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List of international positive XMRV studies - published and unpublished papers

I've collated a list of the most significant, published and unpublished, international positive XMRV studies that I know about, including the European and Japanese research studies ... along with a very brief summary of each of them.
I've included the links to the published papers, or to the unpublished abstracts, or to other sources the information if I haven't seen the actual papers.
If anyone knows of any more sources of info on any of these, or has links to the actual papers, then please could you let me know so I can add the info? Thank you.
There are other positive XMRV studies as well, but I have only included what I think are the most significant positive studies. (The studies I've included are testing people for XMRV, while the other studies are researching the nature of XMRV itself.)
Suggestions to include other studies will be gratefully received.

Initial discovery of XMRV in prostate cancer patients

XMRV was first discovered in 2006 in prostate cancer patients. Here is the published research paper...
"Identification of a novel Gammaretrovirus in prostate tumors of patients homozygous for R462Q RNASEL variant." 31st March 2006. by Urisman A, Molinaro RJ, Fischer N, Plummer SJ, Casey G, Klein EA, Malathi K, Magi-Galluzzi C, Tubbs RR, Ganem D, Silverman RH, DeRisi JL.

XMRV first discovered in ME/CFS patients

Judy Mikovits' paper was published in Science in Oct 2009.
XMRV detected in 67% of ME patients and 3.7% of healthy controls.

FDA/NIH study published in August 2010

Alter and Lo's FDA/NIH paper published in PNAS.
MLV-related viral sequences detected in 86.5% of ME/CFS patients and 6.8% of healthy controls.

The WPI's unpublished UK study:

Not yet published, but reported to be about 80% positive for XMRV in UK ME patients, and 6-8% positive in the UK blood supply.
See info from the CFIDS Association of America's website, here:

The WPI's unpublished study on families

Looking for XMRV in families and testing: adults with ME, FM, Lymme disease; Parents of children with neuroimmune disease; children with ASD; children with Niemann-Pick; and healthy children with sibling who have neuroimmune disease. Positive results obtained.
"Detection of infectious XMRV in the peripheral blood of children"

Dr Cheney and Dr Bell - unpublished studies

Separate unpublished studies in the USA, using patients from Dr Cheney's and Dr Bell's clinics, have confirmed high rates of XMRV infection in ME patients.

Dr Cheney:
74.5% of consecutive ME patients, who went to the Cheney Clinic, tested positive for XMRV.

Dr Bell:
80% of 10 patients currently meeting Fukuda criteria tested positive for MLV-related sequences and 1% of healthy controls.

An extract from:
Of Mice and Men: A Summary of the First International XMRV Workshop.
by K. Kimberly McCleary with Steven H. Kleinman, BSc, MD, and Suzanne D. Vernon, PhD.

Dr. Hansons study tested samples obtained by David S. Bell from 20 CFS patients, 10 of whom reported having recovered but still demonstrated lower physical activity levels than the 10 healthy control subjects as measured by seven instruments employed by Dr. Bell. Of these 20 CFS patients, 11 (55%) were positive; 8 (80%) of the 10 patients currently meeting Fukuda criteria and 3 (30%) of the individuals who had recovered tested positive, compared to 1 (10%) of the 10 healthy controls. The gag sequences found by Dr. Hanson were more similar to those reported by Lo et al., than to the gag sequences for XMRV, although all are part of the same gammaretrovirus family. Her group is working to sequence the env sequence and the entire virus genome(s) now that they have external funding support from NIH.

Japan (publication status unknown to me)
XMRV found in 1.7% of random healthy blood donor samples from the blood supply in Japan, testing for antibodies only. (This was a study of blood bank samples and prostate cancer patients, not ME patients.)

"Although our study had a limited sample size, the prevalence among blood donors as determined by identifying XMRV-specific antibodies was found to be 1.7%, while that among prostate cancer patients was found to be 6.3%"

Germany (publication status unknown to me)
XMRV found in respiratory secretions in 3.2% of healthy control samples (study not carried out on ME patients).
Respiratory samples taken from patients with respiratory tract infection and healthy persons.

"We detected XMRV in respiratory secretions of immunocompetent patients with and without RTI at a frequency of 3.2%, which is in good concordance with the recently reported prevalence in the general population of up to 4% [referring to the 3.7% in the Science paper]"

"Our findings indicate that XMRV or virus-infected cells might be carried in and transmitted by the respiratory tract."

"XMRV-specific sequences were detected in 2%3% of samples from 168 immunocompetent carriers and 10% of samples from 161 immunocompromised patients"

Norway (publication status unknown to me)
62% of patients tested positive for XMRV at the Lillestrom Health Clinic, using the VIPdx lab.

The Lillestrom Health Clinic tested 80 patients and 50 were tested positive by either culture or serology test a total of 62%. The tests were done in cooperation with VIPdx labs in the USA.

More information about these results will be given on the 28th of November 2010 in Oslo at the XMRV/MLV seminar with Dr. Judy Mikovits... See this link for more details of the November Oslo XMRV seminar:

In November 2010, the Lillestrom Health Clinic will launch a large international research project on Human Gammaretrovirus and ME.

Belgium (publication status unknown to me)
Study led by Professor De Meirleir.
Researchers at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the Belgian company biotech RED Laboratories "are able to identify a new retrovirus in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome."

Rivotril;115299 said:
VUB researchers find new virus in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome
Researchers at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) and the Belgian biotech company Red Laboratories have succeeded in distinguishing a new retrovirus in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS / ME patients). Thus they confirm recent U.S. findings on this issue. VUB-Press Service reports that Tuesday.

U.S. researchers at the University of Nevada in October 2009 found that the majority of CFS / ME patients are carriers of a new retrovirus XMRV. These findings have also been confirmed by the Harvard Medical School and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). New to the study led by Professor De Meirleir VUB is that the virus was found in CFS / ME patients from across Europe. Moreover, the immunological signature, a kind of footprint in the immune system, is similar to that of symptomatic HIV patients. "It seems that for the roughly 17 million CFS / ME patients world-wide end to a long ordeal surrounding the recognition of their illness. The development of targeted therapies is already underway, both in Belgium and abroad" says De Meirleir.

Spain (publication status unknown to me)
Pilot study by J Blanco et al:
Detection of XMRV sequences in EBV-transformed B cell lines
"Envelope amplification yielded positive bands in 4 out of 21 individuals tested, 3 CFS affected individuals and 1 healthy donor.However, gag amplification yielded only 3 positive samples (1 CFS affected individual, 1 healthy donor and one HIV+ patient).In contrast, Real-time PCR of Pol fragment detected 7 positives samples in 14 individuals tested (4 SFC , 2 donors and 1 HIV+ individuals)."

Conclusions: Despite the discrepancies observed in the different PCR approaches using gag, pol or env sequences, our data suggest that EBV transformed B cell lines harbor XMRV specific sequences, and therefore this cell type may represent a reservoir for XMRV contributing to its potential pathogenesis.

Spain (progress of study unknown to me)
Hospital Vall d'Hebron in Barcelona:

[It's uncertain that the facts have been reported correctly in this case - see discussion]


List of some of the ongoing research:

Harvey Alter (discovered the HEP C virus), working for the FDA investigating MLV-related viruses in ME/CFS patients. He is looking for antibodies, and will be isolating the virus, and sequencing the genome of the PMRV's which he found.

W. Ian Lipkin (internationally recognized for his work with West Nile virus and SARS) working for US government health agencies to investigate XMRV in ME patients.

Frank and Sandra Ruscetti, working at the NCI (National Cancer Institute) carrying out research into XMRV and its effect on the immune system.

Dr Singh, carrying out some complex studies on XMRV.

Judy Mikovits looking at a link between immune abnormalities and XMRV, XMRV in autism and atypical MS. Working on a UK study reportedly showing XMRV in about 80% of ME patients.

The US Blood Working Group is working towards standardising the methodology for detecting XMRV, and then they will do larger scale studies looking for XMRV in the population.
The Health and Human Services Working Group on XMRV will have oversight over the federal effort on XMRV. Dr. Mikovits and Dr. Vernon,will be part of the group along with representatives from the NIH, CDC and FDA. It appears to be a large effort indeed. With regards to ME/CFS the group is taking a three stage approach:
(1) First they will attempt to standardize and validate tests for XMRV. Then they'll test 1,200 healthy donors and 100 patients provided by the Whittemore Peterson Institute.
(2) Secondly they'll assess the prevalence of XMRV in the general populations, the blood supply and in other groups of people with CFS
(3) Lastly they'll dig into to how XMRV is transmitted, what effects it may have, and how it may affect other groups.

More info about upcoming XMRV studies:

Info about published, unpublished, proposed and ongoing research studies

Details (on Phoenix Rising website and forum) of proposed, upcoming, incomplete and unpublished research studies:

Details of all the published XMRV studies to date, including the two published positive USA studies, and all the negative published studies (A PDF chart, on the CFIDS Association of America's website):

Details of unpublished XMRV studies presented at the 1st International Conference on XMRV (A PDF chart, on the CFIDS Association of America's website):

Abstract Book - 1st International Conference on XMRV
Collated research papers presented at the 1st International Conference on XMRV (A PDF document):

Recent articles regarding the state of play for XMRV research:

World Class Virus Hunter To Head Up the Latest XMRV Study.

XMRV On Everyones Mind at a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Meeting.

Recent news and progress:

Ongoing and proposed XMRV research:

1st International Conference on XMRV

There is a selection of abstracts of XMRV studies presented the 1st International Conference on XMRV here:

"Abstract Book" - Collated research papers presented at the 1st International Conference on XMRV (A PDF document):

Details of unpublished XMRV studies presented at the 1st International Conference on XMRV (A PDF chart, on the CFIDS Association of America's website):


Im tired to say that the first Spanish study is not true.
Vall dHebron never studied the XMRV till now.Dont know if its the fault of the journalist.
Thanks for that Rita...
I hadn't heard anyone say that before...

There's only one article that has info about it... So it must be badly reported...
Are you saying that they haven't done any research yet?

I've left the links on there for now, but deleted my quote, until i find further info about it.
Vall dHebron is a hospital that made a workshop about the importance of viruses in CFS few days ago(with D.Montoya, among others),thats why they were in press.They are specilized in patients SFC
Now they want to begin a study with another hospital specialized in CFS, Hospital Clinic, and Can Ruti,specialized in Aids, to look for XMRV. All are in Barcelone.
Probably another doctor in Barcelona, Dr.Ferran, is beginning a study with Carlos III Hospital (Madrid),but dont know anything else.
If I read something sure Ill tell you.
Of course , all studies will be about XMRV in CFS patients.
The CFIDS Association chart is excelent. I have wondered about making a similar chart in a wiki article to list all the published (and separately, the reported unpublished or conference presentations), XMRV studies, regardless of the population/patient group. I'd like the chart to have more explicit details on the sequences tested, methodological differences so any differences between positive and negative studies might be more clear.

Oh and a list of all the review articles.
Snow Leopard;bt3482 said:
The CFIDS Association chart is excelent. I have wondered about making a similar chart in a wiki article to list all the published (and separately, the reported unpublished or conference presentations), XMRV studies, regardless of the population/patient group. I'd like the chart to have more explicit details on the sequences tested, methodological differences so any differences between positive and negative studies might be more clear.

Oh and a list of all the review articles.

Hi Snow Leopard,

That's a great idea... It will be difficult to compile the details of the European studies though... I can't determine if any of these European papers are published or unpublished, and I can't find any completed research papers, although there are one or two abstracts available. Also, it seems that some of the reported 'facts', associated with the European studies, are incorrect, such as the details of one of the Spanish studies, which maybe hasn't even been started yet, as far as I can tell, but was reported to have found XMRV in 70% of ME patients... It seems that the facts got lost in translation.

But your wiki idea is still a good idea... And if you could keep it up-to-date, or we could keep it up-to-date as a forum community project, then that would be a really helpful resource.
I haven't come across any other listings of these European studies anywhere.
Hi Bob

Great work/contribution! I have been looking for a list like this to cross reference against my own so a very big thank you for your efforts.
insearchof;bt4601 said:
Hi Bob

Great work/contribution! I have been looking for a list like this to cross reference against my own so a very big thank you for your efforts.

Hi insearchof,
Glad you've found it helpful...
I haven't been keeping it up-to-date with new developments, so recent developments are not listed on there.

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