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Chronic Hookworm Infection?

Hi-- I've seen some posts about hookworm therapy, but I"m wondering if anyone had a chronic hookworm infection. The reason I ask is I am working with a Q scan and hookworm keeps coming up. I don't get rashes or fevers, but I do have chronic alternating constipation and loose stools, and silent GERD. I'm dubious this could be a hookworm infection, but maybe??? Any input welcome, about the Qscan or about experience diagnosing or suffering from chronic hookworm.

It’s a new quantum scan, like QXCI. They take a slide of your saliva and run it through—very out there! But it seems to work; if things come up repeatedly, they’re likely true... it detected that I still have zoster (which I thought was just a chronic rash left over from that weird rash flu I had in December) and hypoglycemia (which I verified with a glucometer) etc. Very experimental energy medicine.


Senior Member
It’s a new quantum scan, like QXCI. They take a slide of your saliva and run it through—very out there!

It sounds like just another one of these fraudulent devices masquerading as legitimate medical test.

"Quantum" is one of the those scientific terms that impresses the general public, even though most do not know what it means. As do words like "vibration" or " resonance". All just New Age mumbo-jumbo, but they throw these words into the advertising literature of such fraudulent machines just to impress people.


Senior Member
I understand. Nonetheless it has been helpful. And free,

I appreciate it may be fun to kind of pretend that we already have some Star Trek-like technology that can diagnose your entire medical condition in an instant.

But using such "fun" machines might stop you from seeking out legitimate medical tests or medical doctor's diagnosis which could then actually lead to improvements in health.

If you really have varicella zoster virus reactivation, that can actually be the cause of your ME/CFS, and is very treatable with antivirals. Some info about VZV ME/CFS in this mini roadmap.
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