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copper dysregulation


Senior Member
Yes wilson's was ruled out. With normal copper excretion but low serum copper and low ceruloplasmin, the copper must be coming from somewhere yes? I had a naturopath prescribe me a copper supplement and I took it for a while but my doctor told me to stop because he didn't want the copper building up in the liver with my poor copper transport.

Doesnt necessarily rule it out. I had normal urine excretion and have Wilson’s


Senior Member
Do u have a link? Also this will only test what’s in the blood right?

Link? And yes. Free non ceruloplasmin bound copper is in its 2+ oxidized state by definition. Technically it’s loosely bound to albumin and blood proteins but it’s the form that causes oxidation


Senior Member
Just get on the quest diagnostic site and search free copper. It’s just a blood draw but it’s a little harder to get than most. You’ll need to verify your lab can do it and have the CPT codes
Swim, thank you for this. I am going to ask my doc to add it to my copper panel that we are going to monitor as we go forward.


Senior Member
Swim, thank you for this. I am going to ask my doc to add it to my copper panel that we are going to monitor as we go forward.

Of course, no problem. Would love to hear how things go!

I also think there is an article or a chart on quest diagnostics site under their copper panels talking about serum copper, free copper, ceruloplasmin, urine copper and all of their relationships that I found helpful
Just get on the quest diagnostic site and search free copper. It’s just a blood draw but it’s a little harder to get than most. You’ll need to verify your lab can do it and have the CPT codes

I suppose you have to order this test through your doctor with the specific CPT code, because it's not available through QuestDirect or any other online lab test sites such as DirectLabs.


Senior Member
Somewhere in this forum is a formula with which to calculate free copper from tested serum coper and ceruloplasmin. Can''t find it at the moment.