What the P2P Draft Agendas Show


Senior Member
Trying to find THE cause of, and THE treatment for fatigue is like trying to find THE cause of, and THE treatment for nausea, or fever, or any other superficial symptom. This approach is flawed from the start. Maybe the people behind this are simply incompetent and unable to see what is obvious, but I would say it's more likely that they know exactly what they're doing and want to obfuscate certain difficult health problems to avoid having to take responsibility.


Senior Member
Trying to find THE cause of, and THE treatment for fatigue is like trying to find THE cause of, and THE treatment for nausea, or fever, or any other superficial symptom. This approach is flawed from the start.


Maybe the people behind this are simply incompetent and unable to see what is obvious, but I would say it's more likely that they know exactly what they're doing and want to obfuscate certain difficult health problems to avoid having to take responsibility.

I don't have proof for either explanation, but I am really struggling to see how this approach makes sense to them. That view of the problem seems like another planet to me.