why the Wessely school is sociopaths I don't know, can't answer
why everybody else has no understanding and no sympathy is very easy. Respected sources of info such as Mayo Clinic and CDC tell them to believe patients are symptom-focused, somatizing, and not seriously ill, yet behaving debilitated. A quick look at the literature (if they have time for this) only adds to the confusion. Yes, some interesting findings, but mostly in small, pilot-sized groups, and on the other hand a multiplicity of studies saying the same thing as Mayo and CDC.
it takes some digging to understand the definition confusion, which must be understood before you get the variation in studies thing. it also takes some digging to understand that funding for biomedical research into ME/CFS is, and has always been, negligible (thus the small samples in the otherwise interesting studies).
so you have these patients who, when assessed for disease pathologies that "normal" people (i.e. Lupus and diabetes patients) have, you come up with little meaningful information (no one has told them how to assess for ME or ME/CFS; indeed most think this is impossible--CDC certainly says it's impossible). and important respected sources tell you to believe that the patients exaggerate, somatize, and catastrophize, if not actually malinger. you are taught to believe that these people are wasting your valuable time, taking up resources which should be devoted to more deserving patients.
the media portrays a layman's version of this to the public, incessantly
what other response is expected? whiners deserve no sympathy, ever. those who wallow in self-pity (symptom-focusers) deserve no help.
the problem all goes back to Wessely school who originate and proliferate these myths, and the CDC and Mayo Clinic and NHS who participate in them, and the NIH and DHHS and other health authorities who stand back approving, and Congress and Parliaments and the WHO and heads of state who do nothing