I am very grateful to my friend Jan for promoting this very important petition.
May I just make a few points, to encourage you to sign
First, although this is within the jurisdiction of the UK, whatever is contained in this secret document may affect M.E. sufferers all over the world. Therefore, I urge people from every country to sign to try to exert influence on our government.
Secondly, the petition target was set at just 1,000, by default. We are already over 1,200. An important development is that the UK coalition government has hinted that it if e-petitions on its own Number 10 website get over, say, 100,000, they might debate it in Parliament. Therefore, I would like to aim for ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND (We should be able to do it - - there are said to be up to 250,000 in the UK, millions worldwide).
Thirdly, some people have been concerned that they have to give personal details, You don't. I think it is better to give your real name and, say, city or just country and, preferably leave a comment but if you prefer you don't have to reveal personal details,
Well done everybody who has made a contribution to this cause and thanks to Jan, Connie and many others who have gone out of their way to give this an extra push.
Best wishes
I am very grateful to my friend Jan for promoting this very important petition.
May I just make a few points, to encourage you to sign
First, although this is within the jurisdiction of the UK, whatever is contained in this secret document may affect M.E. sufferers all over the world. Therefore, I urge people from every country to sign to try to exert influence on our government.
Secondly, the petition target was set at just 1,000, by default. We are already over 1,200. An important development is that the UK coalition government has hinted that it if e-petitions on its own Number 10 website get over, say, 100,000, they might debate it in Parliament. Therefore, I would like to aim for ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND (We should be able to do it - - there are said to be up to 250,000 in the UK, millions worldwide).
Thirdly, some people have been concerned that they have to give personal details, You don't. I think it is better to give your real name and, say, city or just country and, preferably leave a comment but if you prefer you don't have to reveal personal details,
Well done everybody who has made a contribution to this cause and thanks to Jan, Connie and many others who have gone out of their way to give this an extra push.
Best wishes