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dental work and injections

I wasn't sure where to post this but I'm hoping someone may have been through this and can help.
I had a tooth break and I went to the dentist on Monday. Before I had even sat in the chair she asked what was wrong so I showed her. She sat me in the chair her assistant put the bib on and safety glasses then all of a sudden she was injecting my gum by the broken tooth. No asking just injecting. I don't even have needles at the dentist so this is the first since I have had CFS and I didn't feel to bad afterward a bit shaky but okay. But later on in the day I started getting really sick and all day today and tonight I've been so ill. I can barely move. I can't sit up it takes to much energy. I'm hurting everywhere even my fingers are hurting. My heart is pounding I feel like I'm having a constant panic attack. My parents are freaking out because I look so sick and I can barely move. I am lying down with the laptop on top of me trying to type this message just to see if anyone has been through this or knows what is happening to me please??
I am supposed to go back on Friday for 2 fillings one in the top and one at the bottom and where I don't usually get nervous going to the dentist I'm really scared because I'm so sick and I don't know what to do. With the broken tooth I have to have a crown put on in 2 weeks time.
Has anyone else ever had this issue? Is it something in the injection that has caused this? What can I do. Any help would really be appreciated.
Hi Talkcraft, I haven't been through what you are describing but I can only imagine that you had an allergic reaction possibly. I can hopefully help relieve the anxiety and heart pulpitations. When you feel like that pinch your baby finger on your left hand, this will relax your heart and relieve stress. Then you can massage the reflexes to your heart on your hand or feet - just look up the points online. Hope this atleast helps with that.


Senior Member
Sorry to hear yr having such a rough time. Were you given any pills before or after the procedure? It is unusual to have this reaction from an injection as the injection should only be local anaesthetic. But of course you could have an allergic reaction to that. I have had all my wisdom teeth out under local and have not reacted to the injections but I do react badly to the antibiotics and pain meds given afterwards. I always go to A&E when I feel rough afterwards and let them sort it out. It shouldn't be for you to figure out what's wrong. They often don't check allergies or even ask if your happy with stuff so go back to the person who performed the surgery or if closed to A&E - at the very least they can put your mind at ease.
I have a bad reaction to the injections because they have epinephrine. I don't know if that could be the problem you had, because your bad reaction was so delayed. Mine starts immediately. Maybe you reacted to something else in the injections.

I tell them I need a different kind without epinephrine, and I do much better. They give me a weird look like they don't believe me, but they all agree to give me the other kind. I don't know what they are called, but dentists have 1 or 2 other kinds in their cabinet.

I think it's most important for anyone with orthostatic intolerance to not have epinephrine.


Senior Member
Your symptoms sound like they could be from be epinephrine, which is standard with novocaine. Most
PWMEs are well-advised to ask for novocaine without epinephrine--though i realise they
just shot you up without asking :(

Most dentists are accustomed to people requesting no epi. For your next visit explain you have had adverse reactions and wish to have novocaine without the epinephrine.

For myself I like to take the homeopathic remedy Ledum (it's to quicken healing of the injection site)
Arnica (to reduce swelling and trauma to the tissues) and Phosphorous to reduce the ill effects of anesthesia.
I take a few pellets of each before, a few right after, and then every 15 minutes for about an hour, then every couple of hours the rest of the day. Thereafter 2-3 per day as needed. This really helps me even through extractions.

Hope that helps. :)


iherb code TAK122
Could someone phone the dentist and ask what the injection was and explain how affected you are.
I was advised to take tri-salts and vitamin C to counter reactions, it may take a few days for your body to recover so just take it easy. These things can happen with ME - obviously if you feel worse you need to go to A & E.

I'd put off the fillings for now though - and sort out the injections before you go back. I have MCS and ME but have been okay with injections at the dentist - and I'm a complete coward. Hope you feel better soon.


Patient in training
Very likely the reaction you had is due to the epinephrine in the freezing. i have had a similar reaction which lasted 2 weeks. I needed to return for more dental work, asked for freezing with no epinephrine and I was fine.

The epinephrine in the freezing makes the freezing last longer,that is why it is used together.
It means you may need to be reinjected halfway into the procedure if it wears off. I didn't mind that if it means I don't get the reaction.
I react badly to the injection, with or without the epinephrine - but definitely worse with it. The reaction is rather immediate and last for the rest of the day, if not into the next. I think (I feel) the injection gets absorbed into circulation... as is it metabolized/detoxed. If root canal was done, this could also be source of issue. I would make sure crown is absolutely necessary. Hope you feel better next day.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I agree, likely epinephrine. I have had the same reactions. Now I request some version of carbocaine and that doesn't bother me. But it is shorter acting and they usually have to inject you twice.

Take care,


Senior Member
So sorry you are going through this, talkcraft. I second everyone who said it's probably the epinephrine. It can leave you feeling hyped up for quite a while. On top of that, crown preps are long and tiring and you may have been tensing all of your muscles without realizing it.

The placement of the permanent crown should go quickly and a having a shot is not necessary. You might feel a little zing as they cement the crown on, but that's usually the worst of it. The filings could be put off until you are feeling better. It might even be worthwhile to try to find a holistic dentist who could test you for the various anesthetics. I had this done years ago and found out I was fine with lidocaine, so that's the one I've stuck with through a ton of dental work. Hope you feel better soon...
Thank you for all the replies really appreciate it. I don't need root canal. But the tooth is in my smile line and because of the way it broke they feel a crown is the best thing to do as it will save the tooth and make it stronger. Luckily for me I didn't need root canal. They just evened up the tooth got rid of the jagged edge on it and put a temporary filling in. If I don't have the crown done then there would be every chance I would eventually need root canal done or would lose the tooth so I think I just have to part with the money :( and do it.

Within about 1/2hr of the injection I had started to get a headache which turned into a migraine so I had to take pain killers to get rid of that and it might have masked over the other symptoms. By the time they wore off I was in bed asleep. So it was the next day when I realized how ill I was feeling and I had things I had to do so I pushed through it a bit until I felt like I was going to collapse.

I phoned the dentist today and found out I was given Scandonest 3 %. She reckons the only thing that would happen if I was going to have a reaction would be a rash. So she doesn't believe me and doesn't feel it is what caused what happened to me. For me I think if that is the only thing different that happened to me the injection on that day and then I felt so ill there is obviously something in it that does not agree with me.

I am hypersensitive to lots of different things so I'm sure this is the problem. I'm also on antidepressants and I've been trying to find out what exactly is in that drug and one of them can react to anti depressants. Anyway I phoned up and got in to see my doctor this morning so I will let you know how I go. I felt it was important to keep her up to date with what is going on and also I still don't feel great. But I think that is going to be a time thing now unfortunately.

Thanks again for the replies it helped to know that this is probably 'normal' well as normal as suffering from Me can be


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
my experiences with dentistry has been awful for years. I also had a tooth break in March. As always Dentist has learned to give me 2-3x's amt of novacaine (I just dont numb, seems everythingnumbs but the tooth) and 2xs the nitrous. I also do not have to have a root canal so have been wearing a temp or trying to, been a miserable experience. Amazing how many times I have endured the pain of 'patinless dentistry', he really thinks I'm just reacting to the vibrations, are you freakin kidding me, I'm over 50, nearly every tooth has had work I KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN VIBRATION AND FIGGIN PAIN. good grief. Anyway, most times I feel bad also after the work but think it is from stress and my bady aches cause I freeze up, muscles tense. Usually headaches. I have to go back tomorrow, not looking forward to it and all it is for to put the crown on. Good luck. I did not know about the epi (would it matter if one were very low on epinephrine?).
Well I just got back from the doctor and it has been interesting. She looked at my tooth and can't work out why I need a crown. I have a temporary filling but she said she has patients that have had that in place and it has lasted them years and they haven't had to have a crown. To be honest I was shocked I needed a crown. I have NO pain it hasn't bothered me at all with hurting. I can eat and drink anything and it doesn't bother me at all. Also it didn't feel that bad only like a small piece but the dentist scared me by saying it could go bad or would weaken etc. My doctor feels the dentist just wants my money. So my doctor actually phoned the dentist to find out what was in the injection. Then she told the dentist to make sure my records say about this severe reaction. She also asked her to make sure my records say I have severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Then she said to the dentist ' I have recommended that my patient put off having the crown indefinitely'!!! And you know what the dentist said? 'Okay we will do that and see how it goes'

Now you tell me if this crown was that important how come she would be willing to not do it for the foreseeable future?
I think it was a money thing but we will see what happens with this filling. I still have to have 2 filling but my doctor told me to wait for 2 weeks and allow my body time to heal. She has given my pain killers, told me to take a antihistamine and also valium because my nerves are had it and I'm having constant nerve and panic attacks. I had been treated at the end of last year for the panic attacks and finally had them under control and now they are back full force :(
I'm so frustrated how sick this has made me and how far back it has sent me too.


senior member
Concord, NH

I am supposed to go back on Friday for 2 fillings one in the top and one at the bottom and where I don't usually get nervous going to the dentist I'm really scared because I'm so sick and I don't know what to do. With the broken tooth I have to have a crown put on in 2 weeks time.

What kind of fillings are you getting? Hope not "silver" mercury!

What kind of fillings are you getting? Hope not "silver" mercury!


It's funny you say that because I really thought they didn't do mercury fillings anymore. Luckily my doctor has put me right and told me to insist I have the mercury free fillings. She said they don't usually do them unless you request for some reason. Also something else I didn't know is that when they make the crowns in most cases there is mercury in them as well. So you have to request them without also.


ME/cfs 1986
For her to inject you w/o consent is unethical at best, and may be illegal.
Her response to you was unkind and unprofessional. Are you wedded to that dentist via your insurance or other reason? If not, you may ( when feeling better) wish to look around, ask around and find someone else. Ask a lot of questions and make sure they will work with you.

I'm glad your MD stood up for you. You are very lucky to have a doctor who accepts this illness and its quirks and will advocate for you . She gets a gold star !!

I am not familiar with what she gave you, but I googled and it says it does not have vasoconstriction properties.
That does't mean you didn't react to it. She could of given you too much. ( Often a little can do a lot with this illness) while still giving you the "standard" dose.

I hope you can find someone to work with you before you have a problem that needs addressed. Plus it would be good to have another dentist look at the tooth to make sure it was taken care of properly. While I like how your MD handled things, she is not really qualified to determine what your tooth needs. That's why there are MDs and DDS's : )
Unfortunately they are the best and cheaper than the rest by quite a lot but still do good work and aren't shoddy if you know what I mean. I've had too many friends have horror jobs done. Also a friend charged double what I paid for a check up and filling. My MD actually advised me to get a second opinion and yes she is awesome. She supports me on whatever I do including natural remedies. She really is fantastic but she does feel helpless she so wants to cure me.

I have spoken to a good friend that also has CFS, fibro myalgia and lupus. She reminded me of something that also could have caused the reaction.

I moved home 5 years ago after my mum had an allergic reaction to a drug she was given and was in a coma on life support for 4 1/2 days because when she came out of it she just isn't able to do what she used to do she tires quickly and she is 78. In December my father suffered a heart attack and was in the cardiac ICU for 4 weeks and then had to have a triple bypass. I coped amazingly well. I drove us to hospital 1 hour each way every day. Spent up to 8 hours a day at the hospital and then drive home. I would collapse every night with panic attacks and exhaustion I couldn't even get to bed I would sleep most nights on the couch. But next day I'd be up and back to the hospital. 5 weeks after the heart attack dad came home and that was really difficult to it was so stressful having him here. Always worrying he was okay or in pain or would collapse on us. He is going really well now but has lots of problems. His legs are bad from where they removed the veins and swollen. He now has a heart arrhythmia and has to take warfarin which has been stressful too.

Anyway my friend feels that this tooth things was the last straw on a stressed out, exhausted body. She feels I probably would have been okay or not had such a severe reaction if I hadn't of been so run down. We will never know but I do think that the stress has had a very bad affect on me.
I cope amazingly well in an emergency but the way I keep going is on adrenaline and when the emergency is over I collapse. So fingers are crossed that after a couple of weeks of rest I will feel better.

Now I just need to get the panic attacks and my nerves under control.


Senior Member
Is your broken too sensitive to hot and cold ? If you put an ice cube on it do you get a response.
No I've had no pain or discomfort. hot or cold doesn't bother it at all. I had ice cream and ate it on the side the tooth is chipped and its fine. Is that good or bad?