- Messages
- 165
Dear All,
Here is a letter from Sarah.
Please read, act and post as much as you can.
Thanks for your continuing support!
Dr Sarah Myhill MB BS, Upper Weston, Llangunllo, Knighton, Powys, Wales, UK LD7 1SL
Tel: 01547550331 Fax: 01547550339 E-mail: office@doctormyhill.co.uk Website: www.drmyhill.co.uk
Newsletter 14 September 2010
Dear All,
I have just received a further summons from the General Medical Council for a further Interim Orders Panel Hearing to be held at the GMC, 350 Euston Road, London on Thursday 7th October at 9.30a.m. The GMC have sent me 3,718 pages most of which are your wonderful letters and a full print out of the on-line petition.
There is only one new piece of evidence which is a GMC commissioned Expert Witness report into the website complaint. It appears the B12 complaint (from the Partners Practice) has not been investigated further as there are no witness statements nor Expert Witness reports. My aim at this hearing will be to have all the charges against me thrown out. So what are my chances?
In my favour
The GMC commissioned an Expert Witness report into my website in which the Expert Witness concludes:
For all the reasons given above, in producing her website and giving information and opinion I consider that overall Doctor Myhills actions are appropriate and of a reasonably competent standard. In my opinion it is difficult to clarify the role Doctor Myhill has. She is not acting as a GP in producing her website. In my opinion it is fair to say that on the evidence available Doctor Myhill is acting as a reasonably competent doctor providing free advice and opinion.
With respect to the Partners complaint where I recommended B12 injections I have demonstrated to the GMC the following:
1. The Partners Practice has told lies. This I pointed out to the GMC at my first IOP Hearing but they chose to ignore it.
2. The GMC themselves misconstrued the evidence and got their facts wrong. As a result of a Data Protection Act search I find that my case was drawn up by a member of the GMC legal team who, in the letter of instruction to the GMC Expert Witness Professor Bouloux, described me in the male gender and as a consultant anaesthetic (sic). It is difficult to imagine how one can make four mistakes in three words but this has been achieved with merit! The rest of the account of my dealings with the Partners practice together with my past history with the GMC is similarly flawed and shot through with inaccuracies.
3. The Expert Witness report by Professor Bouloux is entirely based on the GMCs version of events. He simply copied and pasted this account. In failing to check the GMCs version of events from the original source information, by failing to be an expert in the subjects on which he opines and by rushing through his report at the last minute, this report is similarly flawed.
4. GMC sanctions are without logic or consistency. Because I recommended a B12 injection, my rights to prescribe all medication from British National Formulae were lifted. This is in contrast to the Jane Barton case (29.1.10) who was found guilty of professional misconduct for the death of 12 patients by morphine. She was investigated by police for the deaths of 92 patients. She simply lost her rights to prescribe morphia drugs for three years. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...lly-hazardous-levels-drugs.html#ixzz0mkkazWwi As one of my colleagues commented lucky she did not inject B12!
I have taken the following actions:
5. I have reported the Partners practice to the GMC for investigation of dishonesty, I have reported the GMC legal to the GMC Complaints Department and also to the Bar Counsel for incompetence, I have also reported Professor Bouloux to the GMC for failing to act competently as an expert witness.
6. The GMC continue to take patients notes without their knowledge or permission. I have reported their actions to the Information Commissioner.
7. I now have three letters of apology from the GMC for withholding information from me and not meeting deadlines with respect to the Data Protection Act. I have reported the GMC to the Information Commissioner for these breaches.
8. I have written at length to the GMC with many of the above concerns and others with specific detailed questions. The majority of these questions have been ignored but I shall be raising them at my IOP Hearing.
What problems I face from the GMC
A GMC IOP Hearing is not interested in facts nor the veracity of facts. They appear to be able to act on suspicion.
The GMC have not, as I can see it, made any investigation for themselves with respect to the veracity of facts.
The GMC can award themselves up to eighteen months to consider a case before calling a Fitness to Practise Hearing without apparently giving any reason.
There appears to be nobody to whom I can appeal with respect to GMC actions.
It is clear that many other doctors have received similar treatment at the hands of the GMC they too have been subject to sanctions which lack any logic or consistency.
The GMC have complete control over the activities of the IOP so for example I have requested that the Partners practice attend my Hearing, as should Mr S Jones who complained about my website, as should Professor Bouloux together with various officials from the GMC. My guess is that the GMC will refuse these requests.
I expect to be strung up again by the GMC at this next IOP Hearing but I shall put up a good defence!
What I shall be doing between now and my Hearing
I intend to publish my defence before the Hearing and I shall make this defence available online.
I shall not be represented but I shall conduct my own defence.
I am not making any plans for a demonstration outside the GMC. I was so grateful that people came to support me in April, but very aware that it was a very difficult day for many sick patients because the GMC would not admit them into their foyer and they had to sit outside in the cold being poisoned by traffic fumes of the Euston Road! I really do not want a repeat of that.
What you can do
I would be so grateful if you would again write to the GMC by letter or email. The GMC were rocked by the broadside of letters sent in response to my first IOP Hearing. Please send to:
Mr Paul Bridge, General Medical Council, Regents Place, 350 Euston Road, London, NW1 3JN
Please tell your story, and my story, to the Press. The GMC were very concerned about Press interest at my April Hearing.
Keep updated on http://www.supportdrmyhill.co.uk/
I would like to thank all those kind people who have donated generously to my defence. I have used this money to pay for a student to collate all the wonderful letters that you have sent which illustrate patient counter examples ie examples of patients failed by NICE guidelines and who have benefited from advice on the website. I have also paid for a researcher to extend the references that underpin my website opinions.
Many many thanks to you all for your generous support and all the lovely letters and cards you have sent me they have been a source of inspiration and encouragement, all much needed and appreciated!
Very best wishes Sarah
Here is a letter from Sarah.
Please read, act and post as much as you can.
Thanks for your continuing support!
Dr Sarah Myhill MB BS, Upper Weston, Llangunllo, Knighton, Powys, Wales, UK LD7 1SL
Tel: 01547550331 Fax: 01547550339 E-mail: office@doctormyhill.co.uk Website: www.drmyhill.co.uk
Newsletter 14 September 2010
Dear All,
I have just received a further summons from the General Medical Council for a further Interim Orders Panel Hearing to be held at the GMC, 350 Euston Road, London on Thursday 7th October at 9.30a.m. The GMC have sent me 3,718 pages most of which are your wonderful letters and a full print out of the on-line petition.
There is only one new piece of evidence which is a GMC commissioned Expert Witness report into the website complaint. It appears the B12 complaint (from the Partners Practice) has not been investigated further as there are no witness statements nor Expert Witness reports. My aim at this hearing will be to have all the charges against me thrown out. So what are my chances?
In my favour
The GMC commissioned an Expert Witness report into my website in which the Expert Witness concludes:
For all the reasons given above, in producing her website and giving information and opinion I consider that overall Doctor Myhills actions are appropriate and of a reasonably competent standard. In my opinion it is difficult to clarify the role Doctor Myhill has. She is not acting as a GP in producing her website. In my opinion it is fair to say that on the evidence available Doctor Myhill is acting as a reasonably competent doctor providing free advice and opinion.
With respect to the Partners complaint where I recommended B12 injections I have demonstrated to the GMC the following:
1. The Partners Practice has told lies. This I pointed out to the GMC at my first IOP Hearing but they chose to ignore it.
2. The GMC themselves misconstrued the evidence and got their facts wrong. As a result of a Data Protection Act search I find that my case was drawn up by a member of the GMC legal team who, in the letter of instruction to the GMC Expert Witness Professor Bouloux, described me in the male gender and as a consultant anaesthetic (sic). It is difficult to imagine how one can make four mistakes in three words but this has been achieved with merit! The rest of the account of my dealings with the Partners practice together with my past history with the GMC is similarly flawed and shot through with inaccuracies.
3. The Expert Witness report by Professor Bouloux is entirely based on the GMCs version of events. He simply copied and pasted this account. In failing to check the GMCs version of events from the original source information, by failing to be an expert in the subjects on which he opines and by rushing through his report at the last minute, this report is similarly flawed.
4. GMC sanctions are without logic or consistency. Because I recommended a B12 injection, my rights to prescribe all medication from British National Formulae were lifted. This is in contrast to the Jane Barton case (29.1.10) who was found guilty of professional misconduct for the death of 12 patients by morphine. She was investigated by police for the deaths of 92 patients. She simply lost her rights to prescribe morphia drugs for three years. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...lly-hazardous-levels-drugs.html#ixzz0mkkazWwi As one of my colleagues commented lucky she did not inject B12!
I have taken the following actions:
5. I have reported the Partners practice to the GMC for investigation of dishonesty, I have reported the GMC legal to the GMC Complaints Department and also to the Bar Counsel for incompetence, I have also reported Professor Bouloux to the GMC for failing to act competently as an expert witness.
6. The GMC continue to take patients notes without their knowledge or permission. I have reported their actions to the Information Commissioner.
7. I now have three letters of apology from the GMC for withholding information from me and not meeting deadlines with respect to the Data Protection Act. I have reported the GMC to the Information Commissioner for these breaches.
8. I have written at length to the GMC with many of the above concerns and others with specific detailed questions. The majority of these questions have been ignored but I shall be raising them at my IOP Hearing.
What problems I face from the GMC
A GMC IOP Hearing is not interested in facts nor the veracity of facts. They appear to be able to act on suspicion.
The GMC have not, as I can see it, made any investigation for themselves with respect to the veracity of facts.
The GMC can award themselves up to eighteen months to consider a case before calling a Fitness to Practise Hearing without apparently giving any reason.
There appears to be nobody to whom I can appeal with respect to GMC actions.
It is clear that many other doctors have received similar treatment at the hands of the GMC they too have been subject to sanctions which lack any logic or consistency.
The GMC have complete control over the activities of the IOP so for example I have requested that the Partners practice attend my Hearing, as should Mr S Jones who complained about my website, as should Professor Bouloux together with various officials from the GMC. My guess is that the GMC will refuse these requests.
I expect to be strung up again by the GMC at this next IOP Hearing but I shall put up a good defence!
What I shall be doing between now and my Hearing
I intend to publish my defence before the Hearing and I shall make this defence available online.
I shall not be represented but I shall conduct my own defence.
I am not making any plans for a demonstration outside the GMC. I was so grateful that people came to support me in April, but very aware that it was a very difficult day for many sick patients because the GMC would not admit them into their foyer and they had to sit outside in the cold being poisoned by traffic fumes of the Euston Road! I really do not want a repeat of that.
What you can do
I would be so grateful if you would again write to the GMC by letter or email. The GMC were rocked by the broadside of letters sent in response to my first IOP Hearing. Please send to:
Mr Paul Bridge, General Medical Council, Regents Place, 350 Euston Road, London, NW1 3JN
Please tell your story, and my story, to the Press. The GMC were very concerned about Press interest at my April Hearing.
Keep updated on http://www.supportdrmyhill.co.uk/
I would like to thank all those kind people who have donated generously to my defence. I have used this money to pay for a student to collate all the wonderful letters that you have sent which illustrate patient counter examples ie examples of patients failed by NICE guidelines and who have benefited from advice on the website. I have also paid for a researcher to extend the references that underpin my website opinions.
Many many thanks to you all for your generous support and all the lovely letters and cards you have sent me they have been a source of inspiration and encouragement, all much needed and appreciated!
Very best wishes Sarah