What foods contain bifidobacteria?


So I wonder if there are any foods that contain bifidobacteria? Because all fermented food contain lactobacillus, but I haven't found a description of a fermented food containing bifidobacteria?
How are we supposed to have bifidobacteria if we can not acquire it through food? Do we acquire it through dirt or (sorry) feces? Originally, humans spend a lot of times outdoors and ate foods now considered gross or unhygienic. Is that how we acquired it? But even now a lot of healthy people have enough bifidobacteria, they acquire it from their mothers but how do the mothers acquire it? Does raw milk contain bifidobacteria of colostrum?

I want to increase my good bacteria, but I have noticed that al lot of my problems are gut related. Yesterday I ate yoghurt and I felt a lot better afterwards. However, I want to create diversity and I don't want any overgrowth.
I have found probiotics with bifidobacteria, but I have spend a lot of money on supplements (I cringe if I think about all the lost money :-( ) and most of the just made me worse so I don't want to spend anymore money on supplements. I want to use foods or herbs. Is there any way to acquire bifidobacteria through food?


Senior Member
Oats/rye/flax ect can help grow bifido. Also, a fibre supplement like bimuno has been documented to grow bifido in 7 days. It's really helped me. I find oats ect powerful with helping grow unfavourables too, so mostly avoid them. A little bit is ok for me.


Senior Member
The best I have found is what you are already eating...yoghurt. Some Kefir also has it. I stick with organic, unsweetened, unflavoured. Some churned or butter milk may have it. Some raw milk and raw milk products may contain some as well, but not as controlled as yoghurt or Kefir.
Bifidobacteria are strict anaerobes and grow better at a lower temp than lactobacillus. Therefore, there probably is not much in your typical yogurt (the acidity from the lactobacillus probably has a negative impact as well). Anaerobes grow best when the oxygen in the vat is reduced so are more difficult to grow. There are many prebiotics that will help grow it, but you would have to make sure you are not also feeding unwanted bacteria.
Hej thank you for the reply

@Hopeful1976 I already eat a lot of oatmeal. I find that it does help. I also bought yogurt and kefir. I will also try a prebiotica. is not sold in Belgium, but I will look for a similiar product with GOS. I am so glad to hear that it has helped you. How has it helped you?

I did not know that yoghurt also contains bifidobacteria. I really enjoy eating it so that is good. It does help me gut, however one time I ate a liter yoghurt and was very ill afterwards so I avoided it for a while, however I should not have done that. I often hurt myself by exaggerating

You think there can be now bifidobacteria in yoghurt? There is one yogurt brand here (Activia) that claims to have bifidobacteria, namely bifidobacterium animalis.. Have you tried it? What prebiotic has helped you the most?


Senior Member

I did not know that yoghurt also contains bifidobacteria. I really enjoy eating it so that is good. It does help me gut, however one time I ate a liter yoghurt and was very ill afterwards so I avoided it for a while, however I should not have done that. I often hurt myself by exaggerating...

Not all do, but some do. It will state it on the ingredients listing, so that is worth checking. Anything too much is going to mess you up, no matter how healthy. :)
Hej thank you for the reply

@Hopeful1976 I already eat a lot of oatmeal. I find that it does help. I also bought yogurt and kefir. I will also try a prebiotica. is not sold in Belgium, but I will look for a similiar product with GOS. I am so glad to hear that it has helped you. How has it helped you?

I did not know that yoghurt also contains bifidobacteria. I really enjoy eating it so that is good. It does help me gut, however one time I ate a liter yoghurt and was very ill afterwards so I avoided it for a while, however I should not have done that. I often hurt myself by exaggerating

You think there can be now bifidobacteria in yoghurt? There is one yogurt brand here (Activia) that claims to have bifidobacteria, namely bifidobacterium animalis.. Have you tried it? What prebiotic has helped you the most?

Not likely to be a lot in yogurt. You need doses at least in the billions to even begin to move the needle. I think Activia has 1 billion. Also, all these probiotics are transient and do not implant permanently (except Mutaflor).