vasopressin or anti diuretic hormone


Senior Member
My doc checked this a few months ago and here is the result

Your value 1.7 normal range 1- 13 pg/ml

I really dont know what to think of this because my daily urine volume is huge but vasopressin seems to be low normal. Any idea what can help me to raise the level of this hormone?


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
interesting, I have heard one cfs guru mention that cfsers drink like fish and piss like racehorse, this describes me as well. Antidiuretic hormones are also in the adrenal gland, correct me if im wrong, so i wonder if this maybe apart of the problem adrenal fatigue and this could lead to POTs etc. besides infections, i think the stress of cfs negatively effects the HPA axis which control all the type of stuff, how to treat it, maybe replacing defiencient hormones, but im finding that a challenge. i have always thought about diabetes insipidus being part of cfs as this relates to controlling fluid intake etc, poor control of this and POTS will end up a symptom. mmm interesting


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
I think CBS is taking desmopressin nasal spray. This another hormone (?) that I'm interested in looking at. It seems, for some, PWC's that there is a cascade of hormone deficencies. I have a gut feeling that our neurotransmitters are depleted as well as hormones. Norepinephrine (noradrenaline) should take a serious hit since it is primarily manfacturered in the adrenals. This gets way above my head though.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I have reacted really badly to things that act on noradrenaline. I used a small dose of reboxetine which is just a noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor, 1/4 of a tab, man it gave me energy the first day and i got heaps done but then i would have needed michael jacksons doc to get me to sleep and sweat, i was drenched in sweat all day. The energy from it stopped after a few days but the insomnia and sweating didnt, sweating was actually worse then the insomnia and thats saying something. I dont do real well on ssri's either but 5htp works well for mood. Tramadol which works on noradrenaline and serotonin i have never really had a problem. August59 i think your right in that our hormones and neurotransmitters are all low but can only tolerate low doses of meds to fix the problem and slowly taper upwards.

Sara with low vasopressin do u get that real drippy nose out of the blue, its not boogers(lol) but water/fluid just dripping out for no reason. I have found antihistamines have helped dry my nose out with this type of thing.


Senior Member
August59, thanks much for the info.

Heapsreal, I have drippy nose almost 24/7. I always mistook it for sinus infection - I have a sinus cyst detected by ct scan- but I am not sure if sinus is the real cause of nasal dripping. No carb diet helps a lot. I cant take antihistamines during the day because I feel sleepy after taking them. I think it's a good idea I ask my doc for desmopressin . The bad thing is that so far vicodin has been the only drug that helps me with my cfs. Any other drug my doc prescribed as per my request was just wasting money.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
you can get non drowsy antihistamines, ask your pharmacy. Sometimes taking phenergan at night will help u sleep and can help dry your nose throughout the day too.

good luck


Senior Member
Hi Sara,

Measuring ADH levels are part of a complex system that controls fluid balance. ADH levels alone don't tell you a lot. Many assays don't have a lower limit because you in some circumstances, shouldn't have any ADH in your system (eg. beingover-hydrated). That said, the limited literature on ADH and CFS shows that ME/CFS patients seem to have lower levels of ADH than controls. Inappropriately low ADH is referred to as neurogenic diabetes insipidus (DI) or central DI.

When you say your daily volume is huge, have you measured it and do you know the volume in mg of daily output (known as the "Outs" half of the daily "Ins and Outs"). It's probably best to PM me. Check out the Diabetes Insipidus web-page at


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
I have reacted really badly to things that act on noradrenaline. I used a small dose of reboxetine which is just a noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor, 1/4 of a tab, man it gave me energy the first day and i got heaps done but then i would have needed michael jacksons doc to get me to sleep and sweat, i was drenched in sweat all day. The energy from it stopped after a few days but the insomnia and sweating didnt, sweating was actually worse then the insomnia and thats saying something. I dont do real well on ssri's either but 5htp works well for mood. Tramadol which works on noradrenaline and serotonin i have never really had a problem. August59 i think your right in that our hormones and neurotransmitters are all low but can only tolerate low doses of meds to fix the problem and slowly taper upwards.

Sara with low vasopressin do u get that real drippy nose out of the blue, its not boogers(lol) but water/fluid just dripping out for no reason. I have found antihistamines have helped dry my nose out with this type of thing.

Hey heapsreal and SaraM - I think working up real slow is the key as we can't handle a knee jerk reaction for sure. It probably did not go down real fast either, but occured over a long period of time.

Where did the comment for the runny nose come from? My nose has been running (clear thin drips) so bad for the last 4 - 5 months and it started for what seems no reason at all. I've been taking Zyrtec every day with only limited results.


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
August59, thanks much for the info.

Heapsreal, I have drippy nose almost 24/7. I always mistook it for sinus infection - I have a sinus cyst detected by ct scan- but I am not sure if sinus is the real cause of nasal dripping. No carb diet helps a lot. I cant take antihistamines during the day because I feel sleepy after taking them. I think it's a good idea I ask my doc for desmopressin . The bad thing is that so far vicodin has been the only drug that helps me with my cfs. Any other drug my doc prescribed as per my request was just wasting money.

Hey SaraM - I have to take pain meds as well, but I can tell you that if you take them for Chronic Pain they will eventually lower some of your hormones, such as thyroid, testosterone and cortisol ( probably many more, but no studies to confirm). Have you had your testosterone checked lately?


Senior Member
Hi August59
I try not to take pain meds regularly and in fact I began using them very recently. Mostly I take vicodin a few days before my monthly cycle starts - pain level dramatically increases when there is a hormonal change. My testosterone level is also very good. Zyrtec and all non drowsy anti histamines do not work for me either, while I know I have too much histamine in my system which causes mouth ulcers. I also feel that Milk Thistle and Iodine are helping me to get rid of excess estrogen. DIM and Indole 3 were useless based on my experience.


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
What triggers high histamine levels? One symptom I can't sake right now is this feeling of the "shell" of my body being on fire and the insides going from hot to cold? I really need to get my hormones checked badly.


Senior Member
I really don't know but some foods , no matter how small the portion is, cause rash and mouth ulcers. For me night shade veggies and some nuts are the culprits. I have low level of Bifidus in my gut,too. Dr.Myhill believes Bifidus Bacteria prevents allergic reaction.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I dont know if its histamine thats the problem, but antihistamines can help with symptoms as they can dry secretions in the nose, mouth, bum(diarrhoea) etc. Antihistamines can also help with nausea and sea sickness and also they can be sedating and help us sleep. They can also help with pain or increase the effects of pain killers and can work well for migraines. SO i think we mainly use antihistamines for its side effects to help treat symptoms.


What triggers high histamine levels? One symptom I can't sake right now is this feeling of the "shell" of my body being on fire and the insides going from hot to cold? I really need to get my hormones checked badly.