What to fight first bacteria or viruses?

Hi guys I just finished diagnosing my chronic infections, after my antigens tests, it looks like i need to kill chlamydia pneumoniae, possibly strep (ASO 287 norm <0,200>), plus viruses ebv,...(probably something else, i'm still waiting for few viral antibodies) I couldn't find similar posts so I'm creating new topic-
Do you have any opinion about chronology of my treatment, should i go with antibiotics for bacteria infection first and after finishing that, anti-viral for viruses or maybe the other way. I read that doing it simultaneously might decrease effectivness of each treatment?
What is more do you suggest some supplements that might increase proality of successful treatment like bio-film 'killers', ones that immunomodulates response of immune system or others, *for example i ran into things like calcium channel blocker or NO-booster(things like l-arginine)
I guess supplements help vary depends on which of two viruses-bacteria i'm currently fighting with



Senior Member
Hi im interested too.

I tested positive for EBV DNA (12 years after infection) and Chalmydia Pneumoniae IgA/IgG
I can elaborate more after i gained some knowladge, thanks to me/cfs and general medical community accross the web. So of course it would be ideal to kill everything at once, as fast as it is possible, BUT all of the drugs have their risk to reward ratio, so except gaining some benefit, they have negative effects to them(thank you cpt. obvious). Our main goal is not to damage oureselfs firstly, so in my opinon, since antivirals&antibiotics are harmful to the body, it is better NOT to do everything at once- not to overload gut/liver/kidney/... so making at least few weeks(and by few i dont mean like 2 or 3) for regeneration* seems to be smart idea. Abx therapy are usually shorter than antiviral(in cfs patients) so starting abx first seems to be better.

*by regeneration i mean healthy diet, delivering all of the vit./minerals/nutritions that body needs, stopping or reducing potentially harmful actions/substances (if we are able to do that), activity in 'healthy' quantity (if we are able to do that), supplements- though i'm not sure about that because tags like 'it will regenerate your liver/kindey' linked to certain supplements, sounds like total bullshit, still trying things like curcumin/nac/milk_thistle/phospholipides/etc might be good idea, even if they won't help at least they won't do harm (unless you are eating whole package at once, or you are extremly unlucky with interactions and side-effects heh)

Regarding abx therapy- bio-film disruptors are recommended during that to fight with bacterias more efficient, some of the biofilm disruptors are: nac, lactoferrin, proteolytic enzymes(f.e. serrapeptase, bromelaine, nattokinase), more about that topic here: https://health.selfdecode.com/blog/...o-inhibit-biofilms-naturally-with-references/

Wise thing to do would be also put a bit of an effort in choosing certain drugs wisely, what i mean by that is(of course it is simplified example, just to show you the issue)- lets say you are infected with: bacteria_A and bacteria_B, bacteria_A might be eradicated with abx_X and abx_Y, bacteria_B with abx_Y and abx_Z, instead of taking abx_X for bacteria_A and abx_Z for bacteria_B you can take just abx_Y, because it kills both bacteria A&B and you get side effect only from one abx not from two of them. What is more (one more time oversimplification) if you have choice between abx_1 and abx_2. Abx_1 is rough to liver and abx_2 is rough to kidney and you have problem with, let's say, damaged kidney, it is obviously better to use one that is not hard to your kidney ;) Checking interactions if you are talking other medications/supplements is also obligatory ofc.

Everything that i wrote earlier is established on the idea, that we really have some infections, which is only a HYPOTHESIS and unless there is positive PCR_test or biopsy, we are not sure about that, high antibodies titers might, but also might NOT indicate that there is infection. What is more if infection is inter-cellular drugs will not work, because they can't penetrate body cells. If there is no infection obviously we only damaging body without gaining any benefits, thats a huge consideration. Presence of infection is topic for another discussion, but i dont think thats the place for it, i wanted just to underline it.

Assuming that we are fighting with inter-cellular infection, we can't depend on abx/antivirals all the time, goal would be to push back the pathogens and than let our immune system to keep them at bay (huge % of people contact ebv/hhv6/cmv/... but their immune system is strong enough to easily suppress them) btw alternative to artifically killing pathogens with abx/antivirals would be to stimulate our own immune system, it has some benefits and drawbacks to itself, defenitely its worth inspecting risk/reward of that in comparison to abx/antiviral therapy before starting any.

Of course i'm not MD, i'm not recommending anything, that are just my thoughts at the current moment and i'm pretty sure that it will change in the future, to be honest the more i know the more i walk away from the idea of abx/antiviral treatment unless you are 100% sure that you are in fact infected or it worked for you significantly in the past, as that kind therapy carries certain risk.


Senior Member
Although all drugs have side effects, the seriousness of the side effects and any drug toxicity varies greatly from one drug to another, as well as from one person to another. For this reason, the risks involved in taking two drugs at once can vary greatly depending on the drugs and on the person taking them.

I can see a major argument for taking two drugs at once if the drugs are well tolerated by a given person. To completely eradicate any systemic infection, the immune system must be involved; drugs alone cannot accomplish this. If someone is immunocompromised - very often the case with ME/CFS - and the immune system is trying to fight off two infections at once, it will be very difficult to do this completely, even if one of the infections is being treated with drugs. The immune system may just be being asked to do too much in such a situation. This may even be true in people who are not immunocompromised, depending on the infections and the person.

Certainly in a hospital setting, if a person has two or more serious infections, they are typically treated simultaneously, as the danger of letting any of the infections just progress while another is being treated typically far outweighs the danger of treating them simultaneously. If side effects arise, these can be treated separately, just as in the case of a single drug. And just as in the case of a single drug, severe side effects may require discontinuation of the drug.

As should be apparent, there are a lot of variables here. You need to talk to your doctor about your specific case and get his or her recommendation for which drugs and treatment strategy to use.