What helps you with POTS or OI?


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
What helps you with symptoms of POTS or OI? I'm asking for my sister who had a stroke and whose blood pressure plummets when she sits up. She used to eat a lot of salt and I'm sure her salt intake is restricted because of the stroke, but I'm wondering if perhaps she needs salt more than she's getting.

I don't know the cause of the stroke, whether her BP was high or not, though I'd never heard of her having BP issues (though I wouldn't have necessarily heard of that either)

Any suggestion welcome!


Senior Member
Im so sorry your Sister had a stroke.
I have no idea how safe the following suggestions are for her but here are a few that can take the edge off of it sometimes:

when sitting,put your feet up or if in bed sitt and pull your knees to your chin

lots of water before sitting up [first thing in the morning](big amounts -not sips- 500ml cold and rapidly drinking can get you a "pressure effect"-> www.theoicenter.org)

before sitting up clench big.muscles like buttocks to get the blood pumping.

If getting up and feeling faint/black out raise immediately arms a bit and clench your fists rapidly on and off.

magnesium is said to lower BP but it helps me definetely so wanted to mention it.I guess she jas to take certain medications to prevent another stroke?could it be that is what makes her BP drop? I really hope she gets well ASAP.
Im sorry I am not of more help ,but I really care.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Those are pretty conventional items - they should be able to relate...;)my personal vote would be for a daily dose of glutathione and some NT Factor but I know how difficult that would be to pull off!!


Senior Member
I hope you find something to help your sister @Mary
I haven't had experience with POTS so unfortunately can't give any helpful suggestions. But it's possible the medication she has to be on could be causing this?
Yet it sounds as if her doctor wouldn't be particularly helpful...(?) ....such as adjusting the dose of her medications perhaps? I would think that doing that would have to be with medical supervision.

I really wish her well.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Thanks @Wolfcub - I'm not directly involved with her care so I don't know how much her doctor is involved. You're right, it could be a function of a medicine she's on. There are so many possibilities! She used to eat a lot of salt, she carried a salt shaker in her purse! But I don't think she had high BP, but I bet her salt is restricted now - her kids and her long-time companion are the ones managing her care, so it's a little difficult being removed from it and making suggestions. But I will recommend they at least talk to her doctor about this - it didn't sound like they had.