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breathing problems solution?


Senior Member
The place I was talking about has an online form you have to fill out. Then a doctor on staff reviews the form and based on the information can approve the order. Canada does this all the time.

I meant an RX from a personal doctor. And BTW, I'm willing to take a personal risk to get a medication I might need and can't get because of poor medical care.

That's good to know. You should include this in your post. It's just that PR could be put at risk.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Not sure how this is different than the sticky we were talking about, but I'll make sure in the future I'm more clear.


Senior Member
The place I was talking about has an online form you have to fill out. Then a doctor on staff reviews the form and based on the information can approve the order. Canada does this all the time.

I meant an RX from a personal doctor. And BTW, I'm willing to take a personal risk to get a medication I might need and can't get because of poor medical care.

I believe it is illegal in the US for a doctor to prescribe without seeing the patient personally at least once a year. A form is not sufficient evidence of need for painkillers. I'd be surprised if "Canada does this all the time", but it could be true. Perhaps the laws are more lax in the UK.


คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
Thanks @WillowJ do you think I will have anymore joy at the CFS clinic, as surely they must take you more serious there? Or again is it down to finding the right person
My recommendation would be to stay away from UK CFS clinics unless you hear otherwise about a specific clinic from a UK person.

Mostly they are run by folks who think CFS is a problem where people got a virus or something and then somehow forgot the difference between sick and well: they have fatigue like any normal person but abnormally interpret it as threatening.

Then they rest and get deconditioned, then try to do things and have normal soreness from reconditioning, which they also abnormally perceive as threatening, and rest some more and get further deconditioned. And so on.

The cure for this ailment which exists only in the minds of popular psychiatrists and health authorities, and anyone who listens to them which is a lot of people, is graded exercise and CBT to convince the patient the symptoms are not significant after all.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Canada does do it, or used to all the time. There are pharmacies in Canada who provide online doctors for people who can't get an RX.

It's naive to think that people aren't using these pharmacies. If someone wants some tylenol with codeine, they're going to get it. People who are desperate for medication will do what they need to get them. You can get benzos from Mexico without an RX.

I don't know why all of the sudden everyone is so shocked by this. There are tons of threads here about where to get stuff.

BTW, you can only buy 30 at a time of tylenol with codeine. They're not selling mass quantities.


คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
Not sure how this is different than the sticky we were talking about, but I'll make sure in the future I'm more clear.
Other people I see discuss online sources of medication are doing this in terms of inexpensive places to get things they have discussed with their personal doc who gave them a prescription for it.

Some message boards don't allow any such discuss of medicine sources as they feel they could be shut down.
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คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
Thank you @Valentijn that's makes sense, as it came on today after I'd woken up. I'm not sure if that's what caused me to wake though, or I just woke up naturally.

When I'm feeling like I'm short of oxygen and having to work harder, lying down feels worse. I tend to mostly be laying down or a little propped up it not too much. I can't sit up for long. The only thing that feels a bit better is if I stand, but I can't do that for long :-/

Do you use anything to help you, or do you just sit propped up and let it run its course? x
I realized short of changing doctor I didn't really say anything useful. There are a lot of different things that could cause symptoms like this, both ME related and not.

If a new GP is not likely, try asking for referral to a lung doctor, heart doctor, to check for things like asthma, heart things, etc. Or find an actual ME specialist to check for ME and Lyme-type things.

There may be something that can be done but without knowing something of the cause you would be taking a stab in the dark.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@WillowJ That may be true for some, but many people, myself included, are looking for things their doctor will not give them. I got acyclovir that way and it has been the one thing that helped me. My doctor knew I was doing it.

Fortunately I know have a doctor who will RX it for me. Not everyone is as lucky.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I generally think us in australia are hard done by trying to get prescribed meds etc but looking at this thread its seems like its alot easier for us to get pain meds that are reasonably strong without a prescription. We have access to panadeine extra which contains paracetamol and 15mg of codeine per pill and usual dose is 2 tabs 4 times a day if required.

Most gp's arent going to send u for any scans for headaches any way and probably prescribe a pain killer similar to what we can get over the counter here or just flopped one off. Which seems the person who started this thread has been flopped off. I personally think its humane to ease ones pain and should be done but one i guess always has to be cautious of a diagnosis and continue to find a reason for these headaches.

What type of over the counter pain meds are available in the US? sometimes a combo of paracetamol and asprin or ibuprofen can help alot with headaches but i wouldnt be taking this combo regularly as in 3-4 times a day. Also antihistamines can help with headaches, pericatin is another thats been used for migraines with good success but will make one sleepy and can ease nausea from headaches.

Try to find something to ease your pain and search out a possible cause of the headaches. Keep an eye on your blood pressure as a high bp can be a sign of something more serious in a headache. If u have a normal to slightly high blood pressure then its probably a migraine or cluster headache, could even be a sinus infection.


Senior Member
Hiya I have been experiencing a lot of breathing trouble lately. Which I've heard being referred to as air hunger on here.

Today I thought I was going to have to seek medical attention. But thankfully it resolved itself after a while.

I was involuntarily taking in a big gasp of air after every few breaths. Usually I feel like I'm barely breathing and having to work extra hard to get the oxygen. Sometimes it may only last for short periods of time, but sometimes it can go on for hours.

Anyway I was just wondering has anyone used a nebulizer at home along with saline before, to help when they have difficulties? Or does anyone else have any suggestions for something to help?

Many thanks :)

The Perrin Technique helps me with this. And overall breathing problems greatly diminished.


Senior Member
The place I was talking about has an online form you have to fill out. Then a doctor on staff reviews the form and based on the information can approve the order. Canada does this all the time.

I meant an RX from a personal doctor. And BTW, I'm willing to take a personal risk to get a medication I might need and can't get because of poor medical care.

I don't believe 'Canada' does this all the time. Many of the pharmacies that say they are Canadian and do this are not actually located in Canada -- IP checks show a foreign country. Which pharmacies are you talking about? I don't know of any way in Ontario of getting a prescription without being a patient and seeing them in person. A doctor in Ontario isn't allowed to prescribe to somebody in another country as far as I know.

You did say 'without a RX'. A pharmacy in another country may indeed have doctors on board and they are acting entirely within the laws of their own country which may allow a physician to write a prescription without seeing a patient in person. The problem is that the person receiving the drugs is the one at risk.

Generally, the risk is with the specific type of drug being purchased and amount. Once you are in receipt of a controlled substance without a valid prescription, the law is up to one year in prison and 1,000 dollar fine.

I believe it is illegal in the US for a doctor to prescribe without seeing the patient personally at least once a year. A form is not sufficient evidence of need for painkillers. I'd be surprised if "Canada does this all the time", but it could be true. Perhaps the laws are more lax in the UK.

I think there may be a few states where doctors can prescribe online but this involves sending your medical records etc -- I am not sure though.

Canada does do it, or used to all the time. There are pharmacies in Canada who provide online doctors for people who can't get an RX.

It's naive to think that people aren't using these pharmacies. If someone wants some tylenol with codeine, they're going to get it. People who are desperate for medication will do what they need to get them. You can get benzos from Mexico without an RX.

I don't know why all of the sudden everyone is so shocked by this. There are tons of threads here about where to get stuff.

BTW, you can only buy 30 at a time of tylenol with codeine. They're not selling mass quantities.

I think it's unfortunate you can't get tylenol with codeine OTC in the USA -- in the UK and Canada, you can buy tylenol with codeine (4mg) without a prescription. I get a bottle with 400 for under 10 dollars.

Yes, there are lots of threads re: getting medications online but one would hope it is within legal parameters because PR does have a policy:

By joining the Phoenix Rising forums, you agree to abide by the following rules. These rules apply to forum posts, private messages, blog posts, social groups, chat, and any other types of communication available in the forums.

By agreeing to the forum rules, you warrant that you will not post or link to any content which is defamatory, hateful, threatening, abusive, vulgar, likely to offend, spam or spam-like, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, enourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws.

This would cover encouraging members to illegally obtain medications without a prescription. I just wanted to mention it because I don't want to see any of our members get into hot water over this type of thing. PR doesn't want to get into hot water either.
Thanks @Kina I was already aware of that and wouldn't do that anyway. I'm a mum who is responsible for my three beautiful babies. I would not do anything to put myself or them at risk x


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I don't get why everyone has their panties in a bunch over this. There are threads all over the place here on where to get stuff without an rx. Excuse me that I forgot to say an RX by YOUR doctor. People knew what I was talking about.

Many peeople here as @heapsreal said don't have access to medical care and are left to their own devices to treat themselves. They get help on how to do that here and other forums. These people, myself included, have to find places to get what they need.

Maybe codeine is an RX in the US but it's not in Australia or other places. If I was in pain and couldn't get relief because no one could figure out what was wrong, you bet I'm going to get it.

Many seniors in the States go to Canada to get medication because it is much cheaper than here. There are charter busses that drive them up there. Some were not able to get RX's because some docs weren't on board with them getting meds in Canada for whatever reason. I KNOW people who did that.

My ability to get Acyclovir, because my doctor would not give it to me, was the single thing in years that made a difference in my health.

We are all old enough to take responsibility for our own decisions. Everyone just needs to relax. You'd think I just went on a killing spree with the reaction I got.
Last edited:


Senior Member
I don't get why everyone has their panties in a bunch over this. There are threads all over the place here on where to get stuff without an rx. Excuse me that I forgot to say an RX by YOUR doctor. People knew what I was talking about.

No you were not clear. You stated pharmacies where you don't need an RX. This is a huge difference. Nobody has their 'panties in a bunch'. When something is reported, it is our duty to respond.

Many peeople here as @heapsreal said don't have access to medical care and are left to their own devices to treat themselves. They get help on how to do that here and other forums. These people, myself included, have to find places to get what they need.

Maybe codeine is an RX in the US but it's not in Australia or other places. If I was in pain and couldn't get relief because no one could figure out what was wrong, you bet I'm going to get it.

You are free to get medications any way you see fit, but you still must refrain from suggestng illegal actions on the forum. I was just trying to give a friendly general reminder.

Many seniors in the States go to Canada to get medication because it is much cheaper than here. There are charter busses that drive them up there. Some were not able to get RX's because some docs weren't on board with them getting meds in Canada for whatever reason. I KNOW people who did that.

Where are you getting this from. If a US senior lives in Canada for a bit and has a doctor in Canada that's a different story and this is totally different than ordering meds online without a prescription. There is a doctor shortage in Canada and waiting lists are very long so you just can't walk in and see a doctor. If you go to an ER, you have to have a good reason to get a prescription. Maybe they are going for uncontrolled substances and getting cheaper meds. When I travel to the UK, I can walk into an NHS place and get a prescription after seeing a doctor -- the difference is, this is legal.

My ability to get Acyclovir, because my doctor would not give it to me, was the single thing in years that made a difference in my health.

We are all old enough to take responsibility for our own decisions. Everyone just needs to relax. You'd think I just went on a killing spree with the reaction I got.

Yes we are all old enough to make our own decisions. But suggesting illegal actions on a non-profit website or any website has ramifications. It's not a case of relaxing. I have stated our rules and we do expect them to be followed.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@Kina. I'm originally from Cleveland. There used to be monthly bus trips up to, shoot, not Ontario, start with a W I think so seniors could get their meds there. I also remember looking into some things myself. You would pay an extra fee to get the pharmacies in-house person to authorize it. As I said, it was awhile ago.

I guess I was confused about what is a rule and what is not because as I said, people talk about these pharmacies all the time and are looking for places to find them. There are a ton of threads. It's fine.


Senior Member
@Kina. I'm originally from Cleveland. There used to be monthly bus trips up to, shoot, not Ontario, start with a W I think so seniors could get their meds there. I also remember looking into some things myself. You would pay an extra fee to get the pharmacies in-house person to authorize it. As I said, it was awhile ago.

I guess I was confused about what is a rule and what is not because as I said, people talk about these pharmacies all the time and are looking for places to find them. There are a ton of threads. It's fine.

You can't just get meds refilled in Canada if you are from another country without an assessment by a doctor. No pharmacist can authorize a prescription without a Canadian doctor writing the prescription. If I am wrong can you please show me some actual evidence. I startedworking as an RN in Ontario in 1991 and I have always known very tight controls on prescriptions.