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Chronic Brain Fog & Genome Data Help?


Senior Member
Overly emotional sounds like high estrogen. High cortisol can cause estrogen dominance.

You should get some more blood work, including estradiol levels, and a 4x cortisol saliva test.

Iodine can cause bad reactions when you HPA-axis is dysfunctioning. In my situation iodine seemed to make my symptoms go away as it was stimulating my thyroid, but then crashed when the adrenals couldn't keep up. It wasn't that cortisol was low or high, but rather it was both: it was inconsistent, and also lacking allot of other adrenal hormones.
Overly emotional sounds like high estrogen. High cortisol can cause estrogen dominance.

You should get some more blood work, including estradiol levels, and a 4x cortisol saliva test.

Iodine can cause bad reactions when you HPA-axis is dysfunctioning. In my situation iodine seemed to make my symptoms go away as it was stimulating my thyroid, but then crashed when the adrenals couldn't keep up. It wasn't that cortisol was low or high, but rather it was both: it was inconsistent, and also lacking allot of other adrenal hormones.

Yes. Obviously if I go to my doctor he won't do anything as he would say it isn't necessary as they don't help me. I will have a look online for self-tests. Oh, I also have had a rash on my stomach. It's called pityriasis rosea, I remember having it 3 years ago and it went away but now it seems to have come back and it won't go away. Not sure if it's related. I remember taking a pro-hormone, pregnenolone and that seemed to help me as well after two days to a week. Although, it gave me had acne and there was some other reason I forgot. My eyes are quite sensitive to light as well and in general my eyes are very dry.


Senior Member
Yes. Obviously if I go to my doctor he won't do anything as he would say it isn't necessary as they don't help me. I will have a look online for self-tests. Oh, I also have had a rash on my stomach. It's called pityriasis rosea, I remember having it 3 years ago and it went away but now it seems to have come back and it won't go away. Not sure if it's related. I remember taking a pro-hormone, pregnenolone and that seemed to help me as well after two days to a week. Although, it gave me had acne and there was some other reason I forgot. My eyes are quite sensitive to light as well and in general my eyes are very dry.

You should look for another doctor for sure.

Pityriasis rosea can often be caused by a stressed immune system. High cortisol depresses your immune system, although your total WBC is normal. There could be still an underlying viral cause, HHV6, CMV, EBV, etc.

Acne is often caused by high estrogen.

Pregnenalone helps me as well. It's a clue your HPA-axis is dysfunctioning. High doses of pregnenelone will raise your estradiol, so it's something that has to be dialed in. It should, however help aleviate the HPA-axis/cortisol issues.
Green Mountain, NC
Kieran, you might find this site useful. I have been on it lately and it has helped me. I also struggle with a lot of cognitive symptoms, including head pressure which is most uncomfortable. Though excitotoxicity can be quite uncomfortable, too. To begin work on methylation, you first want to start out balancing GABA and glutamate. And then, after weeks or months of getting that in order, you move to the next step...

Wishing you the best, and just saying "Hey, you're not alone" since I know it can feel that way at times.


Senior Member
Kieran, you might find this site useful. I have been on it lately and it has helped me. I also struggle with a lot of cognitive symptoms, including head pressure which is most uncomfortable. Though excitotoxicity can be quite uncomfortable, too. To begin work on methylation, you first want to start out balancing GABA and glutamate. And then, after weeks or months of getting that in order, you move to the next step...

Wishing you the best, and just saying "Hey, you're not alone" since I know it can feel that way at times.

hi @goldberry i'm wondering if you have figured out what causes the head pressure? i have been experiencing that exactly and am trying to figure out why. and how would you describe glutamate excitotoxicity symptoms?

i recently started taking liposomal glutathione, which seems to cause brain fog, head presure, aggression, sore throat, and extra fatigue- i'm wondering whether those are detox or glutamate related symtoms- or both.

i did take some nebulized glutathione once and felt great- since i guess the liposomal glutathione could have degraded in stomach acid to produce glutamates. i general i don't seem to have problems with dietary amounts from stocks and such. what do you think?


Senior Member
Chapel Hill, NC

My name is Kieran, I'm 20 and have had chronic brain fog for as longs as I can remember. This includes the cognitive dysfunction in a way that everything I look at seems to have less clarity, I lack visual acuity or clearness and it's not my eyes because they have been tested, along with a CBC and 24hr blood pressure monitoring. I have blood results if needed.

I also have anxiety and depression, social phobia and find it hard to focus on things. I go to focus on something and end up doing something else as I feel irritated by it after a few minutes so it effects my learning. I feel less aware of my surroundings because of my brain fog. I feel like my brain is not 100% and I notice I give visual image / perception "wobbling" effect. e.g. If I was looking at an object and I go to move my head left, right, up and down it would seen like the object I'm looking at is moving as well. Hard to explain... Sometimes I get a "shadow" effect as well, in which if I move my eyes left to right I get a weird shadow or dark effect "jitter" in my field of sight and it covers the whole field of sight. e.g. It's not an eye floater.

Brain fog has gone once, it went once and all I did was sit down the beach for the day got burned in the sun drunk 2L of water, took a few omega 3 capsules, didn't eat much due to heat, drank a few cokes, went in the sea later on in the afternoon. Once home, drunk lots of water and some milk, had fish and chips, I noticed a major increase in anxiety levels and I got the weird "black shadow" effect again as well. I found it hard to go to bed as for some reason I wasn't feeling fatigued.. I woke up the next morning feeling brain fog free.. 100% gone. It lasted for 3 days but slowly the brain fog tapered back again.

I have uploaded my PDF data if someone can be so kind to take a look for me. I've tired every supplement under the sun and the only things that have helped me are C60 (a little bit), ginkgo biloba, and that's it. All the others don't do much. Vitamin C helps a bit but find it gives me irritable bowels and the Ester C form doesn't do much in comparison. I notice I get postural hypotension in the summer as well, sometimes also fainting. In the winder months I feel more depressed and get lightheaded. Sometimes it helps my brain fog if I were to walk home in really cold weather. I get painful tingling in my hands as well if they're above my head, I get hives if I go for a walk and I haven't walked in a long time.. but goes away over time or if I increase walking.

Gene data uploaded. Hope you guys can help, thanks a bunch. :)

Regarding just the brain fog, would you mind looking up a SNP for me in your 23andme data?

SUOX rs10876864


Senior Member
SUOX rs10876864
rs10876864 isn't on the SUOX gene. And it's much closer to IKZF4 than SUOX.

It's remotely possible that it's in strong linkage disequilibrium with something on SUOX, but even in that event it is definitely still not a SUOX SNP.

What do you personally believe the significance of it would be? All versions are extremely common (MAF is 44.2%) and nothing in the research looks particularly interesting.

My name is Kieran, I'm 20 and have had chronic brain fog for as longs as I can remember. This includes the cognitive dysfunction in a way that everything I look at seems to have less clarity, I lack visual acuity or clearness and it's not my eyes because they have been tested, along with a CBC and 24hr blood pressure monitoring. I have blood results if needed.

I also have anxiety and depression, social phobia and find it hard to focus on things. I go to focus on something and end up doing something else as I feel irritated by it after a few minutes so it effects my learning. I feel less aware of my surroundings because of my brain fog. I feel like my brain is not 100% and I notice I give visual image / perception "wobbling" effect. e.g. If I was looking at an object and I go to move my head left, right, up and down it would seen like the object I'm looking at is moving as well. Hard to explain... Sometimes I get a "shadow" effect as well, in which if I move my eyes left to right I get a weird shadow or dark effect "jitter" in my field of sight and it covers the whole field of sight. e.g. It's not an eye floater.

Brain fog has gone once, it went once and all I did was sit down the beach for the day got burned in the sun drunk 2L of water, took a few omega 3 capsules, didn't eat much due to heat, drank a few cokes, went in the sea later on in the afternoon. Once home, drunk lots of water and some milk, had fish and chips, I noticed a major increase in anxiety levels and I got the weird "black shadow" effect again as well. I found it hard to go to bed as for some reason I wasn't feeling fatigued.. I woke up the next morning feeling brain fog free.. 100% gone. It lasted for 3 days but slowly the brain fog tapered back again.

I have uploaded my PDF data if someone can be so kind to take a look for me. I've tired every supplement under the sun and the only things that have helped me are C60 (a little bit), ginkgo biloba, and that's it. All the others don't do much. Vitamin C helps a bit but find it gives me irritable bowels and the Ester C form doesn't do much in comparison. I notice I get postural hypotension in the summer as well, sometimes also fainting. In the winder months I feel more depressed and get lightheaded. Sometimes it helps my brain fog if I were to walk home in really cold weather. I get painful tingling in my hands as well if they're above my head, I get hives if I go for a walk and I haven't walked in a long time.. but goes away over time or if I increase walking.

Gene data uploaded. Hope you guys can help, thanks a bunch. :)

Hi Kieran,
I feel for you so much and completely identify with your symptoms. I have pretty much the same ones, especially the eyesight/ vision problems which I find the most distressing. I too had my eyes checked and nothing wrong. My symptoms came on suddenly when I contracted glandular fever- I felt as though my eyes where being attacked, and haven't seen clearly since (or been able to think clearly, due to persistent brain fog.) This was about 1-2 years ago now.
From what research I've done, I've read that the problem may be partly due to problems with neurotransmitters affecting sight. And maybe a general lack of blood flow to the brain. I started taking nimodipine a couple of weeks ago, and I have noticed a slight improvement in my mental clarity. Which is quite exciting. I also noticed a very, very slight improvement in vision. I still can't see clearly, but before I would find moving objects impossible to look at, and that has improved. Also my sensitivity to bright lights and repetitive patterns has improved. I think there must be something up with my depth perception and sometimes, when I'm feeling particularly disorientated, I feel as though the 'frame rate per second' of my vision, is missing frames, if you know what I mean.
I would honestly give anything to be able to see clearly again! I hope you start to feel better too. Faye


Senior Member
In addition, these are all my (+/+) gene mutations, just to avoid having to go through the doc! :)

CYP2D6 S486T C CC +/+

SOD3 489 C>T T TT +/+

ABP1/DAO C1933G G GG +/+

ACE G2328A G GG +/+

BHMT-08 C6457T T TT +/+

CAT T5070C C CC +/+

FUT2 A12190G G GG +/+

FUT2 G12447A A AA +/+

FUT2 G12758A A AA +/+

GAD1 C14541T T TT +/+

GAD1 C2627A A AA +/+

GSR A43851G C CC +/+

GSS A18836C T TT +/+

MTHFD2 C8503T C CC +/+

SLC6A2 C45295T T TT +/+

SLC6A2 G13486A G GG +/+

SLC6A3 G48964A T TT +/+

SLC6A3 G55467A T TT +/+

SLC6A3 G56022A C CC +/+

SULT2A1 G17136A T TT +/+

ALDH2 T12488C T TT +/+

BHMT-08 C6457T T TT +/+

GSS A18836C T TT +/+

MTHFD2 C8503T C CC +/+

MTRR C32295T T TT +/+

MTRR T*662A A AA +/+

PEMT G634A T TT +/+

SULT2A1 G17136A T TT +/+

GSS A18836C T TT +/+

SULT2A1 G17136A T TT +/+

AANAT C10236T T TT +/+

ALDH2 T12488C T TT +/+

ANKK1 G318R A AA +/+

DBH T2145C G GG +/+

DBH T7335C C CC +/+

DDC A14870G T TT +/+

DDC A19551G C CC +/+

DDC C186233T C CC +/+

DDC G196757C C CC +/+

DDC G219133T G GG +/+

DRD2 A32594G C CC +/+

DRD2 A61820G T TT +/+

DRD2 G65466T C CC +/+

DRD2 T55093G C CC +/+

DRD2 T64501C G GG +/+

DRD3 G25A T TT +/+

DRD4 C8887A A AA +/+

PEMT G634A T TT +/+

SLC6A2 C45295T T TT +/+

SLC6A2 G13486A G GG +/+

SLC6A3 G48964A T TT +/+

SLC6A3 G55467A T TT +/+

SLC6A3 G56022A C CC +/+

GAD1 C14541T T TT +/+

GAD1 C2627A A AA +/+

ALDH2 T12488C T TT +/+

ANKK1 G318R A AA +/+

DBH T2145C G GG +/+

DBH T7335C C CC +/+

DRD2 A32594G C CC +/+

DRD2 A61820G T TT +/+

DRD2 G65466T C CC +/+

DRD2 T55093G C CC +/+

DRD2 T64501C G GG +/+

DRD3 G25A T TT +/+

DRD4 C8887A A AA +/+

ALDH2 T12488C T TT +/+

GSS A18836C T TT +/+

MTHFD2 C8503T C CC +/+

MTRR C32295T T TT +/+

MTRR T*662A A AA +/+




PEMT G634A T TT +/+

SOD2 406+816G>T A AA +/+

SOD2 A16V G GG +/+

ADAM12 G63103C C CC +/+

APBB2 G41002946C C CC +/+

APP Glu647Asp C CC +/+

APP Ala674Gly G GG +/+

BDNF T64089C A AA +/+

CETP I405V A AA +/+

CTLA4 G GG +/+


IL-13 A AA +/+
I don't mean to pull a necromancer on this thread, but do you happen to have problems with verbal fluidity? Do you stutter under stress? The SLC6A3 genes were linked to stuttering in a study and I also share the same SNP's you do for SLC. I find myself stuttering when I'm in an "overmethylated" state or my GABA/glutamate balance is thrown off