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Can Methotrexate be used for ME?

I have just started taking Methotrexate for my eczema, I have just seen that there is some link to improving ME. So far I have taken one small dose and it has made me very tired, my energy levels have dipped a lot. Is there many studies to show it can help ME, because if the side effects continue and my energy levels don't pick up I am very unlikely to stay on this medication, unless it has a dramatic effect on my eczema


Senior Member
Methotrexate has inflammatory and immunosupressive functions.

It can improve ME or make it worse, so you will have to pay attention to your feelings.


Science breeds knowledge, opinion breeds ignorance
I know Fluge and Mella patented Methotrexate for ME, but seem to remember they stopped looking into it due to side effects in pilot patients. @deleder2k


Senior Member
Warning, the risk for toxicity is increased for MTHFR C677T polymorphism (especially when homozygous).

For MTHFR A1298C polymorphism, the risk is not clearly modifyed