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Cystic Fibrosis Variant

Tiger Lily 813

Senior Member
Hi there, I wanted to know about the possible implications of the Cystic Fibrosis variant gene (of which I knew nothing until receiving 23 & Me results). I believe I only have one variant gene.

As for my general history, I had been viewing my chronic health issues from the lense of lyme or bartonella. I struggled with infections and toxins that don’t bother others (ie. bartonella), but I don't have a particular history of lung problems or atypical mucus. I do have ongoing malabsorption problems and fatigue. And I do have a nasal polyp that was found in an MRI, but no sinus problems.

I’m wondering how this gene may factor into my digestive or detox issues. I will do my best to get this addressed with doctors of course.

This was very disappointing news, but I hope I can turn it around to find new, helpful treatment ideas.

Thanks so much!


@Tiger Lily 813 - I also carry a single marker, but I believe it is recessive, so you have to carry two copies of the mutation for there to be disease expression. I am not aware if a single copy comes with potential problems, but would be interested to learn if someone else has more information and will watch this thread.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
My nutritionist had suggested that I ask my chronic fatigue/fibro doctor if I have a CF gene mutation, and I forgot to ask the last time I was at the office. The nutritionist told me that even if you don't have CF, a mutation can affect your health. I'll email the office and ask someone to check my genetic test. I'm not sure if Genomix tests for the CF gene, though.


rs121908801 - But just looked and Promethease is stating that it might be a mis-call by 23&Me...whatever that means. We have some distant relatives with CF. Time to do WGS as 23&Me leaves more questions/confusion than answers.


@robinhood12345 - This is something else that came up...could be nothing, but another reason to go with WGS.
Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 12.11.53 PM.png

Tiger Lily 813

Senior Member
My nutritionist had suggested that I ask my chronic fatigue/fibro doctor if I have a CF gene mutation, and I forgot to ask the last time I was at the office. The nutritionist told me that even if you don't have CF, a mutation can affect your health. I'll email the office and ask someone to check my genetic test. I'm not sure if Genomix tests for the CF gene, though.
@perchance dreamer would you mind messaging me info on these doctors? Although I know according to the test I don't technically have Cystic Fibrosis, I'm hoping that maybe some related digestive testing could lead me in the right direction. I've been to functional medicine doctors, but never a chronic fatigue specialist. Now that I realize that their treatment approach is different (from the functional medicine docs I've seen), I'm hopeful :)
Thanks to all others as well for your insight on this test!