Clearly something is working for us. Maybe those in Hollywood have enough sick people (they hide their disease) that are fed up with hiding and are now pushing to get their disease legitimized so that they can work when they are "OK" and have others understand what is wrong with them. Who knows but we are getting more PUBLIC stuff hitting and that seems to scare the governments even more.
We do need to hit with another major PUBLIC project to keep our disease and the Retrovirus OUT THERE IN THE PUBLIC.
Please join the ME/CFS Worldwide Patient Alliance ( or via Facebook Causes at:
Washington Post Ad and worldwide Press Release (that was also shown for three days revolving at NY's Times Square) had a number of impacts. We knew there would be implications to that AD and PR that we could not forsee. One of them appears to be that we are terrifying the governments of the US and UK so very badly that they are fighting back in every way possible. Putting Myra McClure on the US NIH Peer Review for ME/CFS was one way to HIT us back for that AD and PR. As Mary S has said (paraphrased) - We do have friends at NIH but we also have enemies - and we do indeed have enemies and they are running scared right now. Well, fighting back at us means we did the job in getting the public involved and pushing on the Feds to find out about this new deadly Third Human Retrovirus that no one knew about until WE (MCWPA) went very public with using the Washington Post newspaper - the most important newspaper in the world. We scared the Feds. And that is great. But now we have to keep fighting them and beating back. Fine. We can and will do that.
We MUST fight back and really pound on the US, UK, Canada, Australia and all other governments NOW! They are terrified and they are going to keep fighting us.
Our greatest weapon is our numbers and the huge united force that the Internet has given to us.
When so many millions of ME/CFS sick from around the world join and fight against eachother's governments (and others involved), it gives US the upper hand. They have to waste their time fighting us. We can sit at our computers and beat on them and make things very public. And right now we really must be very public. Why did they put Myra McClure of ALL people on the NIH Peer Review? WHY?
Help us get money to lob another nuclear bomb over their bow and really sink their ship. We must get major PUBLIC involvement against the governments and what they are doing to us -- but also the whole rest of the world's population.
Join. Give ideas and input. Donate if possible - MCWPA is Worldwide - We ARE the UNITED FRONT for beating on the world's governments to fix the ME/CFS mess THEY created for us and have damned us to live in.
No more. Fight and keep fighting. Join and help us beat on them and ensure the average citizens know what their governments have done to them. It's not only about us anymore- but the rest of the entire population. Join. Input. Donate.