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covid: revelations about corona, long term symptoms and corona vaccines


Senior Member
a Dr. explains the current findings of the FDA and other institutions about side effects of the corona effects but also about corona and its origins.

The problem with the vaccine is the spike protein which does all kinds of bad things in the body. He talks in the context of the vaccine.
But this gets me thinking, i did not get a single shot, but i got infected multiple times with covid. Also covid itself of course uses the spike protein. Seams just logical imho that not only vaccinated are suffering from spike protein but also non vaccinated by regular infection.

Sideffects are stated like myocarditis, blood clotts, hearing loss and other neurological problems.
I got a weird kind of ear related things last year. Maybe its related to this, who knows.

But one thing for me is sure, the corona virus as well the vaccine are the nuclear bomb for our bodies. It would be best to get neither.
Some play it down by saying its jus a flu, and by initial sickness this is true, was also for me - sadly some got a bad initial reaction, but the long term effects seam really bad.

In the videos he says they dont know how long the spike protein will reside within the body, he assumes it could be months or even years.
But this gives me a bit of hope that he didnt say decades or forever. So this could potentially mean that after a few years most will recover from the bad effects of the vaccine as well the infection itself. lets hope this is true.

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Senior Member
If you're worried about the long term effects of Covid it should be mentioned that the vaccine statistically reduces these https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4474215
guy in video presents data that says that the opposite is true. he refers to FDA USA data and not to UK and spain from a study financed by astra zeneca and other vaccine vendors.
Declaration of Interest: DPA’s department has received grant/s from Amgen, Chiesi-Taylor, Lilly, Janssen, Novartis, and UCB Biopharma, the European Medicines Agency and the Innovative Medicines Initiative. His research group has received consultancy fees from Astra Zeneca and UCB Biopharma. Amgen, Astellas, Janssen, Synapse Management Partners and UCB Biopharma have funded or supported training programmes organised by DPA's department. RK’s research group has received consultancy fees from AstraZeneca


Senior Member
Does he cite any data or references or is this just his personal opinion once again, since this doctor is famous for misinformation surrounding Covid1-9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_A._McCullough.
this doctor is presenting current data and findings from the FDA and insurance companies in a senate hearing of a state in the united states.
there is nothing opinionated about that.

please do not make this a political debate.
this thread isnt about vaccination VS not vaccination, its about risk of spike protein and corona infection. if you have something to say about that feel free, but please do not derail my thread.


Senior Member
I'm not making this a political debate at all, but I understand your worries since vaccines have unfortunately become a highly political topic.

Does he have exact references for his data, that we can look at, or does he just say there's FDA and insurance company data without any proper references? Because all the data and findings presented by the FDA (for example at the recent "Public Meeting on Patient-Focused Drug Development for Long COVID") don't support his statements at all and since he's known for spreading misinformation and conspiracies it makes me curious.


Senior Member
I'm not making this a political debate at all, but I understand your worries since vaccines have unfortunately become a highly political topic.

Does he have exact references for his data or does he just say there's FDA and insurance company data without any proper references? Because all the data and findings presented by the FDA (for example at the recent "Public Meeting on Patient-Focused Drug Development for Long COVID") don't support his statements at all and since he's known for spreading misinformation and conspiracies it makes me curious.
actually i dont know, i did "hear" this video while doing other things. i know that this is a hearing before a US state senate, usually lying comes with prison. so i assume the senators and this guy did validate their sources.
i do not know the senators nor do i know the guy who is giving testimony. it appeared randomly in my youtube. thought this is interesting and so i shared this.
i cannot say if this "senators" are real, and if this video isnt stages like they pretend its a US senate hearing. but a native US citizen surely can validate that those senators are real.


Senior Member
COVID vaccines seem to reduce the risk of long COVID. Some long COVID patients even reported they improved or reached remission following vaccination after they became sick, but that does not seem to be very common.

A majority of long COVID patients that I have anecdotally observed seem to have got sick with long COVID in 2020, i.e. before the vaccinations were available. On the contrary, getting long COVID from the vaccine itself seems very uncommon.

There are a couple of ME/CFS patients that I am aware of who got worse following vaccination, but they were on the severe end of ME/CFS already. There is always some degree of risk with every intervention, but if not taking the vaccine increases the risk of long COVID and severe COVID, then that's a big risk as well.


Senior Member
i did check the video again, the audio is heavily not in sync with the speakers. it could be potentially redubbed. i didnt notice at first because i wasnt watching it , just hearing.
therefore i suggest moderator deletes this thread.
apologies for inconvience, i will check remote content in the future better.


Senior Member
actually i dont know, i did "hear" this video while doing other things. i know that this is a hearing before a US state senate, usually lying comes with prison. so i assume the senators and this guy did validate their sources.

Not to be political because I think they're all pretty much the same, but to clarify:

Lying in front of US state or federal legislators is pretty much a highly paid sport. Even other agencies (CIA, DOD) lie to them constantly. The usual repercussions are that you are punished with a job as a contributor at Fox News or MSNBC, depending on who you lied to. If you tell a real whopper, maybe you end up on the board of a company.

I'm genuinely unsure if I've ever heard of someone getting punished for lying to Congress. I vaguely recall they tried to do it with someone from Iran-Contra for repeated flat out lies, but I think nothing ever happened in the end. Other people who lied to Congress about Gulf War I, Gulf War II, Snowden's warrantless wiretapping charges, and so forth.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
i know that this is a hearing before a US state senate, usually lying comes with prison. so i assume the senators and this guy did validate their sources.
It depends on the state. In some of them, lying is considered an advanced form of vocal gymnastics, with as much strutting and flexing for the cameras as possible, and a gentleman's agreement that it's pretty much no harm, no foul. See @hapl808 comment.

Nonetheless I think you should let the thread stand, @linusbert , if only for it's sort of reverse-spin educational value .... no apologies necessary ....


Senior Member
Northern California
Hey, @linusbert

We are without a robust moderation team right now, so I'm popping by to suggest that you re-categorize your thread, which isn't really about "General Symptoms".

Perhaps you could repost under "News & Research", sub-forum "Long COVID and Coronavirus"?

Until a we have a robust moderation team in place again, it's up to us to try and keep PR tidy.

If you are amenable, great. If not, just ignore me. ☺️

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
'm genuinely unsure if I've ever heard of someone getting punished for lying to Congress

I"m not sure about that, but I happen to know from direct experience that in our state, they hold hearings at committees and people submit testimony and TOTALLY LIE.

Its appalling. (Basic facts are invented). Why are they not under oath? How can you create laws, based upon lies and people misleading?


Senior Member
Hey, @linusbert

We are without a robust moderation team right now, so I'm popping by to suggest that you re-categorize your thread, which isn't really about "General Symptoms".

Perhaps you could repost under "News & Research", sub-forum "Long COVID and Coronavirus"?

Until a we have a robust moderation team in place again, it's up to us to try and keep PR tidy.

If you are amenable, great. If not, just ignore me. ☺️
i checked, i dont see functionality for this.


Senior Member
I"m not sure about that, but I happen to know from direct experience that in our state, they hold hearings at committees and people submit testimony and TOTALLY LIE.

Its appalling. (Basic facts are invented). Why are they not under oath? How can you create laws, based upon lies and people misleading?
thats a shame, why can they testify without being under oath?
but if they were they wouldnt answer anyways. i saw a video about something were they were on oath and had to attend... but they just said, i wont answer that question. its ridicolous.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
From Mercola's latest article on vaccines:


  • A peer-reviewed study published in 2011, using 2009 data, demonstrated that “among the most highly developed nations, those requiring the most vaccine doses for their infants tended to have the least favorable infant mortality rates”
  • Earlier this year, that study was replicated using 2019 data, still finding a robust negative correlation with vaccine doses. A second follow-up analysis also included mortality data on neonates and children under 5, using datasets from 2019 and 2021. All three categories — neonates, infants and under 5’s — have higher mortality rates the more vaccine doses they’re given
  • Other studies have shown that the timing of vaccine administration can impact the mortality risk. The gender of your child can also make him or her susceptible to injury and death, and the sequence in which they receive the vaccines can heighten or lessen the risk of death
  • A German study compared outcomes between people who got the COVID shot and those who didn’t. During 2021, symptomatic COVID-19 complaints were more frequent among the unjabbed, but during 2022, the ratios of COVID infection in the two groups narrowed until, finally, the jabbed group was 18% more likely to get COVID, and the COVID infections experienced by the jabbed group were more severe. The rate of severe persistent symptoms of COVID was also 2.5 times higher among the jabbed
  • The jabbed report being diagnosed with new chronic health problems at a rate 2.5 times higher than the unjabbed, and menstrual problems among women are four times more frequent in the jabbed group than the unjabbed group


Senior Member
another study surfaced "

‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA​


basically confirming my initial thread post.
so basically the corona virus infection as well the mrna vaccine are pathogenic due to the spike protein.
they even have a name for this, "spikeopathy".
the spike protein is inflamatory and potentially autoimmune causing... or people suffering already from those illness might get worse. that includes potentially us cfs folks.

but its not per-se every corona vaccine which is problematic, only the new mrna vaccines. the old-school corona vaccines which are used mainly in the non-western world which are based on dead or partly dead oldschool vaccines are fine.
so if you need to vax, get one of those.. no chance in germany though.

cfs since 1998

Senior Member
I had hypersomnia and parasthesia from the COVID vaccine (Pfizer) for about 36 hours both times, then recovered back to baseline (mild CFS). Had COVID during the Omicron outbreak and recovered to baseline in about 2-3 weeks.

I've never had a flu shot and had H1N1 a few months ago. Seems to have given me a long-term relapse. I am now moderate to severe. Had I known the flu virus from the 2009 pandemic was still going around, I would have taken my chances with the vaccine.


Senior Member
I've never had a flu shot and had H1N1 a few months ago. Seems to have given me a long-term relapse. I am now moderate to severe. Had I known the flu virus from the 2009 pandemic was still going around, I would have taken my chances with the vaccine.
you are talking about the h1n1 vaccine? you express wish to have taken the h1n1 vaccine?
that shoudlnt be a problem, at least not from the spike-protein. the problem are mrna vaccines which promote production of spike protein in the body. everything which isnt doing this should be fine.

how do you know it was h1n1 infection and not a long covid type of problem? i had very mild corona infections, but somehow mysterious problems months later arose.