diarrhea is quite similar to constipatiuon in that both are unable to form a healthy stool and so unprocessed food remains in the colon. diarrhea is generally thought to be worse than constipation. id be surprised if someone with mecfs had absolutely no unprocessed food hanging around in their large intestine (constipation) even with regular bowelk movements. what sits in your colon directly affects the quality and consistency of your blood (hence why dairy affects lungs-the surface of both organs has a high blood supply) and the colon reflexes on the calf muscle. one way or another, the calf muscle is the large intestine, of that im pretty confident but we can always be wrong huh.
i stopped drinking rejuvalac probiotic drink when my calves started cramping, due imo, to the extra acidity. meds can also aggravate this because they make the blood acidic, supposedly, which freezes the organs and leads to more non processing of foods and poor blood. not suggesting to stop meds oir change anythjing. just my 2 cents, feel free to pass. hope you sort it, eiither or.