• Welcome to Phoenix Rising!

    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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  1. MeSci

    Poll on blood pressure

    Keeping this as simple as possible, but discussion would be welcome.
  2. drob31

    POLL: What MTHFR mutations do you have?

    I'm curious to see the breakdown for ME/CFS people.
  3. Mya Symons

    Connection between Fibromyalgia, Hashimoto's and Sjogren's Poll

    I talk to many people online with Fibromyalgia. I have noticed that a large number of people with Fibromyalgia also have Hashimoto's Disease, Sjogren's syndrome or Sjogren's Antibodies, and elevated C-Reactive Protein. I wanted to do a poll to see how much of a connection there is.
  4. A

    POLL: what triggered your CFS/ME?

    Additional question - Was your onset acute or gradual? Did you know straight away that something was wrong or were you able to continue with life until your symptoms became more prominent? I did multiple choice so tick more then one if it was multiple causes. I left fungal infection out as...
  5. Nielk

    Poll: Has graded exercise helped/harmed you?

    If you had experience with GET as a treatment please fill out the poll to reflect your experience. I am trying to collect information regarding GET for my CFSAC comment March 11th.
  6. Soundthealarm21

    Genetic SNPs Poll

    I think it would do some good to see the commonalities of SNPs within the ME/CFS community. Unfortunately, There is not enough room to put all of the SNPs as options. I condensed the MTRR SNPs to one because there are so many of them. So just vote yes if you have ANY one of them If there is a...
  7. Hip

    High-Dose Selenium Significantly Improves My Fatigue and Brain Fog

    High Dose Selenium Significantly Improves My Fatigue and Brain Fog High dose selenium significantly improves my fatigue levels, and noticeably reduces my brain fog. I have consistently found selenium to be the best single supplement or drug I have tried for ME/CFS. I found that it requires a...
  8. Beyond

    Poll on eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis... - Autoimmunity, inflammation and leaky gut links

    Ever since I got ill, one thing that has accompanied me is facial eczema, which fluctuates a lot but has NEVER in these years of illness dissapeared completely. Along with annoying very copious dandruff, but I had that one before. My theory is that mild skin disorders appears when you have IgG...
  9. BadBadBear

    Poll on taking Florinef in AM or PM

    I am working my way back up on Florinef (Rx is .2mg/day, I dropped down to a lower dose and am titrating up). It seems that .1 mg tab gives me a headache. If I split it into two doses it's not a problem. However, my BP is still low - 88/50 today. I'd like to add another half tab, so will it...
  10. SickOfSickness

    Asthma diagnosis (poll)

    I wonder how many doctors have checked for it, and how many have symptoms without having an asthma diagnosis.
  11. SickOfSickness

    Blood type poll

    Before you vote: choose multiple if you have family member(s) with ME/CFS with a different blood type.
  12. L

    Basic Poll: What is your breathing rate at rest?

    Hi Everyone, I wonder if you might help me with an idea? I'd like to know what is your average breathing rate while at rest? I know that directing your consciousness at your breathing makes it hard to measure, but I'm just looking for a ballpark figure. Get a watch (or an iPhone) and count...
  13. Sam7777

    Poll for most effective, safe, results acheived with binders and chelators

    You can choose multiple responses. If you feel the need to describe whether injections or oral rounds were preferred that is also helpful. Regime and dosing schedule discussion is helpful also.
  14. loayachil

    Have you been properly tested for Lyme poll?

    Around 10 years ago, I had gone for a Lyme test, which came back negative. I had even asked my doctor for the more advanced one, which he waved his hand. I recently (because of Phoenix Rising) took the Igenex test which returned with a multi-positive. According to Wikipedia there have been...
  15. SickOfSickness

    Birth month poll

    Before you vote: please vote multiple times so you can enter birth months for ME relatives or friends. After you vote, I don't think you can add more votes.
  16. S

    Poll: How are you after at least 3 months on MAF 314, MAF 878 or injected MAF?

    I wish it was possible to ask subquestions within this poll about length of time on each treatment, labwork and so on but this site doesn't allow it. To make it manageable, it's basically, what are you taking and are you worse/no change/improved. Please only answer if you've been taking the...
  17. P

    Rituximab Poll

    Date of infusion(s) would be helpful. I know it's very difficult to qualitatively express your symptoms in such a manner.
  18. T

    Delayed post exertional symptoms - Poll

    Many say that the delayed post exertional symptoms start anywhere from 24-48 hrs after exertion. I myself thou find that they often start 16-18 hrs after exertion from my base line state (that is if I get delayed symptoms). So thought a survey would be good. Im also wondering if the worst the...
  19. Little Bluestem

    Flu-like Illness Onset Poll

    SOC mentioned in another thread that she and her daughter came down with the same very sudden onset flu-like illness that began their ME/CFS. When mine started, I went to bed feeling fine and woke up ill, then rapidly became more ill. Another person who ordered the same thing for dinner the...
  20. T

    POTS and Florinef (Fludrocortisone) Poll

    Im trying to find out the most common Florinef dose being used for POTS in us. edit..whoops..I should of have an amount there which covered a quarter of a pill (that's what my doctor started me first on). Maybe anyone taking lower.. please type a reply. Comments from those who tried it but...
  21. Tally

    Do you have ME/CFS with or without sore throat?

    I am curious how many people with ME/CFS have sore throat often (more than once or twice a year)? Also, are there any theories what causes our sore throat? I have it often but all the explanations I've read of ME/CFS don't seem to explain the sore throat.
  22. Whit

    Has anyone gotten CFS after a physical trauma (major car accident, burn, etc) ?

    Has anyone wound up with CFS after/from an incident of major physical trauma? By physical trauma I mean a major car accident, a serious burn something like that. I'm not talking about emotional trauma or an infection, however serious. You would have been hospitalized for this kind of physical...
  23. Cort

    Giardia poll

    A recent study indicated that giardia infection can lead to a chronic CFS-like condition. Check out an article on that here. Now we ask whether you have ever been tested for or diagnosed with giardia..
  24. A

    poll on rifaximin

    I just started Rifaximin and it feels great, but searching on this forum i found that many say that the effects wear off... there were about 100 pages of posts on this and many that were slightly off topic so i decided to make a poll, but i am not really sure how to do this, i want a poll with...
  25. R

    Poll: What brand/form/dose/timing of potassium do you take? What switch to?

    Poll: What brand/form/dose/timing of potassium do you take? What switch to? Right now, I take potassium gluconate - store brand that provides 99 mg of potassium per capsule, and take 2-3 caps 4-6 times a day. I am not sure about IBS and various forms of potassium or if I might need to...
  26. L

    Do You Have Fibromyalgia

    I'm certain 99.9% of you know the definition of Fibromyalgia but just in case... Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the...
  27. C

    Poll: Sudden Onset - What Time of Year?

    Sudden Onset - What Time of Year? It is often repeated that ME(CFS) patients with a sudden onset of illness can remember the date and often the exact time that they got sick. For myself it was April 17th, 1994. According to the following summary, Dr. Chia believes that flu is rare in the...
  28. V

    Diagnostic Lab Results Poll

    Someone on the Methylation board asked if there were compiled results of the methylation lab results for people with ME/CFS. So here's a poll asking that, and everything else too. Please only indicate "abnormal" results if the results were outside of normal range (not low-normal or...
  29. urbantravels

    Poll: Changes to smell and taste?

    I'm asking on behalf of an interested scientific observer: Has your sense of smell and taste changed since you became ill with ME/CFS, and if so, how?
  30. M

    what country do you live in poll

    One more try! Be interesting to know if any country is represented more than the rest.