any other diseases). While this might not have anything to do with ME, what other still-undiscovered cells, organs, interactions, etc, might be important in ME? It would be nice if one of these discoveries resulted in a clear "PWME have clear abnormalities when we measure <this>".
Honestly we are by necessity interested in all sorts of findings around the human body! Whole new paradigms like this have potential to completely change our future if the right person puts them together tests something and remits.