Vitamin C


Senior Member
Just a little hack. Sure it's been mentioned loads.
When I was studying to be a teacher, we'd finish class and I'd be the designated driver. So I'd drink french orange juice. Like three pints!!!
I felt incredible. Asked my doc why. She said sugar. So I tried chocolate. Not the same effect.
That got me interested in anti oxidant s.
Before I got properly sick, just a good juced hit of vegetables would stop my " anxiety" and that feeling of vascular restriction.
I suffered a lot of stress as a teacher and got properly sick.
The antioxidants didn't work as well.
Since covid, I bought some wholefood very high quality vitamin c. Before, I've used the same brand in capsule form and nothing happened. I've been dabbing as hoc, didn't put two n two together for a while but it's helping. Dabbed onto my tongue I get immediately relief.
I've also started having morning erections again( I'll have a dab when I wake in the night). Was reading tonight how it helps with vasodilation through nitric oxide production.
I had a calcium score scan done in my heart and vessels and there is zero plaque. But my endurance is terrible. All of a sudden I'm getting a few good hours a day. Nd the adrenaline rushes have lessened.
Added to the cannabis and BP meds and I'm deffo feeling further away from that edge.
Has anyone else had responses with bit c.
These consistent morning erections are proof to me that the nitric oxide part and the vascular / endothelial problem is real and also that it may be reversible.
Hope not too much info but high grade dabbed pvut c powder seems to help


Senior Member
Same question, what is whole food vitamin C? If it's supposed to mimic how you obtain vitamin C naturally, then it probably contains several other compounds, as any whole food contains thousands of compounds. It could be that one of those other compounds is the one that is actually helping you then and not the vitamin C.


Senior Member
Which product did you buy? And by whole food do you mean something like camu camu?
Are we allowed to mention brands on here.
I guess it can be taken down if so.
Its pure synergy. Pure radiance vit c
Cami camu , manioc root,acerola cherry extract, Amla berry extract, buckwheat berry sprouts, blueberry, raspberry, cranberry, rose hip, lemon peel,
Black pepper extract.

So quite a lot for some reason it only works on the tongue for me and not as a capsule.
Yes decided to go down the non ascorbic route.
I think it must be increasing nitric oxide production , as well as boosting immunity, reducing inflammation and infection because I don't feel that construction and also I have interest in listening to music again and am not as irritable. Acid reflux less too.
Ive just started using cannabis too, and that helps with vascularity, but it kinda hurts my veins sometimes. The vit c just is great.
I'd say a thirty percent increase when used with BP meds. I'll experiment with cycling cannabis too. But it's certainly vit c that's making the most sustained difference.. mind you, I'm dabbing some on my tongue fairly often. If anyone has a similar experience I'd love to know.

Also just another hack, I've started taking dissolvable paracetamol...only on occasion.
I've realised my acid reflux causes anxiety..sadly I'm that hair trigger.
When I take normal paracetamol, nothing, but with soluble paracetamol, relaxation and much less fight or flight.

Maybe these hacks are treating the stomach as well as the vascular system?


Senior Member
Thanks, I think you can mention brands aslong as you’re not selling it!

i have not noticed much from whole foods C but have never tried just putting it on my tongue i will try it tomorrow! Thanks and glad it’s helping you!


Senior Member
Same question, what is whole food vitamin C? If it's supposed to mimic how you obtain vitamin C naturally, then it probably contains several other compounds, as any whole food contains thousands of compounds. It could be that one of those other compounds is the one that is actually helping you then and not the vitamin C.
That could well be true. Although as I previously noted, before I became properly sick, fresh orange juice got me interested in anti oxidant s..
Yes there's a big deal isn't there with wholefood versus ascorbic acid... I mean Linus Pauling thought ascorbic acid was fine, but more recent oracticioners say it's fine for a while but then starts stripping the body of copper etc.
So what is wholefood? Basically not ascorbic, which is man made, I'm guessing a bit like table salt instead of sea salt?
All I can testify is that it's improved me. Its deffo helping the vascular system
Perhaps it's increasing nitric oxide


Senior Member
Thanks, I think you can mention brands aslong as you’re not selling it!

i have not noticed much from whole foods C but have never tried just putting it on my tongue i will try it tomorrow! Thanks and glad it’s helping you!
No deffo not selling! I keep dabbing away.
One thing I did reach was bowel tolerance with it...after that I was a lot less anxious . I just go by feel with dosing but it's gonna be a costly treatment at this rate


Senior Member

And this for increase in erections.
My libido is back after being AWOL for months.
Seems to tally with my experience in the article.
Long may this help!! I've had so many false dawn's with m.e. but this has been so consistent so far and I feel like I can remember what my old self was like.
I'm still sick but I get a couple hours of freedom now....we shall see if the gains hold


Senior Member
Also will just add, after watching a naturopath talking about " above the collar" treatments working for circulation I've also used bonjela for a while to strengthen my gums and optex in my ears to kill any parasites lurking..( think optex is bi carb of soda) so along with occasional use of cannabis, these are the only alterations made.
Hope it helps someone else