November 20, 2009
Hi, all.
Dr. Tapan Audhya, the director of the Vitamin Diagnostics lab in New Jersey, phoned me today and asked me to put out a request to the chronic fatigue syndrome community to hold off on sending them new samples for analysis for the next two months.
The reason is that the building in New Jersey in which they leased space was condemned by the local township, and they have had to move the laboratory to another location in New Jersey. They have arranged for a new location, but it now appears that it will be about two more months before they are able to satisfy all the administrative requirements, make necessary modifications, move in, set up the instruments, recalibrate, pass inspections, etc.
For further information, you can call the current lab phone number, (732) 721-1234.
Dr. Audhya and his staff are working to get the lab moved and back into operation as soon as they can. This disruption also affects the European parent lab, because much of the analysis of samples sent to that lab was carried out in New Jersey. These two labs are the only labs that offer the methylation pathways panel, the demand for which has grown rapidly in recent months.
Dr. Audhya regrets this situation and would appreciate everyones patience.
Hi, all.
Dr. Tapan Audhya, the director of the Vitamin Diagnostics lab in New Jersey, phoned me today and asked me to put out a request to the chronic fatigue syndrome community to hold off on sending them new samples for analysis for the next two months.
The reason is that the building in New Jersey in which they leased space was condemned by the local township, and they have had to move the laboratory to another location in New Jersey. They have arranged for a new location, but it now appears that it will be about two more months before they are able to satisfy all the administrative requirements, make necessary modifications, move in, set up the instruments, recalibrate, pass inspections, etc.
For further information, you can call the current lab phone number, (732) 721-1234.
Dr. Audhya and his staff are working to get the lab moved and back into operation as soon as they can. This disruption also affects the European parent lab, because much of the analysis of samples sent to that lab was carried out in New Jersey. These two labs are the only labs that offer the methylation pathways panel, the demand for which has grown rapidly in recent months.
Dr. Audhya regrets this situation and would appreciate everyones patience.