Why does Levocetrizine give me energy ?


Senior Member
When I take Levocetrizine 5 mg it gives me energy, both mental and physical. What could be the reason ? But I have not tried taking it on a continuous basis due to fear of side effects. What is happening ? I get extremely tired after lunch but not after dinner. Any connection ?


Senior Member
ME seems pretty clearly affected by immune system activation, so reducing activation might reduce some symptoms. I notice it strongly with t-cell activation, but not type I allergies, but the interactions between the body's different immune systems is complex, so it seems not at all unlikely for regular allergies to affect ME symptoms.

As for the lunch but not dinner aspect, there are multiple possibilities. My ME symptoms tend to flare up around 2:30 PM, regardless of mealtimes or any other factors I can find. Try shifting your mealtimes and see if the tiredness correlates with the mealtimes or the time of day.

If it correlates with meals, maybe it's what you eat. Another possibility is that your body works differently at different times of the day, and so might be more sensitive to something involving eating or digestion at certain times of the day.

If I was affected by allergy medicine, I'd experiment with other drugs, herbal remedies and supplements that are also supposed to affect allergic reactions. There might be something that works with less possible side-effects than Levocetrizine. The experiments might also reveal things that make your reactions worse, and thus things you should avoid. There are lots of things I've learned to avoid due to ME. :grumpy: